Kenra in my college





Chapter Two:
Kenra In My College

“Kenra! It’s time for breakfast! Come down now!” My master called me. I jumped off the comfy bed and ran down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. My master has an apron around her waist and she put the grilled salmon into a bowl; placing it near the door.

Oh! I forgot to tell you. My master’s name is Ashioka Yura and her age…. I’m not pretty sure how old she is but I can say she is not married, no boyfriends *yehet~*, single *of course* and a teenager. Nyahah, I feel my horns are growing now. Okay snap it! She is nice. Rather than my jerky previous master who has no mercy or I can say monsters who has no hearts.

“Kenra, I’ll be going to school after this. So make sure you don’t go anywhere. I’ll come back early and takes you a walk. Okay?”


Yoooooo~ A walk in the evening! Evening? Lunch? Night? O.o

Ashioka Yura

I locked the door and Kenra is safely inside. I’m so happy he’s here and becomes my new company. I’m not alone anymore. I walked to my lecture hall and grabbed my usual place.

“Hey, Yura! You came quite early today! Something just knocked your head yesterday?” My partner who sat next to me sneaked out.

“Funneehhhh. No. Aip! Yes. A yes. Yes yes.”

“Say it straight. What’s wrong with you?” She gave me a weird look.

“Nothing. I mean a yes. I found a cat yesterday. I was so happy and yeah, my heart knocked something. The wall of the heart is pumping irregularly until it feels the four chambers almost burst.” I said bluntly.

“What the….”

I chuckled at how she crossed her hands to her chest and turned away.

“Don’t talk to me until mid-year test!”

Meow~ Meow~

“Eh?? What was that?” She turned to me. Okay, asking me actually.

“You said you don’t want to talk to me until mid-term?” I chuckled.

“No I’m serious. What was that? I just heard a cat’s meow.” She said, shifting her gazes up and down.

“No. I don’t hear anything.”

Meow~ Meow~

“There! It’s moving! Something must be in your bag!” She screamed, pointing at my moving bag (?) I turned to my bag and saw it is moving. Hoho thanks to my esteem. Eh wait what? Okay whatever. I’m not that scared and I’m not scared of ghost either. Because I love to watch ghost movie, especially Ju On. Huh! Maaa favurit!!

I untucked the button and opened the bag. “Kenra!” Kenra came out of my bag, meowing.

“Kenra! How did you get in here? Oh my goodness, this is in school. Animals are not allowed.” I started to panic. In case, I will get disciplinary actions. All students in my class gathered around and Kenra’s head.

“Aww it’s so cute!”

“What’s its name?”

“Can I have it?”

“Yes. His name is Kenra. And no.”


“The teacher is on the way!”

Everyone ran back to their seats and I pushed Kenra back into my bag. “Shhh, you stay quietly in here. If you cause any trouble, remember, no food for lunch! Understood?” I hang the bag at the pin next to my table but left it open.


Surprisingly Kenra stayed still in my bag. He doesn’t make any sound during classes. I'm so surprised actually. During lunchtime, I went out of the campus and went to the nearest café to get my lunch with Kenra. I set up my bag on the table and called him out.

“Kenra, it’s time for lunch dear”

Meow~ He crawled out of my bag and sniffed to the food. I bought a plate of boiled chicken with flavor and he starts to munch it.

“Nice isn’t it?”


He ate everything and nothing left aside on the paper plate. I already had my chicken sandwich and it is time to go back to campus before it is too late for the next class. “Kenra, we have to go now. If not, I’ll be late for the next session.” I said.

Kenra hoped into my bag and I opened the top, letting him to have the fresh air. Since it is cold enough today, the feeling is splendid. Kenra’s cute little head popped out and I can hear him purring.

We went back home after a tiring day and Kenra got his second dinner. He looked happy and jumped around the kitchen. I was busy washing the dishes and he run around in a circle, trying to grab its tail. It was so cute. I laughed looking at its cuteness.

I walked up the stairs and got ready to go to sleep. “Goodnight Kenra.” And switched off the lights. Tired. Tiring day. But a nice feeling for what have happened today.


I’m being so hyper today. I just couldn’t sleep yet. I have never feel so happy until today I know the meaning of happiness in my life. Yura treats me with her kindness, not like what my previous master did before. I have to forget what is past. They will never going to happen again and thinking about it is just so hurting.


My first time in a human transformation as I walked towards the mirror, seeing how I’m look like in my human form. Hmm, so this is how I look like. I looked the same as the Japanese singer named Nakajima Kento from y Zone. Exactly the same but I have a pair of cat’s ear and a long tail at the back. My fangs are hidden inside but when I smile, I looked like a vampire.

Time to catch some sleep before the dawn breaks tomorrow. I went to the mat and crawled under the comforter that Yura has put. It was large and enough for a human to use it. My eyes suddenly caught a book at the dressing table behind me. It was her account notebook. I took the book and jumped on the balcony; flipping the pages one by one.

    April xoxo 20XO,

    I met Marius at Shibuya. He was wearing a casual outfit that time and a glance at someone who was walking behind him. A group of boys walking with Marius. They really caught my attentions but the only one I was paying attention is the person who was walking exactly behind Marius. I was so attracted to him until I didn’t realise he gave a look at my directions.

    I flinched as I made an eye contact with him. He flashed a smile from across the road and joined with his group of friends. That moment, which one particular moment made me raced a heartbeat. They disappeared along with Marius with them out from my sight and I realised he was the leader of the rookie group Johnny Entertainment has formed name y Zone.

    I knew Marius was one of the members but I didn’t realise the group of boys were his bandmates. I smiled along the way back to my home until I forgot to take my dinner. I’m so happy to meet them at the road and it really brighten up my day. Not my ichiban (favourite bias / number one bias), Marius who saw my presence but my niiban (second favourite) Nakaken (Nakajima Kento’s nickname) but as long as he notice me, I’m enough for it.

Nakajima Kento huh… I flipped the next page, she pasted a picture of the group. And the following pages she labelled the members’ names. Well then, time to sleep. It is so late already.

Ashioka Yura


My hand swung to my right and pressed the button. The alarm went off. It’s already 6 am and time to make breakfast. I jumped out of the bed and walked towards the door but then I stopped at my tracks. Hearing a sound of droplets from the bathroom and purring.

I saw Kenra was not in his bed, so I assumed he is hiding somewhere. I walked slowly, trying to get a clear sound from the bathroom but then the door knob turned around and came out a half- guy while his hand is wiping his face with a piece of towel.

“Ah!! Who are you?!” I squealed. He was shocked at my loud voice while looking at me.

“Hey, hey, calm down. I will explain.” He said.

“Who are you?! Tell me now! You just break into my house! I’m going to call the police!” I ran to grab my cellphone but then a strong grip from behind and spun me around.

I accidentally tripped and he fell with me with him above my body. Our faces were just a few inches away and he had his small towel cover his head. The droplets from his fringe dripped on my face. Oh my gosh! Nakaken?

“It’s me.” He said, locking his stares right into my eyes.

“Nakajima Kento?” Nakaken is in my house? How he knew where my house is? Suddenly the towel at his head fell off revealing A PAIR OF CAT’S EARS?!

“Oushhhh…” He stood up and trying to cover his ears.

“Who are you?” I stood on my feet slowly.

“I’m your pet, cat. Named Kenra.” He said, folding his ears, covering it in between his long hair.


author's note!

The second chapter is up! Yay! *throws confetti* I hope you enjoy reading and free love to Nakajima Kento, leader of y Zone. Pardon me, he is a JPOP boyband. Well yeah.. urm.. Finally Kenra showed the real him. I wonder what will happen to Yura in the next chapter. Want to know? Stay updated!

Excuse me for my English because it is not my first language so please pardon with it. I will update the grammar, mixed up spellings or left words frequently. Have a good day subscribers and silent readers! Hope you enjoy~ Don't forget to check out my other fanfics too //especially Cold Spring and Fake. My biggest creation that I'm proudly present with a long chapters. Teheee~

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please update soon !
Thank you for making something related to jpop & yzone , i love them soo much :)
CheshaCat #2
FINNALLY!!! i found someone who will write about J-pop XD