#3 [FINAL]; I love you too, Park Chanyeol ♥

The Unexpected.

Dohee couldn't think straight. She couldn't keep still when assembly was still going on. She was confused, and indecisive. Then she made it up. She is going to agree to his offer because this is a way she could know him even deeper. Furthermore, months back, she used to have feelings for Chanyeol, until she found out he was a bully. Probably, that's not a quality she looks for in her ideal man.

Assembly ended earlier than usual. On her way back to class, she had thought about the awkward situation that happened last Friday during Math period.

Dohee's P.O.V:

"No wonder, maybe he wanted my attention that day? Hmm."

Dohee had to stop wandering as she had arrived at her classroom. She went to her seat, settled down and took out the books needed for the first period; English. English is Dohee's favourite subject but their teacher, Mr.Kim, talks too much and it makes her fall asleep ((Mr.Kim could go on talking for an hour or even longer. To Dohee, his talks always sounded like a bedtime story))  but for once, she decided to pay attention this time round, just to get her mind off Chanyeol's offer for a date. 

Mr. Kim has yet to arrived in class. Dohee was fiddling around with her blue-coloured pen when it dropped onto the floor. She bent down to pick it up when someone's warm hand wrapped over hers. She looked up and realise that it was Chanyeol.

Dohee's conversation with Chanyeol:

"Oops, sorry," Chanyeol apologised as he withdrawed his hands further away from hers.

"Uh, oh, that's okay, uhm no wait I mean I don't mind------"

"Aw, you're cute," Chanyeol said as she watch her stutter.

"Oh.. Thank you?" Dohee thanked him with a smile.

"My utmost pleasure to compliment you, Dohee," Chanyeol replied.

"Chanyeol, no wait, I mean, Yeollie, I thought you sat at the last row in the corner? When did you shift to the middle row?" Dohee asked as she scratched her head in confusion.

"Since early morning. You must have been to busy dreaming about something else that you didn't even realise I greeted you 'good morning' earlier," Chanyeol answered as he softly pat Dohee's head.

"Oh, I'm so sor---

"CLASS STAND!" The class monitor called out.

Mr. Kim came into class with stacks of practice papers that he wanted his pupils to try. 

Dohee hates practice papers ((but at least it's better to do something than listening to a talk that lasts at least an hour long but goes in on one ear and goes out from the other)) . It's as if she has something against them. But she has no idea why.

Mr. Kim greeted his pupils "Good morning," and vice versa and they had all took their seats.

"Dohee!" Mr. Kim called. "Please help me to distribute these papers," he continued.

"Ugh," Dohee shrugged.

Chanyeol must have heard Dohee shrugging over her assigned task, so he offered to help her distribute the papers out. 

"Pass me some. I'll ease your burden," Chanyeol said as he let out his hand, hoping to receive about half of the stack of papers.

"Oh it's okay, I can manage it," Dohee reassured him.

Chanyeol watched as she distributed the papers one by one to the other pupils' until she came to the final one. Dohee then went back to her seat, adjusted her uniform, and then taking out her pen to write her name and she looked like she wanted to give a go with the paper. It wasn't that bad afterall, she managed it to finish it 10 minutes before the given duration ended.

1 hour passed, and that was the end of the time given. Papers were collected personally by Mr. Kim. After that, he had sent the pupils out for their break. 

Mint waited for Dohee outside their classroom.

Dohee's conversation with Mint:

"Guess what. Chanyeol asked me out for a date." Dohee informed Mint.

"See, I told you! I knew he had a crush on you. Well, Suho also asked me out too, but I'd rather if Baekhyun had been the one who invited me out. I find Baekhyun totally attractive. I can't get over the fact that he's so cute," Mint said as she picture herself and Baekhyun going out together.

"Psh, let me go to my locker to get my books, I'll see you at the canteen!" Dohee said. 

They parted ways and headed for different destinations.

When Dohee arrived at her locker, she entered the code and unlocked it. As she opened the locker revealing a messy, unarranged content, a slip of paper fell out. She bent down to take it back but it seemed that it wasn't from any of her notes. The message was neatly written with letters, each of them almost the same height in every word. She went on to read the message, but she was shocked and did not know how to react. 

It said:

"Hey Dohee. Mind going out on a date with me? - Kai"

Dohee's P.O.V:

"Kai? This guy has feelings for me too? Oh my god. What."

Dohee was surprised. A guy with overflowing aura would actually fall for someone like her? Hm... She was confused, but earlier this morning, she had agreed to go on a date with Yeollie, but has yet to inform him. How is she going to tell Kai that she turned down his offer?

Coincidentally, Kai was nearby, leaning his back on his locker. He shot Dohee an unirresistable smirk. Obviously, Dohee blushed. She loved it when guys smirked at her. But she has to remember that Park Chanyeol's the one for her. Not Kim Jongin a.k.a Kai.

She bravely approached Kai and told him that she won't accept his offer for a date.

Dohee's conversation with Kai:

"I'm sorry, I've feelings for Chanyeol oppa and I've set a date with him. Please don't get mad at him. We can still be friends right?" Dohee asked.

"Yeah, of course! Why not. Enjoy your date with Chanyeol, okay?" Kai answered with a smile with seemed like a fake one.

"Thanks, man," Dohee cooly said.


When she returned back to class, she told Chanyeol that she agreed to his offer. Chanyeol couldn't hide his happiness the whole day. He was in a good mood. They had arranged to meet up at Namsan Tower at 7p.m. in the evening today. School went on as per normal, just that Chanyeol was totally happy and became shy whenever he looked at Dohee.

After school ended, Dohee informed Mint that she had agreed to Chanyeol's offer for a date and had told her to go home and take a rest and that she will text her later.

"Bye! Enjoy your date today!" Mint told Dohee as Mint walked out from the school gate.

"Thanks! Talk to you later babe, love you!" Dohee shouted from the school gate.

Dohee was glad that her bestfriend didn't mind going home on her own once more. Dohee got home earlier than she always did and she wanted to look for the most suitable outfit to be worn. But her dresses, leather jacket, all didn't seem to suit her. So, in the end, she decided to wear a casual t-shirt with jeans.

7p.m,and Dohee had arrived at Namsan Tower and she was able to give her mum a reasonable reason.

"Hi!" Chanyeol shouted as he ran to where she stood. 

"Shall we?" He asked as he let out his arm for her to hook on.

"We shall,"  Dohee replied as she hooked her hand with his.


Their date was pretty much a simple one; ate food at a road-side food stand, played at the arcade and at the end of everything, Chanyeol and Dohee ended up at a beautiful garden decorated with colourful lights

Chanyeol and Dohee's conversation:

"Thank you for everything," Dohee gratefully thanked Chanyeol.

"No problem, hehe." Chanyeol replied. He then slowly inched out his face to get him closer to Dohee. Their lips then came intact.

After the kiss:

"I love you, Min Dohee," he confidently confessed.

"I love you too, Park Chanyeol," she returned with a confession too. 

And from that day onwards, the two of them became a pair. They led on a relationship where fights were rarely present. As for Mint, she had become pairs with Baekhyun and remained a "lets-just-be-friends" relationship with Suho.

Kai had learned to accept fate and now, he didn't mind Chanyeol and Dohee becoming a pair.





Please stay updated, 'Fate.' , my upcoming fanfiction, will be updated soon! Do check it out(:






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Chapter 1: Pleade update.....