Ice cream

Ice cream

A/N: I'm so sorryyyyyy!!!!! >    ^   < I'm like stuck badly and busy as hell! 


Cool breeze blew into my face waking me up from my slumber, rubbing my eyes I noticed the balcony door open. ‘Did someone break in?...but this is the 11th floor?!’ I turn around and found my lover missing beside me.


“Jessi?” I called out into the dark, and a loud ‘I’m here honey.’ came from outside the balcony, sighing in relief i got out of bed and slowly walked towards my girlfriend. Although it was in the middle of the night, I could clearly see Jessica’s figure with the moonlight shining down on her. She was wearing a tank top which hugs her body revealing those curves and assets, the short shorts were showing off her honey thighs ‘So y and beautiful’ I continued admiring the angel in front of me.


“You could come closer and check me out instead of standing over there.” Jessica teased making me blush in embarrassment after being caught staring.


“W-what? I was just s-spaci-ing out, kinda still sleepy” I lied, earning a chuckle from the blonde.


“Tiff...just come here!” I smiled at the request and skipped over to the girl, who had her arms out.


“So why is my sleeping beauty up at this hour of the night?” I asked while snaking my arms around her slim waist, while she wrapped her arms around my neck.


“I was just thinking…” Jessica murmured into my right ear.


“That is quite scary.” I joked but yelped when Jessica started smacking my arms.


“Ow o-w ow! stop! I’m just kidding, princess!” I tighten my grip on her waist, pulling our body close together.


“Hmp! As i was saying before you insulted me, I was thinking about us.” The older girl said.


“What about us?” I stared at her with confusion, ‘Is she going to...break up with me? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?!’ I started to panic at the thought of Jessica leaving me.




“No it’s n-”


“Whatever, I did wrong please forgive me! I’ll make up my wrong doings, give me another chance!” I went down on my knees begging the love of my life.


“Darling it’s no-”


“Is it because I’ve been paying too much attention on Seobaby? She’s our love child and you know she’s dating that Yong-dude”


“Not that, Fan-”


“OMg is it totoro? I can totally throw him awa-” I was cut off when a pair of soft lip was pressed against my own.


“Shut up for a moment, Hwang Miyoung and listen to what I have to say.” I gave her a nod, still uncertain of where this is going.


“No, I’m not going to break up with you! You’re perfect to me and I love you too much to let you go. It’s Yonghwa, he’s dating Hyunnie Tiff at least try to remember his name.”


“Hey! He still hasn’t gotten my approval!” I complained.


“Tiff, technically Seohyun can do anything she wants since she’s just 1 year younger than us and we just name ourselves her umma and appa.” Jessica state while pulling me up.


“Whatever.” I pout at the girl in front.


“Anyways, I was just thinking about us...How we first met, going out, moving in together, us fighting, and now…” Jessica whispered as she snuggled into me. The two of us stood in silence, enjoying each other’s company but I decided to pull away to stare at her beautiful face. ‘So beautiful no matter how long it’s been’ I smiled at her.


“What?” Jessica glared at me making me giggle.


“Remember how we met?” I smiled at her while entwining our hands together. The older girl scoff and lightly nudge her shoulder against mines.


“Of course! urgh how could I forget, I was your first customer at that ice cream shop and you practically spilled ice cream all over me and fell on top of me too! You were the clumsiest person, why did they even hire you to work is just beyond my comprehension honestly.”


“Yah! That’s mean, it was just once! and I said sorry already for spilling it on you. I even made my manager take my salary away for that month!” I argued back.


“Pfttt really Tiff? What about the other time you tripped and spilled water on my shoe? and when you made me slip on the wet fl-”


“Okay okay okay stop! But I always say sorry and make it up to you! I even gave you my clothes to change in.” I pout at Jessica, who was laughing loudly beside me.


“I know Tiff! You’re just so cute to mess with.” The blonde pulled me into her embrace and rubbed our nose together.


“I love you” I whispered before pressing my lips against her own thin lips. The other girl tightened her grip and deepened the kiss, our heads moving in sync with each other. Unwillingly Jessica parted away to give us some air to breathe.


“I love you too.” Jessica shyly said and quickly buried her face into my chest. ‘My wifu is so cute!’


“Hey Jessica…”




“Now that I think about it, I need to thank the creator of ice cream.”


“Why is that?” Jessica curiously looked up at me with her cute brown orbs. ‘She will be the death of me I swear!’


“Because if it weren’t for the ice creams we wouldn’t be here together! And somehow most of our special moments involves ice creams in some way.” I stated while reflecting about our past 3 years together.


“Hmmm...That’s true now that you mentioned it. Like when you finally had some guts to ask me out! Gosh the way you asked me out was just so lame! I can’t believe I had to tell Taeng and Yul to tell you I’ve been crushing on you! Why are you so dense.”


“Hey hey hey! you’re going off topic here! I don’t need you to rub my denseness on my face! But you still love this babo anyways so, sush!” I whined.


“Whatever, but sending me 5 bowls of ice cream; saying ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ and a receipt saying it’s free of charge, really Hwang? You’re just trying to make me fat and die from diabetes!” Jessica complained as her hand was moving everywhere and ended up smacking my nose.


“Owww! Well I’m sorry! I thought it was sweet asking you like that! At least you didn’t have to pay for it!” I muttered while rubbing my redden nose. ‘Jesus this girl is crazy! Why am I even with her?!...right cause I love her so much I’ll die without her.’


“Well yeah, so sweet I’ll be fat and die from diabetes. Thanks Hwang, I feel love.” Jessica sarcastically said.    


“Babyyyy~” I pout.


“Hahahaha I’m kidding honey! It was so sweet of you, although i’ll still get diabetes from eating ice creams. But I love you very much!”


“Psh, whatever you say Jung.” I turned away, pretending to be mad at the latter. I heard a sigh from behind before a pair of arm wrapped around my waist and a weight on my shoulder.


“Whether it’s 20 or 100 bowls I’ll eat it all! Because I really love it Tiffany. Thank you.” Jessica whispered into my ear, making me blush.


“ Fine, just because I love you so much.” I gave in since my girlfriend is just so cheesy and cute, making me pinch her cheeks. But end up pinching her too hard making her yelp in pain.


“Baby! That hurts!” Jessica pouted at me who was rubbing her cheeks in order to lessen the pain.


“I’m sorry is this better now?” The older girl shook her head and pointed her finger at her cheeks while making a smooching expression, I rolled my eyes at the lame request but leaned in and gave her a peck on both cheeks. However, the girl seemed unsatisfied with the kiss shook her head and keeping on point at her cheek.


“Geez…” I muttered, but this time gave her a big kiss.


“Happy?” The other girl happily nod at me like a kid making me chuckled at her dorkiness.


“ cheeks are kinda sticky and eww-y because of your sliva.”




“Kidding Tiff! Don’t take me seriously, gurl~”


“Stupid Jung!” I huffed in annoyance.


“Yet you love me so much” Jessica crossed her arms and smirked at me. ‘I’m going to wipe that smirk off your face!’

“Me? Love you? Don’t make me laugh Jung! I’m sure it’s the other way round” This time it was my turn to smirk.


“Urgh! I hate you Hwang!”


“Oh really?”




“We’ll see about that!” I pulled her by the waist and crashed my lips onto her own lips, but before Jessica could respond back to the kiss I had pulled away.


“Hey, I’m still not done kissing you.” Jessica tried leaning for a kiss however I manage to push her away shaking my head at the same time.


“Well do you still hate me honey?” I put on my puppy eye expression.


“No no no who said I hate you! I completely adore you baby! can I kiss you now?” I chuckled at her impatience ‘Beg for it girl! MUAHAHAHAHAAH!’


“Well...hmmm...i don’t know…” I trailed off just to tease the whining girl. The reaction I received was unexpected when Jessica had wrapped her arm around my neck and kiss me. Jessica started nibbling my lower lip making me moan unconsciously.


“Your moans are so y~” Jessica whispered into my ears sending shivers down my spine.


“Jessi, we just did it last night I’m tired.”


“Psh...Fine.” Jessica snuggled into my neck and the two of us silently stared down at the city view below.


“Tiffany remember our first date?”


“Yeah how could I forget? A day at the mall shopping with the most beautiful girl on earth, then bringing her to an amazing italian restaurant which her girl been dying to go, and to top it off a late night walk at the park and our first kiss under first snow. Best day of my life! And knowing that she loves me back is just so wonderful.” I pride state.


“Such a sweet talker.”


“Only for you dear.”


“Honestly the night could have ended  better if you haven’t had too much wine at the restaurant and when we had ice cream you wouldn’t have been ddilfany and spilled ice cream on my dress!”


“Can’t you let that go?”


“I could but you know how low your alcohol tolerance is, and that dress was my favorite too!”  


“But honey,  I hand washed that dress and ironed it perfectly before giving it back to you. I also brought you a new pretty dress too and and and I gave you an all you can kiss Tiffany voucher!”


“Pffttttt. I could kiss you as much as I want since I’m your girlfriend anyways.”


“Are we really going to argue about the past.” I complained.


“Fine, I’ll let you go this time.” Jessica said making me grin.


“I love you!”


“Yeah and I love myself too.”




“Hahahaha. I love you too the way I expect all those totoro thrown away by tomorrow morning.” Jessica said as she pushed me away and walked into the bedroom.





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Chapter 1: Sweetness overload... Hahahha i love it :)
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 1: Omg !!!! Like seriously.... I'm getting fat by read this story of yours.... Goshhh why jeti so sweet and adorable together... And i love how jessi always fany... I love it... And i love ur story... Thank youuu
Hi! (: this is the first fic I read after so, so, so many months! Like seriously! & I'm pretty glad I read this (:

I love how tease and sweet Jessica is in this fic! How she bullies Tiffany & pull her for a hug before the latter gets entirely pissed of. LOL

Keep writing dongsaeng <3
Chapter 1: so cute :D
mvpvip801 #5
Chapter 1: hahaha, how can Jessi expect Tiffany to throw all her totoros away
Chapter 1: cute~ ^^ but tsk tsk, poor Tiff :p
Chapter 1: Kiyuuuttttsss! Cute cute totoro lllolololllol cute!
So, ice cream huh?
should i work in ice cream cafe so i can get a girl like Jessi? hahahahaha!
well, thank you for this cute story, dongsaeng!
expect more beautiful stories from you :)
you know, these kind of intersting stories always make want to write againHAHAAHA.
Thank you! And you, better take care :3
Chapter 1: Ma JeTi so TOTOROLLY cute! Lol at ddilfany and receivingendJessi! <3<3<3
Such sweettalkers and the end coul have thought so too, all Totoros have to be thrown out keke :-P

Keep Up!
acetpn52 #10
Chapter 1: Hahaha cute oneshot I really like stories like this thank u
I guess we can forgive u this time :p