Chapter 5 : Any Bias


Being his wife,

2nd November 2013


I was seated in the living room reading my book. The clock was ticking as it showed that it was close to 11pm. He told me he was finally coming home tonight after long hours of work. The whole house was dimly lit, only the living room lights were on. I was nearing the end of a chapter when I heard the front door beep open and closed shut a split second later.

“Baby?” I heard his voice echo through the almost silent apartment. I hummed back in response to tell him my location. Feet shuffling against the wooden floor and then I found myself being wrapped by a pair of familiar arms from the back.
“You stayed up for me?” He mumbled as he pecked my cheek. I was too immerse in reading that I hummed in response again, eyes never left the book. His arms left my shoulders and went around the couch. I was almost at the of the story when suddenly, the book was snatched away from my grasp. I let out a yelp when he casually threw the book on the coffee table and lay on my lap.

“I was finishing that chapter!” I pouted at him. He shrugged his shoulders and shut his eyes with a mischievous grin on his face.

“Well, this husband of yours is much more important than that book.”  He pointed to himself. I sighed but my lips tugged into a smile. He was finally back home. I missed him so much,

“How was work?” I asked as I ran my fingers played with his locks of hair. He released a deep sigh. I noticed the dark circles under his eyes had gotten worse. “It was exhausting,” his voice trailed off before he continued, “But it was memorable.” My smiled widened. He really loves his job no matter how hard it is. He then began rambling about the different incidents that happened while he was working, from fan meets to commercial filming. He always had memories to share with me. It was never boring, I loved listening to him talk. As he was telling his stories, my hand gently his hair and the other was being held by him. Times like these were always the best.

Then suddenly he stopped talking. I watched as he peeked at me from an eye.
“Why are you so quiet today?” He commented. I laughed and pinched his nose lightly. “That’s because you’re talking too much.” He scrunched his nose and the both of us laughed heartily.

It’s been almost a year into our marriage and everything has been picture perfect. There was nothing I wanted more than being with him. Sure there were times that we disagree with each other but we knew each other well enough after years of dating. Beginning of our relationship was a storm due to his fans and career being our obstacle, but eventually, we braced the storm. It was all smooth sail from there.

“I missed you…so much.” He whispered. He reached out to my cheek. The feeling of his touches still sent electricity running through my body. I rested my hand on his and the both of us shared eye contact. “I miss you too.”

No words were needed at times like these.
“You should go and wash up.” I commented. He shook his head and crossed his arms.

He was being childish again. I patted his tummy lightly, “Go wash up, or else I’m not sleeping on the bed with you. You stink.” He pretended to look hurt but then smiled. “Yes my lady, I will head to the showers right now.”

He stood up, pulling me up with him. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “Can you cook up something for me real quick? I didn’t eat dinner.”

I frowned, “Why didn’t you?”

“I miss my wife’s cooking.” He pouted, “Will you? Or are you tired? I can just survive without dinner tonight. On second thought, just rest. I’ll be done showering soon.”

He was about to leave when I grabbed his wrist and laughed, “I’ll cook some Omelette rice for you.” His eyes twinkled. I knew he loved that. “Now go~.” I pushed him towards the toilet and left for the kitchen.

“I love you~” he sang as he went into the toilet. He was truly an idiot, a cute idiot and my husband.

It wasn’t long before I felt a presence behind me while I was cooking. A soft humming near my ear as I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder, rocking me side to side gently. “Baby, you smell nice.” He mumbled as his lips brushed against my skin. I felt electricity running down my spine. Trying hard to focus on cooking, I tried to do the finishing touches for the omelette on the plate.

Suddenly, he twirled me around in such a hasty manner causing me to fall into his arms. My palms resting on his shoulders as his arms locked around my waist. “I want you,” His dark orbs was filled with lust. I grew flustered.

“Oppa, I still need to finish cooking.”

I tried to pull away but his firm grip never left my waist. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. His soft lips landed on mine for a second or two before pulling away, leaving me wanting for more. I pouted with my brows pinched together. He laughed, “Why the frown?”

“I thought you were going to kiss me.” I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me. He chuckled again before leaning in for another quick peck, “There, a kiss.”

I pushed his forehead using my finger. “That wasn’t even a real kiss.”

Almost immediately a sneaky grin was plastered on his face and started leaning against my body, not leaving any gap between us. His forehead rested against mine as I started to shuffle backwards. A gasp escaped from my mouth when my came in contact with the Kitchen Island. He rested his hands on them, each of them on either side of my hips. I was trapped.He chuckled once again but this time, it sounded much more…y.

He leaned in and snuggled against the crook of my neck, gently planting soft kisses. “You want me to kiss you?” He whispered, “Kiss you like I mean it? Let my tongue dance with yours? Kiss you till you’re breathless?”  His hot breath tickled my skin. I whimpered softly like a little puppy. I muttered his name and trailed his kisses up to my neck then finally next to my lips.

“You want me to kiss you?” He asked me while grinning. By that time, I was very frustrated. He was teasing me on purpose. “Just do it,” I growled. The both of us made eye contact and in a swift motion, his lips landed on mine. It started off gently but gradually, his kisses turned needing. His tongue poked on my lips begging for entrance and I gladly gave it to him. His hands roamed around my waist and neck. His head tilting to gain better access. Our tongues danced together in rhythm. None of us fought for dominance. We were equal. After a while, he pulled away and I tried to catch my breath. I thought we were done but I was so wrong. Suddenly he picked me up and I ended up on top of the island and his lips found mine again.

He drew himself closer to me, standing between my thighs. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck. I heard him groan when I playfully bite on his lower lips, knowing very well that it drove him crazy.

“Babe, don’t do that. I won’t be able to control myself.” He managed to say between the kisses. His husky voice was making me more aroused. I let my fingers run through his hair while his rubbed against my thighs. His hands crept higher and higher up my thighs. My mind was hazed. All I could think about was him. All I could feel up my senses was him.

“You’re so y…” he muttered. His kisses went down to my neck again. He trailed kisses everywhere and finally when he found my sweet spot, he began on it. I moaned.  

However, he stopped soon after. I watched him pull away and look away.
“I’m sorry, I went too far again.” In just one look, I knew he was feeling guilty. I gazed at him and softened. That was when I knew why I loved him so much. No matter how much he wanted it, he knew I wasn’t ready. He always considered my feelings. I cupped his face and made him face me. I gave him a soft smile. His eyes weren’t as jubilant as before. It was filled with regret. I gave him one last peck on the lips.
“I love you,” I said with all my heart. He returned my smile. “I love you too.”

He took a step back and helped me off the island. “That was the best kiss.” I giggled. He smirked and tapped my nose, “you should go ahead and rest. I’ll finish the food and do the dishes.”

I shook my head and insisted that I accompany him. After failing to make me go to bed, he gave in and the two of us end up sitting at the dining table. I watched quietly as he ate the food and regularly complementing me for my cooking. We made small talks and by the time the clock strike 12 midnight, the both of us were in bed. All the dishes done. I rested my head on the pillow and let out a sigh. It had been a long day. He pulled the duvet over the both of us and came closer towards me. I smiled up to him and snuggled against him. He had his arms around my waist and the other softly my head.

I inhaled his scent and the two of us lay there for a few seconds, letting the night sink in. I looked up to check if he was asleep but I found him gazing dearly at me. Red coloured my cheeks and looked back down.

“Aren’t you going to sleep?” I asked him.

“Aren’t you?” He asked back.

“Oppa,” I called out.


“Will you ever stop loving me?”

Silence fell for a split second,


“I will never. Never ever stop loving you, my dear wife.” 



This is my 2nd time trying the 'any bias' kind of fanfic. 

I hope i didn't have any mistakes though i didn't check. 

Hope you liked it. 

:) COMMENT if you like it or not


I'll be back to feed you guys with more.....






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Chapter 2: ;alskdfj my freaking heart al;skdfj <3333 but what about that "husband" of hers? XD
Loveviviann #2
Chapter 4: PLEASE DO A SEQUEL TO THE KRIS FANFIC ! I love ur oneshots sooo mich <3
Chapter 7: Aww! This made me cry! I thought he's going to die. T__T the gifs are perfect! It made the story much better ^^
Joanna-K-Lee #4
Chapter 5: I love these oneshots. They are all so amazing. I was having such a bad day and then I came across this and I read all of the stories and I'm in such a good mood. Thank you for writing such amazing stories. I'll be waiting for more!
Aikyung #5
Chapter 3: OMG your ff is soo good. It has a meaning on this chapter ^^
Can you make a oneshot with Lay or Tao?
Thank you :D
Aikyung #6
Chapter 5: OMG, my heart beat so fast. This is nice ^^d
wow. awesome awesome.
Chapter 3: Update soon sorry if i didn't comment i have school nows a days :(