
Good or Bad I Love You

It's been a month since Gayoon and Nana incident with Kai and Daehyun, Seohyun didn't know about it since the two girls knew she had enough problems on her hands. Nana went out drinking one night when Daehyun show up, he knew she was drunk and took her to his house. Hyosung along with her parents were in the living together when Daehyun walked into the house with Nana by his side. 

"Daehyun who this?"

"Appa this is my girlfriend no, my fiancee."


"I'm getting married to her, she having my child. I don't care if you don't appove, she the one i want." drag her towards the stairs.


Turn around to face his family. "We already sign the paper, you can't do anything about it." 

"Omma, Appa." Hyosung said looking at her parent.

Daehyun took her into his room and took out a piece of paper in his hand, he and Nana left the house again. He went over to one of his hyung and have him be their witness, Nana didnt know what's going on as she sigh the paper she was ask to sign. Daehyun took care of Nana as she kept throwing up. Gayoon was home alone when Kai knock on their door, not looking who it is she just open the door. 




"Why what?"

"Why did you lie that you were that women?"

"Would have you stopped and listen?" cross her arms. "Didn't think so, its not her fault your brother likes her, she didnt ask for this. And so did i." close the door. 

"I didn't know..if i knew i wouldnt have done that to you."

"It's to late, get away from my home before i call the police on you."

"Gayoon please listen to me."

"Go away." she turn off the lights and went back to her room.

Seohyun wasn't able to return home until later that night, she was tired her cloths were a mess she went to her room and took her cloths off and headed for the bathroom. She stay in the shower for more than an 1 by the time she came out of the bathroom she notice the boy standing there. 


"It's never enough, it will never be enough."

"I don't want to do this anymore." 

"It's to late for that, the divorce paper came in already."

"I'll leave, i'll go away."

He walked towards the bathroom where she was standing, he puts his hand on her shoulder. "You ruined her already, you make their child fatherless because of your own selfishness." 

"Don't..I don't want you to do this anymore. I'll talk to him." 

Yongguk pulled Seohyun back into the bathroom and closer the door, he pin her agaisnt the door as he kiss her neck. When he was finish with her, he pulled her towel off her body as she was covering herself. He look at her body which was mostly cover in purple and blue spots, he took out his phone and tell her to look up. 

"This should be a good photo on the billboard." he smile and look down at her, she look up with tears in her eyes. "Don't give me that look, you did this to yourself." 

Yongguk walked out of the bathroom as he heard her crying, he knew she got hurt because of him. The next couple of days Nana came home with Daehyun and met Gayoon. The two girls went to her room as they called Seohyun who was at work. The three girls facetime each other as Nana told them what happen. The two girls didnt believe Nana would go off and married Daehyun or leave them like that. 

"I'm sorry."

"It's to late for that, he wouldn't let you go now."

"Nana just don't do anything stupid."

"Gayoon, i'm sorry i couldn't help any longer."

"No, it's my fault..you guys were right..we shouldn't do this anymore."

"Than let's stop..live our own life." Nana said. 

"Seohyun what do you think?"

Seohyun jsut smile at her two friends as she was crying inside, after she ended the facetime she burst into tears. She left the company and walked off  not carring, she went to sit at the park where she first met Jaejoong. As she stare into the water tears were flowing down her face, she felt a hand wiping her tears when she turn and saw him. 

"Why are you crying?"

"I broke up a family."

"You weren't the only one, he agreed to do it as well."

"Fulfilling this mission we started off seem like a good idea, but after a little while, everything was falling apart. And i'm one of the parts that is falling."

"You went through alot during your childhood times, but is it worth it now?"

"Nothing worth it anymore."

Jaejoong pulled the girl closer to him and hug her tight, she cry in his arms. Kai and his sister in law went to find Jaejoong when they saw him holding another girl, when Kai said his sister in law cry he got mad and went up to them. He pulled the girl off and push her away. 

"Can't you find your own man, why are you ruinning other peoples marraige." 

"Kai.' Jaejoong shouted at the younger boy. 

"No, can't you see sister in law loves you so much that she knew you were seeing someone else she still stick with you. Why are you doing this to her." 

"Shut up Kai, this has nothing to do with you. Why are you getting into my busniess." 

"Because your my brother, i care and i also care about her." point at his sister in law. "This is nothing better than a piece of dirt under my feet." 

Seohyun notice Jaejoong folding his fist as she quickly stood up and stop Jaejoong before he regret hitting his little brother. "Jae, please..don't do this..he right." 


Kai pulled Seohyun away from Jaejoong. "Go get yourself a life, stop meddling into other people busniess." took out some cash and throw it at her face. "Take this money and get out of town." 

Jaejoong look at Seohyun as her tears flows down her faces, she picked up the money that was all over the sidewalk, she give it back to the boy and walked off. She could hear them arguing with each other. Yongguk who stood not to far saw everything, and follow the girl whereever she was going. She got into her car and drove off, as he couldnt catch up to her. Within a few days since that day at the park Seohyun hasn't return home or answer anyones called, Gayoon told the police and put up sigh but no one has seem her. After another week they found her car parked near a big body of water, her shoes was left behind along with her purse and cellphone. When Gayoon and Nana heard the news the two girls broke down in tears, Gayoon couldn't forgive herself for asking Seohyun to keep doing this even though she knew the younger girl was suffering. No one knew she was suffering to the point where she wanted to kill herself. Yongguk didn't know what to do or what to say, Himchan really fell in love with her and wanted her to be his wife, Jaejoong knew she liked him and he too liked her alot, Kai and his sister in law felt bad that they embarrass her in front of so many people that day.


Sorry for many grammars mistakes guys. ^^ Enjoy and sorry i been away. 

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Reyanna1015 #1
Chapter 6: Pls update been waiting for a lobg time!!!!
Reyanna1015 #2
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update. I actually want to know who is with who??
Chapter 4: Btw where is yongguk? I wonder nana is with who?
eugenenni #4
Chapter 4: Seojae kissed~~ Update soon please.
the plot was nice...
the revenge they're planning kind of can make their life miserable but...
the scars won't be able to remove easily...

you got lot of typos, grammar and repeatedly used wrong words such as
bought-it supposed to be "brought"
sigh-it think u wanna type sign..

better re-check the chapters before publishing...
it will be much better for the readers to read.. :D
and i will wait for the next update..
Chapter 4: Update soon
seokhun47 #7
Chapter 3: seokai please i beg u~~>_<
Sumire_Uchiha #8
wow cool awesome! pls pls pls update soon~~~~
sehunforever #9
Chapter 2: Seohyun with himchann pleasee!!
Chapter 2: seokai plss!