Life of a Royal

The Royal Boy

From Royal

Luhan was In his room, Quiet and lonely as usual, laying down In his king sized bed looking out of the beautiful night view of his window, for awhile he was  starting to get bored, He needed something to entertain him, No one to talk to and no one to play around with.. Only people looked at him, but he never cared, He loved the attention. Thinking for a second he had just heard his phone ring, It was the person he wanted to speak to the most, Kris... One of the Royals.  Saying to come meet him  and the guys over at the country club.


He had thought about it,There was no stopping him, His mom wasn't home and when was his father ever home? He got up from his bed and slid off his clothes to put something more casual on, The country club was where all the top  Royals went to have some fun and to just hang out.


Putting on the quick nice looking clothes he looked at himself In the mirror for the last finishing touch.


Luhan felt like he never had to really try on his appearance because he naturally looked good. So a little spray of his cologne and the Royal women would be all over him tonight. One last look In the mirror and he smirked at himself.


" Now this.. Is how a Royal should look like." and headed out the door, Into his black Mercedes. 







Walking into the club with his most closet Royal which would be Kris, Luhan felt superior, The women were gawking at him, Then there were the many  of males who's eyes were filled with jealousy, Glaring at him. But he didn't care... He loved his enemies. He went over to the bar and got himself a small glass of  red wine and sat at the VIP table with some of the other Royals who greeted him, He would always be the one to liven up the group of friends with his jokes and his daring smile. Luhan didn't have much close friends though, He only trusted one person and that was Kris... 


The scene of the club was most exquisite, Not many people could be part of it... 


Most people would think that the country club was loud and party style, some of them were, but not many, It was nothing near like that, Like the ones the commoners would have that he heard so much about, But no... after awhile the classy music mixed with the small giggles from the Royal women would get so boring. He felt like He needed more... like Something was missing from his life. Interrupting his thoughts, Someone had tapped on his shoulder.


He looked and saw that It was Solmi, One of the Royal women. She was beautiful, He thought, but never could get Interested In her, She was just too annoying for him he guessed, But still killed her with his charming smile.


" Luhan... Would you please come talk with me for a second?" She kindly asked. He smirked at her, Girls like her were so predictable.. She would probably bat her eyelashes at him cutely , and ask him if he would join her family at one of there private villa's in the upper mountains.


" Sure..." 


He gave Kris his drink and winked at him as he followed Solmi... Giving him the signal that he wouldn't be gone for long. 


He followed Solmi outside as she turned around and batted her eyelashes cutely at him. Predictable yet again. He thought. She fiddled with her fingers as she continued. " Well, I was thinking that maybe you and your Family could come join my family to one of our villas In the mountains... My  father and your father could talk business and we can have fun together... Wouldn't that be wonderful?"


Luhan hid his distasteful look, Never would his father talk business with her father... Again, another one of the Royal women had asked him that annoying question... Why couldn't they see that he didn't want to be bothered with that crap?


" Yeah.... Um... Sorry Solmi, My father is out on business ."


" Oh...Well how about-"


" Sorry Solmi, But I'm really not interested, So go ask one of the other guys..Im sure they would 'love' your company." Luhan left the girl standing there, awkwardly dissapointed, He didn't care though.. She should have at least done her research to know that Luhan never accepted any requests from annoying girls who bringed up anything about his father. He then went back to Kris with an annoyed look clearly on his face.


" What's wrong with you?" Kris mused.


" Don't act like you don't you know.. another one of those women had asked me the same old thing, It's gets so annoying.. All they want is my father and my looks.." He dramatically sighed. " But who could blame them? I would want to go to a villa with me too."


" Then why turn them down?" Kris asked rolling his eyes, he had gotten used to his friends arrogant acts... Luhan was way to into himself." Because... They are so boring." He emphasized. Luhan sighed, He wanted to get out of here...  " Im leaving..." He brushed off the imaginary dust on his shoulders and took the last sip of his drink.  " and the drama queen leaves his throne." Kris yelled as Luhan exited the bar. Luhan left with more cheerful greetings from the other Royals as he brushed them off with a smirk.


After he had left Luhan was about to do the unthinkable, Something a Royal would never ever do. Go to the lower city where the commoners are. Okay .. Okay.. not that bad, but a Royal would find it the most horrifying thing ever. 


Living the life of a Royal each one must have a high reputation... No Royal was supposed to talk to a commoner...ever! It was just something you don't do, and you would never catch a Royal being In the commoners part without a servant or basically you would never see a Royal there period. The commoners were like aliens to the Royal's, they saw them as worshippers, because that was all they were good for. Royals were rich and bought the most unneeded things, they spent money like crazy. Luhan on the other hand had a different thought, he did think lowly of the commoners , but he never really interacted with one.


There was no way Luhan ever drove his car to the commoners side because too many people would be suspicious.  He is an eye catching person after all. So as usual  Luhan would get a hoodie and hide his face, and take a long walk to catch a bus. Gross, he found taking this vehicle was just not  appealing to anyone's eyes, but no one ever noticed him. Now you wonder, why would a snobby, prideful Royal go to the commoners side? because Luhan had a fancy for commoners coffee, a stupid reason indeed. That's pretty much the only thing he new about a commoner and what they drink.


Getting off the bus, He walked a couple blocks to where he wanted to go the most, A  nice coffee place that was always opened late, It was always night so no one ever noticed Luhan, They thought of him as a regular commoner. But truth be told He was far from it. 


This is the life of Luhan the Royal, find it interesting? He doesn't.







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Chapter 2: Oh wow. I'm liking this story. I wonder what is going to happen in the next chapter.

Are you planning on continuing with this story?
carla23 #2
Chapter 2: Next chapter please
Chapter 1: Cant wait for this ^^