Chapter 11

Loving you

I am such a tease! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA! 



P.S. I am planning to take a break (about two days to three days, if I manage to keep my fingers away from my keyboard) since I have to do school a book -that I haven't even started yet - for Wednesday, write an essay for Monday and do a practice reading comprehension auf Deutsch for Monday....yeah....busy busy bee! 

Chapter 11:

When the guests finally left, Eric, Hyesung, Andy and Junjin decided to stay at the mansion for the couple nights since the way back to Seoul was long and tiring. And everyone knew that Andy was fatigued enough so they decided to sleep two nights there and then leave the day after tomorrow at noon back to Seoul.


For Junjin’s irritation, Andy had gotten really drunk and he knew that the next day was going to be even worse. The young master was fidgeting on Junjin’s back and almost fell from it twice if Junjin hadn’t grabbed him in time. Andy kept singing or actually rapping out loud to his shoe –which he pretended to be a microphone – while Junjin was suffering to get him back to his bed.


“Yo, yo!” Andy rapped. “Wazzup?” He said when Junjin threw him onto his bed. “Dude!” Andy yelled but Junjin didn’t care as he just removed the man’s other shoe and pulled the blanket onto him properly.


“Jun*hic*Jin-sshi,” the disabled man mumbled. “For the first time in…” Andy closed his eyes and Junjin was pretty sure that he had fallen asleep for a second since he suddenly opened his eyes and glared at Junjin. “…my*hic*life…” Young master gulped and closed his eyes again. “…I had fun.”


Older man stared at him.


“And I don’t…*hic*…even have suicidal thoughts…yay!” Andy said tiredly lifting his arms to hooray, head sinking into the pillow. Junjin wanted to laugh and smile but he was too exhausted to do that so he just stared at the man.


“You are a good boy.” Andy blabbered while accidentally patting Junjin’s crotch and thighs. The said man tried to prevent of letting any sounds out of his mouth. “I hate you.” Andy then murmured. Even though the sentence was rude and pretty frankly, it was so softly said that Junjin finally smiled. He put his hand on Andy’s forehead and patted it. It was a bit warm but that was what alcohol did to humans.


“I feel the same towards you too. Andy-sshi?”


But the disabled man had already fallen asleep. The peaceful inhaling and exhaling was heard and Junjin exited the room after looking at Andy for minutes.


Eric got out of the shower feeling refreshed and clean. He had his sweatpants and T-shirt on when he collided with someone at the corridor after he had unlocked the door. They bemoaned and then noticed the other one, heartbeats increasing. The silence descended in to the room and Eric couldn’t utter a word. Hyesung didn’t look at him since he had turned his head to the right.


“Sung ah,” Eric mumbled. “It was just a kiss.” He spilled out like it needed some kind of clarification.


“Yeah,” Hyesung smiled, feeling the butterflies in his stomach. “Of course I know that. I wouldn’t think that the kiss was actually meaning something. We just did what we had to.” He explained too earnestly.


“Exactly.” Eric nodded. “We showed them, Sungie.” He hit Hyesung’s shoulder lightly and flashed him a grin. Why does it hurt so much to say this? He thought biting his lip. “You were good. You should really consider an acting career.” He added.


“We totally showed them.” Hyesung laughed. “You should’ve seen the shock on your mother’s face. She was really proud of you.” He poked Eric’s chest. “I was proud of you, Eric ah. I really enjoyed the night as your fiancé. I love you.”


They both startled.  


“I mean as a friend. I love you as a friend and as a brother.” He babbled as if trying to convince someone who didn’t know them.


“I love you too…As a friend.” Eric spoke. “I’m happy to have you as my best friend, Shin Hyesung.”


Younger man sneered and slowly closed his eyes when Eric’s fingers came in contact with his. They touched one another but then something went through their bodies and their hands got back to their places.


“Good night, Eric ah.” Hyesung whispered.


“Yeah, you too. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Eric murmured and stepped away from his best friend, who flashed him a smile and entered the bathroom, and then quickly walked away from him, feeling sudden urge to smoke.


Eric went for a night walk when he saw a bar located in the middle of nowhere. He entered it and it was filled with people at that hour. There were beautiful waitresses wearing tiny shirts and short skirts and they gave drinks to the eager men who gave too much tip to those girls.


Usually Eric was one of those men. With Minwoo they had met hundreds of women, slept with them and then just coldly left them before they had woken up from the hotel room. But now, Eric didn’t know what was wrong with him when one of those indescribably beautiful ladies advanced him and gave him a glass of beer and all he did was simply smile and bow.


That’s it.


Eric couldn’t lie though. Those waitresses in their teeny tiny shirts and short skirts were freaking y. They all had the same outfit but still the man could see the most beautiful ones in a flash. His brain wasn’t at his side though. When he turned to look at one of the girls, his heart skipped a beat. Her face turned into Hyesung’s face.


That was horrid.


“Would you like something, sir?” The waitress, who looked nothing like Hyesung, interrogated.


Eric saw his chance. If he wanted to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him, he had to grab it now and enjoy it. He smirked and leaned in to take a better look at that girl, whose name apparently was Syo Jin, and replied, “I would like to have…you.”


Hyesung was worried. He had seen how Eric had gotten out to smoke and then had disappeared in a flash to somewhere. Hyesung didn’t think twice as he grabbed his jacket, slid it on his pajama and ran out of his room. Junjin was just about to enter but was taken by a surprise when Hyesung pushed him out of the way and was abruptly nowhere to be seen.


“Hyung,” Junjin sighed.


Hyesung ran towards the bar that was located in the middle of nowhere. He stood in front of it when the main door opened and a beautiful girl and a man, who Hyesung knew very well, came out. Seeing his chance, Hyesung went behind a tree and proved how his best friend started to make out with that stupid and annoying looking girl.


It hurt even though Hyesung didn’t want it to hurt. He had no reason to feel what he felt.


Eric pressed that girl against the wall and ravished her lips that didn’t even look that nice. She was really beautiful, but Hyesung didn’t focus on her but to Eric who really seemed to be relishing. Maybe he wasn’t affected by the kiss because he was straight. Not that Hyesung himself would’ve been affected by it, no way! He just felt stupid. Really stupid.


Andy woke up to the most terrible headache ever. He lied on his left side when he moved himself onto his back and lifted his hand onto his forehead. His head was throbbing and pounding. Andy squinted his eyes, when the sunlight crammed through the bright orange curtain, and frowned when his head was near of an explosion.


“ANDY-SSHI!” Junjin screamed teasingly, knowing that Andy was suffering from hangover. “IT’S TIME TO WAKE UP!”


The young master closed his eyes and covered his head with the pillow when Junjin, jeeringly, started to knock his door with something rather provoking. Andy groaned when Junjin entered his room. The disabled man lifted his arms and Junjin pulled him up. Only now did Andy see Junjin’s face. It looked dreadful. He looked like he was in pain. He was hurting.


“Hey, are you okay?” Andy questioned, worry emitting his voice. “You seem sad.”


“What? Ah, no. I am fine.” Junjin responded while grinning.


Andy didn’t need to be a genius –who he of course was – to notice that that grin was a fake one. Junjin was down. He was always gloomy and serious with him but mourn plastered all over his face. If it were a comic book, Junjin would’ve had a sign on top of his head that told what was wrong with him.


“Oh, okay.” Andy answered pretending not to care.


“We are going to the beach. Would you like to come with us? Or is your hangover too bad?”


Andy contemplated. “I can come. Maybe fresh air helps to my headache.” He replied.


“Fine then,” Junjin mumbled. “I will get you downstairs soon.”


Hyesung was drinking his morning coffee in the kitchen when Eric came from the back door looking disgustingly satisfied. His hair was messy and his shirt was buttoned incorrectly while his neck was filled with hickeys and lipstick.


Hyesung glared at him. “Had fun?”




“Had fun with that girl?”


Eric cringed. Hyesung knew. How did he know? Was he there? Did he see him? Why was he there? Is he jealous? “Look, Hyesung,” Eric started. “I only—“


“You don’t have to explain it to me, Eric ah.” Hyesung spoke softly yet his voice was trembling. “I don’t care what you do at night with some girl you don’t even know.” He retorted, feeling furious. He crossed his arms. “We are best friends, Eric ah. Why would I care?”


I don’t know what I was thinking, Eric pondered. “I had fun yeah...I don’t feel complete or happy…but it was worth it.” He advanced Hyesung whose breathing got fervent. “I feel satisfied.”


“Good for you.” Younger man muttered sternly. “We’re going to the beach today. Join us if you want.”


Eric watched how his best friend stormed out of the kitchen, leaving the half drank coffee cup and not even touched newspaper to the table.


Andy and Junjin were moving towards the beach when they saw a young couple coming out of a market.


“Look at that weirdo,” said the girl, pointing at Andy who wore sunglasses when it was a little cloudy.


“I know. Sitting on a wheelchair and looking sick,” said the man.


Junjin instinctively clenched his fist while pushing Andy forward.


“Needs someone to help him. I don’t like helpless people.” The man voice mumbled. “They take all our money to get those caretakers and visit all kinds of hospitals only to get disappointed.”


Andy closed his eyes and endured all the mocking and mumbling. He was used to it. That was something he head every single day.


“Handicapped people steel all our money.” The woman spoke disgustingly.


Junjin saw how Andy’s hands slowly got onto his thighs and in there he fisted them into balls until the knuckles turned white. 


“Andy-sshi,” Junjin said.




“Don’t care about it.”


Andy snorted. “I don’t.”


“Right,” Junjin shook his head. “Why are you clenching your fists then?”






“Just keep going.” Andy said silently. “I don’t care about them.”


The man and the woman, who were about to get into their car, didn’t do it but just stayed to stare at Andy and his assistant. “What do you think about that caretaker?” She questioned. “Looks a bit off. I bet he’s one of those people who has just gotten out from the jail and has to do community service.” She laughed out loud.


The man nodded. “I was just about to say that! I wonder if that handicapped person is nice. He seems arrogant. Well, who wouldn’t be, if you had lost your ability to walk?”


Andy inhaled heavily. “Just don’t care about them.” Junjin soothed. “Just.don’” He whispered.


The young master squeezed his fist when he turned to look at the noisy couple with his deadly eyes. They were shocked by him and when they saw that same gaze in Junjin’s eyes they quieted down.


They kept moving when Junjin turned to look at them one more time saying, “It’s disabled to you bastards.”


Andy widened his eyes.


Eric, Hyesung, Junjin and Andy were finally at the nearest beach. They wanted to enjoy the sunny weather that finally showed it’s beams and made the beach really warm, hot even. Hyesung was walking in the sea, admiring the view. He lifted his hands onto his hips and inhaled deeply.


Junjin wanted to do something fun and so he ran behind his fully-clothed boyfriend and pushed him into the water. Long line of swear words escaped from Hyesung’s mouth as his only clothes were really wet. He glared at his boyfriend and scolded him sometime before he pecked his cheek and pulled him up from the water.


Eric watched from afar how his ‘fiancé’ was scolding his boyfriend for pushing him into the water. Hyesung looked really cute with his wet shirt and pants that were clued to his body. His tall and slim legs – that looked like women’s – were crooked from the knees and the shirt –that was little bit too big – hung unnaturally still showing Hyesung’s cute body around. Eric had always thought that his body was beautiful in his own way. It suited for Hyesung but now…Eric didn’t know that why he felt so hot when he saw the band of Hyesung’s boxers and his belly button. Or why his brain started to ponder that how well would Hyesung’s legs surround a human waist. A human’s waist? No, no, no: Eric’s waist. That was what he was thinking. That was what Eric was thinking about his best friend.


Andy stared at the scene where happy couple had fun. He wanted to have fun too but…Andy gave a look at his legs. Those stupid things ruined everything. He liked swimming though. When he was swimming in the swimming pool that was the only place he could pretend that he could walk. May sound weird but actually, people, who aren’t able to walk, swim so they can sort of like move under water. Andy liked it because of that. That was the best therapy he had ever had.


“Would you like to go there too?” Eric asked.


“No,” Andy lied. “I can enjoy the view.”


“You sure?”


“Yup, you can go. I brought a book with me.” Andy showed the book to his brother and Eric laughed out loud. ‘How to treat your caretaker nicely’ was the title of the book. “You’d be bored with me.”


Eric sighed, patted his brother’s head and ran towards the sea. Hyesung and Junjin started to throw water at him and the oldest of them all jumped onto Junjin and pushed him under water while Hyesung looked dumbfounded and started to scold them both.


A smile formed to Andy’s lips when Junjin pouted and went behind Hyesung who scolded his best friend, blush all over his face. Eric just rolled his eyes. That moment could’ve been awesome if Andy’s phone hadn’t rung.


“Hello?” The disabled man answered to it.


“Sun Ho, is that you?”


Andy cringed. “Sun Ho?” the voice interrogated.


“I’m sorry, but you are having the wrong number.”


Junjin and Hyesung were cuddling on a swing at the balcony. Hyesung Junjin’s arms while the younger man was trailing his fingers in his hyung’s hair. The atmosphere was perfect.


 “What was that kiss with Eric hyung?” Junjin had the courage to finally ask.


“What do you mean? Nothing. I just did what I had to.” Hyesung replied babbling. “Trust me.”


Suddenly Junjin realized what Andy had meant when he told about his trusting in people. He could understand him.


“It seemed—“


“Jin ah,” Hyesung whined. “You are my boyfriend and I think it’s your right to feel weird. But Eric is just my…friend.” He stuttered. “And I adore you and feel complete when I am with you. I can’t live my life without you.”


Younger man stared at him seriously. “Hyung, it’s not good enough for me.” Junjin muttered eyes teary. He turned around and left Hyesung alone.


“J-j-Junjin ah?”


Eric was pulling his shirt off, leaving his upper body , when Hyesung stormed into the room, looking furious.


“I’m so angry with you!” He yelled.


Eric looked at him quizzically. “Why?” he asked, holding his shirt in his hands.


“Junjin dumped me!”








“Because of you and me! He thinks this,” Hyesung motioned with his arm frantically and continued, “is real!”


Eric cringed and stared at Hyesung.


“And it’s not!” Hyesung screamed. “It’s not…real!” he said vaguely.


“Why didn’t you convince him, you gorgeous fool?” Eric asked seriously.


Hyesung’s cheeks turned red and his brain function stopped working after hearing the word ‘gorgeous’.


“I did.” He responded. “I did, Eric ah.” He turned sad and bowed his head. “I just don’t know why I…”


“What?” Eric questioned feeling sorry for his friend. “What is it you don’t know?” Unconsciously Eric dropped the shirt and walked closer to his friend who really looked like he was about to cry.


“I don’t know why I am slightly relieved.” Hyesung answered eyes closed his exposed arms trembling from the terrible confession. “I am relieved Eric ah. I am a horrible human being. I still don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to lose Jin ah.” He sobbed “I shouldn’t feel relieved. I should be sad. I should…should cry. I should be missing him and I do, Eric ah. I miss him!”


Eric frowned sadly as he curled his arms around Hyesung, arms brushing each other.


“Don’t cry.” Eric murmured softly. “I don’t like it.”


Hyesung nodded and lifted his arms to Eric’s back and boy did he startle when he realized that the older man was shirtless. He felt Eric’s hot skin under his hands and arms and the brownness of the muscled back emphasized the whiteness of Hyesung’s arms. Eric’s hand found its way to Hyesung’s neck.


“I am not beautiful enough for him.” Younger man suddenly murmured. “He is too handsome for me.”


Eric released him and looked at him with straight face. His eyes were glowing yet they showed gentleness and understanding. Hyesung bit his lower lip.


“You are beautiful Hyesung.” Eric said.


“No, I am not. I am ugly.”   


“No! You look beautiful, Sung ah.” Eric mumbled, cupping Hyesung’s delicate face.


“Eric ah,” Hyesung moaned.


“Your eyes, nose, mouth and…lips,” said the older man. “Everything’s so beautiful.”


“Don’t,” Hyesung whispered weakly as Eric was getting closer- thumbs rubbing his red cheeks. Who Hyesung wanted to convince? No one. He wanted those lips to touch his and get that feeling again. He wanted to feel safe. “I am not beautiful.” Hyesung murmured while closing his eyes, feeling Eric’s breathing on his cheeks.


“You are, my love.” Eric muffled, eyes closed. “You are beautiful.”


And just like that, their lips touched. 


JinSyung's not over yet....unfortunately. There's going to be more complicated stuff...Just wait....

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turyka #1
Chapter 30: So i'm on a RicSung fever right now and found ur story... and I love it.
Although i felt sad for Jinnie at the beginnig cause he really have an amazing heart. I glad that you pair him with Andy and that you didn't change ythe fact that he can't walk . Sad but is inspiring.
Great work ^^
Jasonlee #2
I found this fanfic.. it take me some time to find this ff coz i had forgoten the tittle. I remember the plot of this ff is about andy being in a wheelchair + a bestfriend eric n hyesung ..
ps : This fanfic was my bedtime story during college time
ps: Im a huge fan of Andy
Chapter 30: Yanno? I still hate RicSyung even tho ive reached the end of the story. Er, maybe 'hate' is a strong word but.. still.. I dont think id be able to read any ricsyung for a while cz well my heart's still hurting from the time when ricsyung hurt my dear precious Jinnie with their confusion n denial.. Maybe im TOO into the story but what can I say, Jinnie is my absolute bias.
Nice plot tho.
(Tho now im in a great need of anything Jinnie related fanfic which doesnt consist of him hurting, just to mend my STILL broken heart)
Thanks for writing.
SoulDragon #4
Chapter 30: Wonderfull! Some parts where a little bit too detailed for my tast hihi, but that's just my preference ;). I also loved the JinDy side story, could verry well be a main story!
Thank you verry much for this wonderfull story, i really enjoyed it!
Chapter 30: i cried so many times reading this fanfiction. ;_;
its so so so beautiful the jindy couple really made me adore this story, its amazing! thank you and congratulations! ♡
Chapter 20: I love this story so much, especially jindy's part.. kinda complicated but sweet :'3
Chapter 30: Ok, first off, sorry for the late comment :D
But aww, such a cute epilogue. :D
Jindy's married, Ricsung has a kid, and now a dog too. :P
And so nice of Ricsung to help them move in :D
Also, the kids name, really reminds me of Eugene from SES :P
I really realized as I read this, that I really am gonna miss the full length Jindy stuff from you :( I enjoy having weekly stuff to read from you, and comment on
wid_03 #8
Chapter 30: hohohoho...want to see yujin actually,,
but..ok,,loving you already completed..^^