Like Mother, like Daughter

Good or Bad I Love You

Ever since Nana was born she never got the chance to know her parents, they die and left her with her aunt and uncle who doesn't want to take care of her but had no choice and kept her. She was never loved while living with her aunt and uncle, everyday when she goes to school she would starve most days and when she comes home she would have to cook and clean the house before her aunt and uncle comes home. Everyone once a year her uncle would give a little pocket money but it would be done by the end of the day as she use it for food. When she enter Middle school she only have three outfits to wear for the whole year, there she met two other girls who was also like her. Gayoon live with her parents in a old house that look like its going to fall any minutes, but she didnt have to choice to move. Whenever other kids see her coming out of her old house they would make fun of her and telling her that she stinks, she would fight back but at the end of the day what they say was true. The other kids would always for having three outfits and how her parents are alcoholic and always using their money to get alcohol, she hated her parents. Seohyun never had a father figure in her life after her father left them for other women, ever since than she hated guys. They have to move into a small one bedroom apt, she didnt mind the small space until her mother start bring guys home every weekend. When Seohyun enter Middle School and met both Gayoon and Nana the three became friends, they learn about each other life. Seohyun is more of a reble, Gayoon is a quiet and Nana a talkive person, each girl were so different but they still became friends with each other.

Almost everyday during lunch time, Seohyun would steal some food and bring it to Nana and Gayoon since they don't have money for food. As they sat down and eat the food Seohyun bought a group of girl and their boyfriend walked up to them. "Did you find these food in the garbage?" The girl in the white shirt said looking at the three girls sitting down. "Don't be embarrassed to tell us, we won't tell the other kids." the other girl said with a smile pace on her face when she grab the bread from Gayoon plate and threw it on the ground. Seohyun stood up and grab the girl who threw Gayoon bread on the floor by the collar when her boyfriend pull Seohyun away, he push her off him and stood in front of his girlfriend. "You don't have permission to touch my girlfriend." he told her. "Seohyun ah, let's go. It's not worth it." Gayoon said and pull her friends away. 

The three girls don't get to see each other after lunch as their class are far from each other and have different hours, but at the end of the day Seohyun would give the two girls some food before they went home. Seohyun watch as her friends walked away with the food in their backpacks, she turn around to walk off as well. Gayoon was close to her house when she saw her father walking out of their house, she went up to him when he look down at the young girl. "Give me money." he shouted at his daughter. "Appa i don't have money." She told her father, he grab her ripped backpack and dig through when he saw some food. He look at her and grab the food. "Food." he said and shove them inside his mouth, she just stood there looking at her father eating the food Seohyun give her. "Go inside, your mother wants you." he said with a mouth full of meat and bread. Gayoon walked into the house and she could see bottles of soju lying on the floor, after she picks them up she clean the house. 

Nana came home when she saw her uncle sleeping in the living room, she slowly walked across the room when she heard her name being called, she turn around to look and saw her uncle starring at her. "Yes uncle?" she asks. "Go get me a glass of water." he told her. "Ok." she drop her bag on the floor and walked towards the kitchen, as she came back and didnt see her uncle she looked around when she felt a hand covering , she fell down on the sofa as her uncle was on top of her. She try to scream but he cover and use his other hand to go down her body, when they heard the door he stood up and pull Nana with him. "You better shut up if you don't want to live in the street." he said to her before letting her go. She cry and ran to her small room. Nana didn't come out until later, she grab her things and ran to Seohyun house. 

Seohyun was sitting in their small living room when her mom came home with a man, she stood up and looked at the man that her mother bought home. Her mother drag the man away with her to their one bedroom apt when he turn his head to look at her, he smile and wink at her before closing the door. Seohyun hated all those mens that comes to her house, she decided to leave the house when she saw Nana running towards her way, she ran towards  the girl when she crash into her arms. "Nana, what happen?" she said with a worry voice. " uncle try to touch me." she said still crying. Seohyun just stood there hugging the girl in her arms. "Don't cry, come live with me." she said and grab her bag, the two girls went inside her house. She cooked some food and give it to Nana, they were sitting when the man came out with his shirt off. "Hi." he said to the two girls. "You're mother sleeping." took out some money. "Here take this and go buy you some candy." he said and left with a smile on his face. Seohyun grab the money and open the door. "Take your money with you, i dont need it." she threw them back and close the door. 

Every day at school Seohyun, Nana and Gayoon would get put down by one or the other girl, not one day they let the girl go on without saying something to them about them being poor. When they found out about Seohyun mother they start teasing her more and more, and sometimes it get to her. She knew what the others student said was true about her mom. "You're mom a , and you will become one soon." the girl name Jieun said. "What can you say, like mother like daughter remember." her friend said and they walked away. Seohyun look up and saw other student laughing and pointing fingers at her. One boy walked up to Seohyun. "I'll pay you if you let me sleep with you." he said with a smirk on his face. Seohyun stood up and push the boy away from her. "You will never get the chance." she said and start walking away. He too stood up from the ground and shouted something to her, she ran back and attack the boy. They were taken to the office when Seohyun notice her mom boyfriend came to the school instead of her mother. After a few minutes of talking they left he office. "Why are you here?" she said not looking at the man. "Because your mother ask me too. She to drunk to come." he told her. "Go home, if your going to leave my mom than leave her now." she said and walked away. He look at the girl walking away when he to turn and make his way out of the school. 

When school came to an end Gayoon and Nana were outside waiting for Seohyun the three girls went home together. 4 years went by when Jieun and Hyosung moved to other country. The three girls was able to have a day without anyone saying something to them, it didnt take long when boys starts giving the three girls attention, and they seem to like it as well. Gayoon wasn't that shy girl anymore she was quiet when she needed to be but has a strong aura, Nana didn't talk as much as they enter high school together, Seohyun's sometimes become a rebel when she need to and become good when she wants.

During their time in high school they went through half the boys in school, making girls hate them but they didn't care, they just wanted to do what makes them happy.Guys would come and take them out, buy them things and give them money to use whenever they ask, Nana uncle looked for her when he saw her with Seohyun and Gayoon. He saw how beautiful she became and wanted her back home. "Nana." he said to the girl. She smile and walked over to her uncle. "Uncle what are you doing here? Where auntie?" she asks as she puts her hand on her uncle shoulder. He couldnt stop starring at Nana beautiful body, and face. "She working." he answer back. "Uncle these are my friends. Seohyun and Gayoon." she smile when the two girls walked up to her uncle. "Uncle, would you take us to eat and pay us cloth?" Gayoon asks touching his hand. He nod his head, looking at Nana and Gayoon held onto Nana's uncle arms as they walked into a store, the girls picked out alot of things and give it to her uncle to buy, he bought it without thinking much. Later that night the girls said their goodbyes as they watch Nana's uncle got into his car and drove off, they went back to their place. "Auntie going to kill him." Nana said throwing the bags on the ground. "He deserve it." she said looking at the girls. "We got your back." Seohyun said as she walked into the bathroom. "Let's make him and your aunt get a divoce." Gayoon said as she look at Nana. A smile appear on her face. "Lets." 

Within a few months Nana' uncle and aunt went bankupt due to the money he spend on Nana, when his wife Nana's aunt found out she went to Nana and hit her in front of her friends and the man she was with. Nana stood up and look at her aunt. "Auntie that wasnt very nice of you to hit me like that." she said with a cold voice. "How can you use your uncle and my money to get you everything you want." she shouted at the young girl. "Auntie i didnt ask uncle to give me anything, he wanted to do it himself. If your mad maybe you should go take a look in the mirror and see how you look and than come back and look at me." she said and she walked out of the cafe. "Nana." she shouted. Nana turn around to face her angry aunt. "If you want to aruge go back home and aruge with your husband." Nana walked out with her two friend when the guy she with chase after her. "Nana wait for me." he said running past her aunt. 

As they last year of high school came to an end the girls got many gifts from the boys at their school and those older male, the girls use the money they got from the boys at school for a trip to a spa. They were just sitting and relexing when they notice other women's husband are looking at them. "Everywhere we go, someone bound to look." Nana said as she cover her face with a towel. "Let me show them a bit more." Gayoon stood up when Seohyun pull her back down. "Not know, you will when we go into the hottub." she said as she close her eyes. "Fine." The girls waited for a bit and decided to go for a little hottub, as they walked past the room fill with male they all turn their head to look at the girls walking by, Gayoon drop her towel when she bend down to pick it up. She turn her head to look at the mens starring and wink at them. She smile and walked away following her two friends. "Did you two see the look on their faces when i bend down to grab my towel." she asks her two friends. "No, you should charge them." Nana said smiling. 

The girls moved it into a new place while Seohyun mother stay at their old apt with her boyfriend, the girls always getting call every few hours. Seohyun turn her phone off as she didnt want to answer anyone call or see anyone, as she went out for a walk alone in dark she notice one of the guy that she talks to was following her, she walked over to him. "Why are you following me?" she asks the man. "I just miss havent answer my call or text." he said looking at the young girl. "I dont want to, if you don't leave me alone i'll never speak to you again." he nod his head and turn around and left, she went on with her walks in the silent when she notice a man sitting alone reading a book under the light. She walked over to him. "You can see in the dark?" she asks. He looked up when he saw her. "Yes, it's peaceful during the night time." he said as he close the book. "Have a seat." he said with a warm smile. "It's ok, i should get back. Sorry to bother you." She said as she turn around to walk away. 

A Few Years Went By.....

The girls were more mature and dropped the boys around their age, they were more into other guys who had everything. One night the girls were out eating by themselve when they notice a girl walking into the restrauant with a man trailing behind her and a kid in her arms. The girls knew who it was when they heard her name being called. "She back." Nana said as she drink her wine. "Can't wait." she added. "To bad, she had a cute baby." Gayoon said as she look at her and her family. "About time." Seohyun said as she finish her wine. 

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Reyanna1015 #1
Chapter 6: Pls update been waiting for a lobg time!!!!
Reyanna1015 #2
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update. I actually want to know who is with who??
Chapter 4: Btw where is yongguk? I wonder nana is with who?
eugenenni #4
Chapter 4: Seojae kissed~~ Update soon please.
the plot was nice...
the revenge they're planning kind of can make their life miserable but...
the scars won't be able to remove easily...

you got lot of typos, grammar and repeatedly used wrong words such as
bought-it supposed to be "brought"
sigh-it think u wanna type sign..

better re-check the chapters before publishing...
it will be much better for the readers to read.. :D
and i will wait for the next update..
Chapter 4: Update soon
seokhun47 #7
Chapter 3: seokai please i beg u~~>_<
Sumire_Uchiha #8
wow cool awesome! pls pls pls update soon~~~~
sehunforever #9
Chapter 2: Seohyun with himchann pleasee!!
Chapter 2: seokai plss!