Chapter 3 : Luhan


Sealed with a Kiss

11th September 2013



The sun was hidden behind the grey clouds. Everything looked so gloomy and it fitted the atmosphere of the day too.

I sighed as I continued tapping my pencil on my desk. Words going in and out of my ears but nothing was interesting enough to get me into the studying mood. This was torture. The seniors were locked in for supplementary classes till late. Could this day get any worse?

Knock Knock

Someone tapped on the classroom door lightly. All heads turned around to see another senior from the other class standing at the door frame with a grin. Luhan greeted the teacher at the front of the room. Some sat up to know what he was doing in a history class when he should be in calculus.

“I’m sorry sir, but Haewon and I are being called to return home immediately.” Luhan glanced at me for a second and sent me a wink.


My eyes rounded and sat in alarm. Home? Did something happen to umma? I started to panic. The teacher took the permission slip from Luhan and nodded his head.
“Alright, Haewon. You’re excused.” The teacher looked at me before returning to the lesson.

I hurriedly packed my bag, stuffing everything inside carelessly and went out of the classroom. Luhan was waiting for me outside with his back leaning against the wall next to the door. Before I could even say a word, Luhan pushed himself off the wall and took my backpack.
“Let’s go home.” Luhan lightly placed his hand on my little back and urged me to move.

“Did something happen to umma? Did she get hurt? Is she alright?” I began to question as worry cross my face.
Luhan let out a laugh and pinched my cheek, “Nothing happened. You’ll have to thank me for getting you out of there. You looked like a zombie.”

“You lied?!” I screeched and Luhan placed a finger on my lips. He glanced left and right to see if anyone was eavesdropping then turned back to look at you, “It’ll be our little secret.”

“LUHAN!” I wailed but Luhan simply continued walking as he chuckled.


Luhan and I are good friends brought together by our parent’s close relationships but tragic happened when Luhan’s house got burnt down. He was the only one that survived the fire and he had no one to turn to since his Aunt lives in China. My parents talked it over and decided that he could live in with the family. It took him a period of time to adjust to his new life style but he managed to pull through. I did everything I could to make sure he didn’t break down and give up on life. He made through his finals and managed to get promoted to senior year. And here we are in senior year,


“We’re home!” Luhan called as the two of us walked in through the front door. The aroma of mouth-watering food filled the air and I knew exactly where my mother was. I threw my bag onto the couch and went into the kitchen to find my mother cook dinner. I went to take a peek and inhaled the smell.
“You’re home already?” My mother turned to face us, surprised.
I gave her a pout, “Why? We’re not allowed to be home early? Come on LuLu, let’s go back to school~” I playfully tugged on Luhan’s arm but he simply chuckled.
Mother laughed along, “My daughter troubles you a lot doesn’t she Luhan?”

“I’m okay with it umma,” Luhan gave a sheepish smile.
I crossed my arms and frowned, “I don’t trouble Luhan. He’s the real trouble maker!”  I eyed Luhan while he gave me a sly grin and shrugged his shoulders. Then, he his heels and playfully headed to the stairs. “I’ll take a shower first~” Luhan sang and went up.
“Jerk.” I muttered under my breath.

By the time I finished my shower, I went down stairs to see Luhan in the living room watching television. He had his whole body lying on the couch. I was about to approach Luhan when the front door slammed open.  I turned my attention to the door to find my younger sister, Hyewon storming through the door. Her eyebrows were deeply furrowed and the way she stomped her foot at every step like a giant showed how much of a bad day she had.

Hyewon is 3 years younger than me, and we never really got along. We would end up quarrelling most of the times. Since she’s a growing teenager, it’s only rational for her to think that she is ‘adult’ enough to be doing anything she wants. I, on the other hand, was a very protective sister. I didn’t want my own sister to turn bad. And of course she would hate me for being protective of her and not giving her enough freedom.
“You’re home?” I tried to lighten up the mood but all I got in return was a grumble. I let out a sigh.

My mother came out of the kitchen and looked around before asking, “Hyewon’s home?”
I nodded my head half-heartedly, “A really grumpy Hyewon is home.”
“Oh boy,” This time it was my mother that let out a deep sigh and shook her head. “Dinner’s ready in 10 minutes.”
I raised a brow, “Appa’s not coming home for dinner?”

“Apparently not.”

My eyes drifted off towards the stairs. Luhan came over to my side and patted my shoulder. He gave me a small smile, “I’ll tell her.”
At times like this, I’m really glad Luhan stays with us. Hyewon would be one stubborn hot head when in times like these.

Hope she won’t get too upset…


I tapped anxiously on the table as I waited for Luhan and Hyewon to appear. I had the table set, the food was already on the table. The last time the whole family had a proper meal together was about a year ago when our family had a really good income and father was doing well with at his work. I couldn’t help but miss those times.

I heard footsteps descending the stairs and I straightened up. Hyewon trudged down the stairs with Luhan who was lightly leading her to the dining table. Hyewon didn’t seem to be in a good mood but I was really glad she didn’t throw a fit. My eyes fell upon Luhan and gave him a small smile. Thank You. Luhan returned my smile and nodded his head before taking the seat next to Hyewon. Mother came in a few seconds after that and was more than glad to see that –almost – everyone was at the table.
“Since everyone is settled down,” Mother glanced at every single one of us, “Let’s eat!”

Hyewon was the first one to pick up her chopsticks and helped herself to the side dishes. The atmosphere was gloomy. I observed Hyewon for a minute, feeling worried for her. Then I felt a nudge on my leg from under the table. I looked at Luhan.

“Eat.” He mouthed to me as he gestured to the food on the table. I slumped my shoulders but began to eat. No one spoke a word throughout the whole Dinner. Even though there were moments where mother tried to lighten the mood, Luhan was there to respond to whatever she said. However, the silence would return.


“Ahh~ I’m so tired.” I sighed as I threw myself on my bed. I blankly stared at the ceiling with nothing in particular in my mind. Then I heard a knock on the door. I raised my upper body, resting it on my elbows as I looked at the door. “Yes?”

The door knob twisted and Luhan peeked inside with a grin. “Can I come in?”

I raised a brow, “Password?”

Luhan chuckled; his eyes curving up into crescents. “You’re really making me say it?”

I sat up and gave him a firm nod as I crossed my arms.

He was silent for a second before he gave in, “Haewon is the prettiest girl in the world.”

I burst out laughing and waved a hand allowing him to enter. Luhan came in and closed the door behind him. “Ha-ha, how funny.” I was clutching on my stomach as I was dying of laughter. The password I made was a little inside joke that happened when we were playing truth or dare. It was the funniest thing ever and Luhan ended up being the joke of the week.

Luhan sat at my study table and gave me a look. “Quit laughing, we have homework to do.” At the mention of homework, I cringed and stopped laughing.
“Party pooper. Must you really mention that?” I grumbled and stood up to grab my bag. Luhan shrugged his shoulders and took out his own homework and placed it on my study table.

This was a regular thing that we do. Ever since Luhan moved it, we would do our homework together. He doing it on my study table and I would do mine on my bed. We helped each other even though we might not be taking the same classes. For example, He takes Calculus while I take” History.

“How was your day?” Luhan asked out of the blue while we were in the midst of doing our work.
I hummed an okay as I pressed on my calculator. Luhan stopped writing and turned to look at me.  “Nothing interesting?”

I shook my head and looked up at him for a second, “Why? Should something interesting happen?”

Luhan laughed, “I was just wondering…”

“Well, school is boring. I feel like just dropping out and sleep my life away.” I stretched my arms out. My shoulders were starting to feel tense. I heard the chair roll over next to my bed and Luhan hit my head with a rolled up paper. I winced and covered my head with my hands. “You need to do well now to succeed in the future!” Luhan lectured as he leaned closer to me.

I rubbed my head and pouted, “I know that Smarty-Pants.”

The both of us looked at each other and softened, lightly laughing. The atmosphere grew silent. Our eyes never left each other’s. Deep inside, there was a tingly feeling that was tugging on me; trying to tell me something. I was too mesmerized by Luhan’s eyes that I jerked slightly when I felt something brush against my cheek bone. I then realized it was Luhan’s hand. The tingly feeling grew stronger, I didn’t know why but it was taking over. My whole body froze in its place and Luhan’s thumb gently brushed across my cheek. His soft gaze on me was making me squirm uncomfortably in my spot.

I finally managed to croak out, “Lulu?”

A smile finally broke out of his lips and he used his finger to push my forehead. He scrunched his face and leaned back. “Do you need any more help with anything?” He asked as he rolled back over to the study table. I looked at my messy bed covered with books and papers before shaking my head, “I’m good.” Luhan then proceeded on, grabbing his things.
“I’ll just finish my report in my room,” He stood up.
I raised a brow, “Okay then, do whatever…”

He opened the door and turned back, “Don’t stay up too late princess~ Goodnight!” With those last words, he was gone.

I laughed and shook my head. Funny Lulu



The next day, I woke up at the sound of my alarm and got ready for school. I was brushing my hair when I heard someone knocking on my door.
“It’s open!” I called out.

The door opened and Luhan poked his head through the door. I noticed him and smiled.

“Oh, hey Lu. I’m almost ready,” I mumbled as I packed my homework into my bag.

Luhan cleared his throat, “Uhm, I’m walking Hyewon to school today. You should head to school first, I’ll meet you in English class.”

I abruptly spun around with my eyes wide open, “Hyewon? Why are you sending her to school?”

Luhan stood awkwardly as he ran his fingers through his locks of hair. He was lost for words as he tried to explain to me but then Hyewon popped out from behind him and tugged on his hand.

“Come on oppa! I’ll be late!” She squealed. I straightened up and crossed my arms as I stared at Hyewon.

“Why do you need Luhan to walk you to school?” I asked out of curiosity.

Hyewon glanced at me for a split second, “Just because…” Then she pulled Luhan down the stairs. Luhan sent me an apologetic smile and a wave before allowing himself being tugged by Hyewon. I huffed in frustration, Luhan had always walked to school with me
Out of nowhere jealousy spread across my chest seeing my own sister drag Luhan away from me.

In school, I waited patiently for the fourth period. English class. It was the only period I had with him for that day.  When the bell finally rang, indicating the end of third period. I grabbed my bag and went off to English class. I didn’t know why I was in such a hurry, half of me said I wanted to know why he had to walk Hyewon to school but the other half of me...

“Whoa~ Slow down there! You looked like you’re running a marathon!” Luhan held me when I ran into him (literally) when I took an abrupt turn to English class.
“Sorry, I was just eager to see you.” I laughed. Luhan raised a brow.

“Since when were you eager to see me?” Luhan gave me a playful grin.

I pushed his forehead and rolled my eyes, “I don’t know. Since you ditched me this morning?” I made my way into class and took a seat.

“Oh that…” Luhan said under his breath as he tailed me and settled down at the seat beside me.

Other students started settling down too. I turned to Luhan hoping he would explain what happened that morning. He was busy fumbling with his phone with his eye brows knitted together. Curiosity over powered me and I tried to peek at what he was doing on his phone. “What are you doing?” I asked.

Immediately, Luhan pulled away and hid his phone away from me. I was surprised by his reaction. “What’s wrong with you Luhan?” I questioned. Never had I seen him react that way.

Luhan cleared his throat, “I’m…texting.”

“Texting?” I repeated then broke into a fit of laughter, “Then why are being so jumpy about it? Who are you texting that you have to keep it from me, your best friend? Did you get a girlfriend without telling me?!”

Luhan shook his head and held his palms out, “No! It’s not like that! It’s just that…” He nervously bit his lower lips, “I’m texting Hyewon…”

“Hyewon?!” Luhan winced at the sound of my voice. I wanted to ask why but the English teacher came in. Everyone scrambled to their seats and no one made another sound. Everyone greeted the teacher and class started.

But I couldn’t pay attention. My mind was wondering why Luhan was texting my younger sister. I turned to stare at Luhan, who was secretly texting under the desk once in a while. I wanted answers. I continued to stare at Luhan and finally he turned to my direction.


Luhan began to grow uncomfortable. Then I watched as he scribbled something on his writing pad. Tearing it then folding it before sliding it to my desk. I took the paper and unfold it secretly.

I’ll tell you later. Stop staring at me!

 The both of us made eye contact again and he nodded his head with a reassuring smile.
I still didn’t feel good about it. Whatever, I thought.

The class ended and everyone rushed off to the cafeteria. I waited for Luhan outside of the class. He came out still trying to zip his bag and I grabbed his elbow, pulling him to the side. He let out a yelp but then smile when he noticed it was me.
“Oh hey! Should we grab something to eat?” Luhan beamed.

I flicked his forehead and he winced in pain. “What was that for?” He cried, rubbing his forehead. I pulled him down the hall leading to the back of the building. There, was our usual hang out space, the staircase. Since it was the fourth floor no one usually came up and because this was the furthest staircase, people rarely used it.

I released my grip and sat down on the stairs. Luhan blinked, “Aren’t we going to eat? I’m hungry.”

I opened my bag and took out a lunch box. Getting the idea, Luhan settled down beside me. I opened the lunch box, revealing the sandwiches I packed. Luhan immediately grabbed one and ate it. I nibbled on one and turned to Luhan.
“So, you wanna tell me about what’s going on with Hyewon now?”

Luhan almost chocked on his sandwich and reached for the bottled water that I brought along. I stared at him eye wide as he calmed himself down.
“Are you okay?” I asked and he nodded his head.

“Uhh, yes. Hyewon. She uhh, she’s just having a test today and wanted me to quiz her about it why we walk to school.” He explained. Hearing his explanation I nodded my head, “And I guess you were texting her to ask about the test?”

Luhan looked nervous. “Y-yeah.” I eyed him for a second wanting to ask if he was lying but I didn’t want to push the matter on. It’s just my sister anyways.


Time passed, the sun set.  School ended, I walked home alone since Luhan had ran off somewhere. Maybe out with his other friends I thought as I walked down the pathway. I took my time walking home since I already called up my mother saying I wouldn’t make it for dinner on time. I took a hike up the hill towards my house when I heard a commotion going on. The streets were kind of dark since there were only a few street lamps lighting up that particular area.

I heard a loud crash and I jumped. I turn on my heels to see a group of boys running from an alley. I yelped and leaped out of the way. The boys kept running away till they were out of sight. I scratched my head as I watched them scatter off. Then, I heard another pair of shoes running towards my direction. I turned back to see Luhan.


We mirrored each other as our eyes rounded in surprised. I looked back at where the boys ran off to and then back to Luhan. He had a bruise neck to his lips and a part of his sleeve tore off.

“L-Luhan…” My voice trailed off.

“OPPA! Are you okay?” I heard another voice and a girl appeared from behind Luhan. A wave of familiarity washed onto me and in a split second I knew it was; Hyewon. Hyewon’s eyes met mine and she too grew surprised.

What is going on?



The three of us ended up in a playground nearby. I had run to a pharmacy in the area for a band aid for Luhan’s bruise. Luhan was sitting on a bench under the tree while Hyewon was sitting on the swings. I blew on Luhan’s bruise after cleaning it and carefully placed the band aid over it.

No one has spoken a word. Tension clung in the air and Luhan winced in pain.
“Oww! That hurts!” He cried as he tapped on his bruise. I scoffed, “Then why were you fighting with those kids? You told me you were going off somewhere not bullying juniors from another school!”

“They were the ones that started it!” Luhan argued. I pointed a finger at him, “You know better than to throw punches at others.”

“Quit giving him a hard time Unnie, it was my fault.” Hyewon spoke out of nowhere.

I turned around to Hyewon and eyed her. “And how is it that you were there? Aren’t you supposed to be at home?”
I noticed Hyewon rolling her eyes at me, “Because I was the one that called Luhan oppa. Geez, I was the one being bullied. You’re just too oblivious to notice that huh? You’re the blood related sister yet you’re as dumb as ever.”

I frowned at the words she chose, “I am your sister. Give me some respect instead of calling me dumb.”

Hyewon stopped swinging herself on the swing and glared at me. “Yeah, I just told you I’m being bullied in school and you’re just going to lecture to me about giving you respect. This is why I didn’t want to tell her,” Hyewon directed her eyes to Luhan at the last sentence.

I stopped for a second. As I replayed Hyewon’s words in my head. Bullied in school? I turned to Luhan who was adverting my gaze. Then I looked at Hyewon again before taking a step towards her.

“You’re…being bullied in school?” I spoke in disbelief. Hyewon remained silent, obviously annoyed. I continued, “I-I thought you were doing well in school. Luhan kept telling me you had many friends in school.”

Hyewon bit on her lips and stared at the ground.

Luhan stood up and held a hand on my shoulder, “Don’t blame Hyewon for not telling you. She just didn’t want you to be worried that’s why she came to me.”

I stood there, my legs rooted to the ground. “How long has this been going on?” I asked, specifically Hyewon.

“Two months.” Luhan answered instead, “That was what she said to me,”

I turned to Hyewon. Two months?  For two months my sister was being bullied in school and I hadn’t notice? What kind of sister am i?

“D-Did they hurt you?” My voice quivered, “I’m so sorry Hyewon-ah…”

Abruptly Hyewon stood up, “Just forget it, I’m going home.” I noticed tears running down her face and I grasped on her arm. Then, I turned to Luhan.

“Lu, can you head on home first? Tell umma I’m with Hyewon so she won’t worry.”

Luhan blinked a few times before finally nodding his head, “Okay…Don’t stay out too late.”

“We won’t.”

I waited for Luhan to walk away before telling Hyewon to sit back on the swing while I settled down on the one next to it. I took the time to clear my mind before taking a deep breath.

“So, you’re being bullied in school?” I asked. Hyewon remained silent as she wiped her tears off her face. I waited a little more but Hyewon didn’t reply.

“Hyewon, I need you to answer me.” I tried to reach out to her but Hyewon yanked her arm away. I huffed in frustration, “I’m trying to help you! For once can you just listen to me?”

“What difference will it make?! You hate me! Everyone in that house hates me! My own family hates me!” Hyewon burst out. Finally I could clearly see her tear stained face. I have never knew my sister was this miserable.

I shook my head and my eyebrows pinched together, “We don’t hate you. Why are you saying that?”

“Because everyone doesn’t make time for me.” She started off. I was about to speak but Hyewon continued, “Appa doesn’t spend time with me anymore! You’re always busy with Luhan Oppa or your other friends that you don’t pay attention to me! And Umma obviously loves you more than she loves me!”

Hyewon began sobbing. Her shoulders shaking violently. My heart dropped at the sight. My own eyes began to grow moist.
“My own friends hate me now,” She quietly mumbled, “they don’t talk to me anymore.”

I grew silent at her statement. Her cries were the only thing I could hear. All these time, I never knew my own sister was suffering alone. She thinks everyone hates her. She thinks no one loves her. She just wanted to feel loved...

I stood up from the swing and went in front of Hyewon. Slowly I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my embrace. Willingly, she leaned against me and sobbed onto my shoulder, bawling her eyes out. Softly I her head.
“We don’t hate you Hyewon-ah…Everyone loves you. Me, Umma , Appa…and even Luhan. We cherish you.” I held back my own sobs and fought through.

She then started to hit me softly, “Luhan oppa was the only one that noticed! You weren’t even paying attention to me!”

I swallowed the lump in my throat, “I know, I’m sorry. I’m a horrible sister. I’m sorry for not being able to protect you. I’m sorry.” After a while, she grew tired of hitting and crying. She simply leaned against me. I patted her back a few more times.

“Are you feeling better?” I whispered. She shook her head but she pulled away. I looked at her as I squatted down in front of her and waited for her to calm down.

“Do you know why those boys bullied you?”

She was still wiping her face when she answered, “I told Ms Lee about them smoking in school premises. They grew mad at me for getting them in trouble.”

I clucked my tongue, “Those boys were smoking? Tsk tsk. It’s okay Hyewon, you did the right thing.”

“I wish I didn’t” She mumbled.

I took her hands and made her look at me, “Hyewon, sometimes doing the right thing is hard. But you just need to stay strong and do it, I’m really proud of you.” Hyewon looked away and simply hummed in response. “Promise me you’ll tell me if those boys disturb you again?”

Hyewon snickered, “I think Luhan oppa took care of that.”

I raised a brow, “What did happen back there?”

Hyewon straightened up as she spoke. “You should have seen Luhan oppa! It was like a drama scene! He jumped out of nowhere and saved me from those guys! One of them threw a punch at Luhan oppa but Luhan oppa didn’t fight back and just protected me.”

 I noticed the sparkle in her eyes whenever she mentioned Luhan. Somehow I knew what it meant.
“You….like Luhan don’t you, Hyewon-ah?”

Her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened slightly. “N-No!”

I laughed and nudged her. “Then why do you look extra happy talking about him?”

Hyewon defended herself, “No I don’t’!”

“You can’t lie to me Hyewon-ah~ I know what I see when a girl talks about a guy they like.” I .

Then she sulked, “Hmph, I guess you’re not oblivious to only me but to everything around you. How can my unnie be so dense?”  

“What are you blabbering about Hyewon? Hmm? I’m not dense.” I scrunched my face.

Hyewon leaned closer to me, “Luhan oppa likes you unnie.” Hyewon flicked my forehead and I fell backwards; landing on my .

I rubbed my forehead and stared at Hyewon, “What?” I must be having hearing problems

“Now she’s deaf,” Hyewon rolled her eyes before repeating herself, “Luhan Oppa likes you!”

Luhan likes me?

My heart began to race. “H-How do you know that?”

Hyewon crossed her arms and lightly swing herself on the swing, “I got rejected this morning.”

“MWOH?!” I almost screamed.

 Hyewon let out a sigh, “Luhan oppa said he likes you. Sighhh~ my first crush likes my sister. We’ll I can’t blame him, you’re his best friend anyways.”

I sat there. My mind went blank. Luhan likes me.




“We’re home!” Hyewon called out as she took off her shoes. I closed the door behind me and took off my shoes before following Hyewon into the living room. Mother and Father were there watching a movie together. It was a good sight, seeing them together. A smile grew on Hyewon’s face and she ran to them. She pulled them into a hug as she squeezed between them on the couch.

“Whoa~ Why is my little girl so happy? Did something good happen today?” Father chuckled. Mother laughed along.

“Appa, Umma, you love me right?” She asked out of the blue. They looked at each other and hugged her tighter. “Of course we love you~” Mother planted a kiss on her cheek. “Probably we love you more than your sister.” Father eyed me playfully. I rolled my eyes but a smile tugged on my lips.

“Do you want to join in with the cuddle?” Father held his arms out. I laughed and shook my head.

“I wouldn’t want to disrupt the loving mood. Besides…” I stared at the stairs, “I-I need to see L-Luhan.”

 At the thought of him my body grew weak again.

“He’s upstairs doing his homework,” Mother said.

I excused myself and went upstairs. Hyewon sent me a silent ‘fighting’. I took in deep breathes to calm myself down. I stopped outside of Luhan’s room and held my fist up to knock. I froze there as I hesitated. Should I just not talk about it?  I bit my lower lip and sighed in frustration. Just then another hand came up and knocked on the door. Eye-wide, I turned to see Hyewon running off to her room.

“Come in!” Luhan’s voice came from behind the door.

I grumbled inside. Hyewon, you little brat. Now there was no turning back, my hand twisted the door knob and I took a peek into Luhan’s room.
“L-Lu?” My voice was shaking.


“Yeah?” Luhan replied. He was lying on his bed, reading a book.
Seeing that, I tried to excuse myself away. “You’re busy right? I should go- ”

“Hey, come in. I’m not busy. You just got home?” Luhan sat up and place his book on his night stand. I hesitated but I cautiously stepped into the room and awkwardly stood there. There were no chairs in Luhan’s room, only his bed. I can’t possibly sit on his bed!

“Why are you standing? Come here, sit.” He patted the space on his bed.
I let out a nervous laugh and reluctantly sat down. His bed was a super single. Nothing big. Just a bed big enough for a guy like him.

“So, how did it go?” Luhan popped the first question, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Hyewon told me not to tell you.” Luhan’s doe eyes suddenly looked so adorable to me.

“It’s okay. I-I understand. Everything went well.” I played with my fingers.

 Luhan sighed, “That’s good. I’ve been worried about her. Now that she feels better, I’m really glad. Aren’t you?” Luhan smiled.


Why does he look attractive to me now? I managed a nod and swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Do you have any homework for today? I can help you with it.” Luhan suggested. I then realized I was still in my uniform. “Ah, it’s okay! I can managed by myself.”
I squeaked.


Luhan pouted, “Oh...okay then.”

Suddenly, it was awkward. I didn’t know what else to say. Luhan seemed to notice my uneasiness and patted my arm. “Yah! Are you mad at me?” Electricity shocked me at where the contact made and I jumped. “I-I’m not mad!” I stammered.

Luhan frowned, “Then why are you acting this way?”

I bit my lips anxiously, “Its…Its…”

“What is it?” Luhan rested his head on his knuckle as his elbow rested on his leg.

Should I ask him?

“H-Hyewon, told me something just now…” I continued to play with my fingers.

“What about?” Luhan seemed calm.

“About…Y-you rejecting her.” I peeked at his reaction.

Luhan sat up and nodded his head, “Yeah… I did.”

I cleared my throat. “Yeah, okay.” I couldn’t go any further. I was making me feel awkward. The silence filled the air for a second before Luhan asked, “That’s all that she said?”

I was flustered. “W-what?”

“She didn’t tell you why I rejected her?” Luhan gazed at me intently. I was lost for words. I didn’t know what to say. I was tongue-tied.

Luhan chuckled lightly and I looked at him as though he was insane.
“So, that’s why you’re so stiff. She did tell you huh?”

I frowned, “I hate the way you know me so well. I can’t even lie.”

Luhan laughed and pushed my forehead, “That’s because I’m your best friend. Either that or you’re a really horrible liar.”

I pouted and rubbed my forehead. Then the atmosphere changed again. I turned to see Luhan’s eyes softened.


“Haewon…Can I love you more than a friend, more than a best friend?” He finally said. I gulped and felt my cheeks burning. His words were filled with sincerity that I was really flustered. My heart was out of control. Butterflies were alive in my tummy.

Luhan reached out and brushed his thumb across my cheekbone, “Are you going to stare at me all night without giving me an answer?”


I was really lost for words. Luhan’s eyes never left mine and I couldn’t look away. I was mesmerized. Had my best friends always been this handsome? I studied his features. Why hadn’t I been paying more attention?
I bit my lower lip, “I-I don’t know Luhan,”

“I don’t expect you to love me, but will you allow me to love you? I don’t want to think you as a friend anymore. I love you.”

“How long…” I couldn’t even find the proper words.

Luhan’s eyes curved as he smiled, “I don’t even know when it started. It started when I felt jealous seeing you with other guys…other than me. Then, slowly, I just wanted you to be mine. I fell deeper for you each day.”

My eyes widened at his words. Jealousy? I was jealous when he was with Hyewon…does that count as a sign of me falling for him too?

 “I can’t believe I’m saying these words.” Luhan pulled away from me and laughed, “it’s okay, I won’t force you.”

“I’m sorry Luhan…” I finally spoke. Luhan turned to me, “It’s okay really, I rather keep the friendship.” I frowned and pushed his forehead. “I wasn’t finished you dummy.”

Luhan eyes widened, “O-Okay, continue then.”

“I…I was jealous when you were with Hyewon too.” I confessed.

“You were?” Luhan was amused, “Your own sister?”

“Shut up.” This was embarrassing, “I just felt as though you were leaving me. I don’t know… my heart… felt empty without you. Knowing you were spending time with Hyewon instead of me made me kind of sad and jealous.”

Luhan grinned, “That’s exactly how I feel when you’re not around me.”

I bit my lower lips again and I saw Luhan looking at them. I squirmed. “Don’t do that.” I squeaked.

Luhan was confused, “Do what?”

“Stop staring at my lips.” I covered my mouth with my hands. Luhan laughed and leaned closer. I leaned back and squeezed my eyes shut. My other hand trying to refrain Luhan from coming any closer.

“LUHAN!” I let out a muffled scream and fell back on Luhan’s bed, accidentally pulling Luhan along. I felt a weight on my body and I opened my eyes to see Luhan’s face right in front of mine. If my hand wasn’t covering my mouth, we would probably be that close to have our lips touch. I wriggled under Luhan’s weight.

With my hand still over my mouth I tried to speak, “Luhan get off me!”

“What’s that? I can’t hear you~” Luhan teased, “How about removing that hand of yours?” I shook my head vigorously. Then Luhan shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know what you’re saying then.”

“LULU!!!” I cried. Luhan simply hummed as he grinned.
“Still can’t hear you~”

This guy is asking for a death wish!

I finally took off my hand to speak but before I could say anything, Luhan gave me a quick kiss on my lips. My whole body froze and I stared at Luhan who slyly grinned.

“That wasn’t that bad now was it?” Luhan stuck his tongue out a little, “Admit it, you like me too.”

“That wasn’t fair! That was my first kiss!” I frowned deeply, “Get off me!”

“Not until you admit you have feelings for me too!” Luhan was really determined.

“Fine! I…I like you too.” I mumbled.

“I can’t hear you~”

“I like you too you idiot!” I pushed his forehead. He grinned with glee. I figured he would finally pull away but he came closer.
“Can we seal our confession with a proper kiss then?” Luhan whispered.

Feeling butterflies in my stomach, Luhan’s soft lips met mine and gently he kiss me.
It was a new feeling. I felt his heartbeat in sync as mine under my palm. It felt…magical.



Luhan pulled away and the both of us looked at the door. Hyewon was smirking with her phone in her hand. “Umma & Appa would love to know what the two of you are doing, together… in one room… on the bed.” Giggling, she ran away.





If you like it :


heavenlypink22 : Thank you for reading my oneshots ^^ It's okay, i love silent readers too <3 Thank you for commenting~!!

ExoForeverSNSD  : Heehee, Thank you for commenting :) It means so much to me ^^ 






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Chapter 2: ;alskdfj my freaking heart al;skdfj <3333 but what about that "husband" of hers? XD
Loveviviann #2
Chapter 4: PLEASE DO A SEQUEL TO THE KRIS FANFIC ! I love ur oneshots sooo mich <3
Chapter 7: Aww! This made me cry! I thought he's going to die. T__T the gifs are perfect! It made the story much better ^^
Joanna-K-Lee #4
Chapter 5: I love these oneshots. They are all so amazing. I was having such a bad day and then I came across this and I read all of the stories and I'm in such a good mood. Thank you for writing such amazing stories. I'll be waiting for more!
Aikyung #5
Chapter 3: OMG your ff is soo good. It has a meaning on this chapter ^^
Can you make a oneshot with Lay or Tao?
Thank you :D
Aikyung #6
Chapter 5: OMG, my heart beat so fast. This is nice ^^d
wow. awesome awesome.
Chapter 3: Update soon sorry if i didn't comment i have school nows a days :(