Sleeping Weeping With You

Take My Hand, and We'll Make It I Swear
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Lightning flashes, providing the only dim light on the somber night, as they were answered by roars of low thunder. The branches of the trees swayed to and fro, side to side. The sharp wind howled in every street, sweeping anything in its way. It's been two days after the incident of Tsu-tsu. You get up to set up the alarm system after watching the movie Scream. Since you were done with all of your homework assignments, you decide to watch Scream 2. As you sit back down to catch the movie, your phone vibrates. You pick up your phone only to see an incoming call.

You: "Yeboseyo?"

Himchan: "Junsui-ah! Annyeonhaseyo? What's up?"

You: "Umm..I'm doing fine Himchan-oppa, just about to watch a movie."

Himchan: "Oh I'm sorry if I'm distur-YAH YOUNGJAE SETTLE DOWN!!"
In the background you hear laughter and someone pouting.

You: *giggles* "kwenchana Himchan-oppa, is everything alright?" You hear some ruffling noises coming from the boys and some slaps, then more laughter.

Himchan: "Ne Junsui-ssi umm hold on...-ZELO-YAH MAN UP AND TAKE THE CALL!"

You were wondering what is all the fuss about. You hear a beap coming from your phone, you check and see their is another incoming call.

You: "Himchan-oppa I have an incoming call, call me back in 15 minutes, wakatta?"

Himchan in the background: "yah I told you Zelo too late you're going to have to wait.... Ne Junsui-ssi."


You: "Yeboseyo?"

There was a long silence. You decide to answer again, still no response. Just as you're about to end the call and someone lets out a heavy sigh.


You: "Who's this?"

"It's me, mom."

Your grip on your phone tightens and you feel your heart race in anger.

You: "What do you want?"

Mom: "Young lady, don't you dare use that tone with me."

You don't respond, you couldn't think straight nor find the right words to say your mom. You feel as if you've lost all respect for her. Despite the fact she's your mom, you only saw her as a stranger. In the background you hear children laughing and playing in the background with your mom laughing at their actions and a baby cry among them. *she...has a family already?*

Mom: "Junsui I was wondering if you can open up a savings account and deposit 2000 won as a headstart for us when we come visit-"

You: "Ooh I'm doing fine mom thanks for asking! (sarcasm) Us? Who's US!?"

Mom: "Junsui relax ok? I've already had it with your negative tone-"

You: "Really mom?! REALLY!? YOU'RE the one who has been far away for so long! You left without even calling at least once a month, you don't come visit, you didn't come to grandpapa's funeral when you promised me you would, you never did your part as a mom and now you want me to save up for you and your NEW family to visit here!? Don't you have money!? What about me mom!? I need to save up for MYSELF now that I'm on my own!"

Mom: "Junsui enough of your whining and-"


Without thinking, you toss your phone across the living room and begin to cry. Your chest heaved uncontrollably as you punch the wall next to you. You couldn't believe how your mom has just forgotten you like that. To even think she has a new family made your heart ache. The sadness was crawling back to you again, as flashbacks went through your head like a short movie scenario. The house phone rings. Your hands shook as you picked up the phone.

You: *sniff* "Yebo..yeboseyo?"

Himchan: "Junsui-ah! I tried calling your cellphone and it only lead to your voicemail... hold on Zelo wants to talk to you."

Zelo: "wae?? noo himchan-hyung you ask Junsui-noona please no! Stop it Daehyun hyung that hurts!"

Youngjae: "Aiish Zelo quit being such a sissy and ask!"

Himchan: "Zelo if you don't ask then-"

Zelo: "umm...noona?"

You: *sniffs again* "Y-yes Zelo-ah?"

Zelo: "Noona? Are you crying!?"

You: "Ani Zelo-ah, just a bit sick."

Zelo: "Noona, can I-" CLICK

The power went out. The house went completely dark. You look out the window and it turns out the whole neighborhood's power went out as well.


Zelo's Point of View:

B.A.P made their way to a pizza place, one of the finest pizzas in Seoul. Himchan parks the car and Jong-up, Daehyun, Youngjae, and Zelo jump out from the car and race towards the pizza place.

Yongguk: "Aiish they get excited over anything!"

Himchan shakes his head and reminds the boys not to act like total baboons nor be loud like hyenas. He holds the door open and without listening the 4 excited boys run inside.

Himchan: "WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?"

Yongguk pats Himchan's shoulders, "Don't worry commander, they will be under your order again someday!"

Himchan facepalms himself and they both march inside. Yongguk looks around the restaraunt, amazed at how the huge place was and joined the 4 younger members, mesmerized.

 Himchan: "GUYS SETTLE DOWN! Zelo-yah...what on Earth are you doing? Aiish I knew I shoudn't have  let him watch any Dragon Ball Z or Naruto or whatever.... T.T Daehyun settle down! You look like an overly excited chimp hyping over a banana."

Himchan, in embarassment, walks over to the counter and looks over the menu. His thoughts were real deep into what kind of pizza he should order.

Zelo: " now...scanning menu..."

Himchan jumps, startled and slaps Zelo on the back of his head, "Zelo-yah! Aiish you scared me!"

Zelo: "Zelo must help Himchan Hyung scan for the right food...."

Himchan sighs covering his face with one hand, "Zelo...SHUT DOWN."

Zelo: "Yongguk-hyung created me...I can't shutdown..."

Yongguk: "Don't worry Himchan I got this...Zelo shutdown."

Zelo: "Shutdown." He slowly walks away then joins his other hyungs, who are still hyped up about the place.

There was a mini arcade area packed with people. Youngjae and Daehyun were too busy trying to beat each other at guitar hero, but they both completely failed. Somenow Youngjae managed to win. On the other hand, Zelo and Jong-up were playing, "let's dance."

Himchan and Yongguk places the order. Once they have received their food for takeout, it took them a while to get the boys in order and outside without making a ru

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Making a few grammar corrections! ^^


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nara13 #1
Chapter 13: Wait, what? A love triangle? Didn't see that coming *O* I guess either end the story at this chapter or continue with a few chapts more is good. It's written beautifully for an end, authornim so it's up to you whether you want to pull a stop here or add a few more chapts :D
ExoticExo_ #2
Chapter 13: oh my goodness. update ASAP ok :'c !! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Exotica94 #3
Chapter 2: Wow authornim i love the way you write. Zelo is so sweet! Im glad i came across this fanfic
Chapter 9: ....... please ;~; update soon! loved this chap. *-*
ExoticExo_ #5
Chapter 9: I.loved.this.chapter ❤❤❤❤❤