Life of a commoner

The Royal Boy


To Commoner

The suddon alarm clock when off, making Danbi groan and cover her face with the pillow she was sleeping on. She was beyond tired, From the late shift she had to work last night, plus she had a ton of  homework to do over the weekend , and now she has to get up on this dreary Saturday and work again...her work was stressing, but she managed. Slowly getting up rubbing her eyes she sled off her bed and went into the bathroom. She did the usual, brush her teeth, wash her face, and took a shower. Once she was finished she put on her work clothes and brushed her hair putting it into a high pony tail , walking out into her small kitchen she was looking for brother. He would usually be sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal, but today he wasn't there. She sighed in disappointment glancing over at the note on the table,opening it.


Danbi, I left for work early today

Don't leave here until you eat something.


She chuckled...Without him, what would she do. She grabbed herself an apple and headed out her apartment, She didn't have car so she usually walked , Danbi worked at a local  Grocery store that was close to where she lived so she was thankful for that.


Walking , She noticed that there was magazine stand and a guy yelling out if anyone wanted to buy the  What's happening today with the Royals  Magazine. She slowed down her pace stopping at the stand with some other people , Of course the Royal's that lived in the upper city caught her eye... The word just made her wonder, she never understood anything about a Royal. Where she lived at people here weren't as into the Royals as other's were,But her girl friends were obsessed with them. What was the point of being a Royal? and why did they look down on commoners like her so much? yet, she still couldn't help but to be tempted to get a magazine, but like always, everyday when she passed the magazine stand she walked away empty handed because she felt like they weren't worth it at all.


Finally, when she got to her work place, It was time to start... She greeted her manager and began to do her daily duties. Stocking empty counters, registering customers, and seeing if anybody needed help. Honestly It was tiring, but as long as Danbi got paid she didn't really care. After a couple of hours, she could go in about 30 minutes. She was now at the register just waiting so she could take a break and then head to her other job.


" Hey , Danbi!"


She looked up to find her classmate  Kai smiling  at her handing her a cart of energy drinks  for her to check out. She smiled back at him, " Hi Kai... That's a lot of drinks." She commented. 


" Yeah... " He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. " Its not just for me... It's for my friends, you know them ... It was my turn to buy the drinks, We are playing soccer at the park today."


"Oh yeah... You guys practice all the time for try outs next month."


" Well, yeah... But we mainly do it just for fun and It gives us something to do while we aren't working... You should come watch us play today.." 


Danbi bit her lower lip, Oh how she wanted to so bad... Kai was her friend, but she couldn't help to have  a little crush on the guy. He asked her all the time to come watch them play, and all she did was turn him down. 


" I-I'm sorry Kai... I have another job I have to get to.."


Kai made a dissapointed look, as he gave her the money for the drinks. " Oh.... That's okay... Goodbye Danbi.. Nice talking to you." and he walked away. Danbi sighed,  she hated disappointing him... and even anyone at that. Her friends always asked her to go places, but she would always push them off saying she had work to do, which she did, She always did late shifts... She couldn't turn down the money, She simply needed it being the commoner she is. Her shift was finally over, Which gives her time to have a short break and then to her new job.


" Noona! would you do me a favor and put the help wanted sign by the window?" Her coworker  Tao asked. Danbi sighed, Ofcourse this place needed more workers than it already did. She nodded taking the sign and putting it to the window.


" Leaving so soon?"


" Yes... My shift is over Tao, Now stop asking me questions." 


" I wasn't asking you a lot of questions."


Danbi sighed and made a small laugh, Tao was her coworker  at her work and also a school mate, She considered him as a friend even though he was childish and a two years younger than her. He made her day just alittle bit amusing with his cute aegyo and funny remarks to things.

" Man, Don't you know how boring it is without you here? " He pouted. " The old Hag is going to make me mop the floors again."


Danbi ruffled his messy black hair and smiled. " You'll be alright... Just don't slack off... See you on Monday." She got her bag and headed her way to her other job, That was far away from where she lives. Danbi worked at a small but cozy Coffee shop, She would always work long night shifts and spend her time doing Homework there when she was the only one there.


She took a bus and couldn't help but hear something about the Royals.


" Are you sure you heard that?"


" Yes, one of the Royals are going to buy another one of the commoners companies? Can you believe that? If That Royal keeps up, He might buy the whole lower city!"


" But did you hear what else? One of the Royal men bought a Tiger with a diamond encrusted leash!"


" Oh my god! Whats his name?"


" His name Lu-"


Danbi couldn't listen anymore about the gossip , Her stop had came as she quickly got off the bus feeling the cold air fill her skin... How stupid, She thought. How could someone like that Buy the most unneeded thing when she could barely pay for her own college fund and giving her half of the money she earned to the bank where they passed it off to the Royals?


The Royals made  her so angry sometimes, Why would the commoners pay them taxes if they were so rich?Thats how life was down here, Almost every commoner had to have a job... That's why it would be so rare to have a help wanted sign anywhere.


Finally she entered into the small cafe, and breathed in the fresh smell of coffee beans and ice cream.


Her other coworker Tanji who was the manager  had greeted her as she was behind the counter getting ready to leave.  " Hey Danbi! My shift is over, Take over the register for me, and don't worry about making anything, Taemin is in charge of it for now."


Danbi slightly bowed and nodded. " Okay, I'll lock up the place again tonight."


" You don't have to do that Danbi, You always do it... Let Taemin do it for a change. Besides, Dont you need to be getting home after your shift? You live pretty far away." She reassured her.


" That's okay... I like doing it anyway, plus I will just eat something here, My brother won't be home until late and the bus picks up late, and no way can Taemin be here by himself... The poor boy would be scared out of his mind. I will be fine I promise."


" Well.... If your sure." Danbi gave her a nod and she sighed, She waved goodbye and left... Leaving Danbi In charge.


She put her things away and began work... People would come in one at a time, and Danbi would get Taemin to make what they wanted and proceeded the same thing throughout the evening, soon it became later and later and it was night and Danbi still had a couple of hours to work and then she would close the shop.


" Noona! I really can stay with you if you want! You can't be alone, you always do this to yourself." Taemin pouted.


Danbi sighed, She never new why Taemin and Tanji would be so nervous when she closed the shop late at night, the neighborhood was decent and nothing ever bad happened to her.


I will be fine! you and I both know that you need to be with your grandma... Now go! before I kick you out of here." Taemin gave her a sad smile and new she was right... 


" Next time... for sure I won't leave and I will help you lock up the shop.. Promise." Danbi smiled at him and Taemin left leaving her with by herself... It was funny how Tanji nor Taemin could figure out why she wanted to be the be the one who locked up and stayed late, It was  a certain customer who came here almost every night who Intrigued her.


Danbi couldn't tell if the customer was a girl or boy.... But tonight for sure, she was going to find out.



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Chapter 2: Oh wow. I'm liking this story. I wonder what is going to happen in the next chapter.

Are you planning on continuing with this story?
carla23 #2
Chapter 2: Next chapter please
Chapter 1: Cant wait for this ^^