#1; Dohee's surprise for Mint.

The Unexpected.

Friday, 28 August 2013.

7a.m. in the morning. Students were waking up from bed, getting ready for school. But Dohee didn't want to wake up to a whole new day. But she had no choice. She was forced to.

Dohee's P.O.V:

"God damn school. Why do I have to attend school? Life . I don't mind going to school to see Mint but I don't----"


"Doheeee! Wake up hun ~! Time for school!" her mum called from the kitchen.

"Okaaaaaay mum!" Dohee shouted from her room. Dohee could barely open her eyes as she walked to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, looking at the morning kind of Dohee, with her bed hair and all.

She grabbed her toothbrush which was placed at the toothbrush stand, beside the tap. She squeezed on just enough toothpaste on her toothbrush and went on to brush her teeth. She was so tired that she could actually fall asleep while brushing. She then proceeded to take a shower after she was done brushing. What's weird about Dohee is, that she always wonders what will happen in school. While she was showering.

After she had finished showering, she was still disturbed by the fact that she had to go school. You could obviously tell that she really, really, really hates school.

She took out her uniform and school skirt from her wardrobe and then hanged it on the side of her bed. She wiped herself dry from the water that was dripping from her wet hair.  Then she put on her uniform and skirt. She combed her hair neatly and tied it into a bun. She then took her bag and hooked to one side of her shoulder. She wanted to hang around a little while more at home but she had received a text from Mint saying, "I'm waiting for you downstairs. Hurry!!" She headed out from her room and went towards the main corridor. She slipped her shoes on and then shouted, "Mum, I'm off! I'll be hanging out with Mint after school today! Byeeee ~"

"Okay, take care dear! Don't be home too late! Love you!" her mum replied from the kitchen.

Dohee headed out to meet Mint who waited below her apartment. She stepped into the lift and as soon as it reached ground level, Mint was outside, with her hands in her pocket, swaying side to side.

Dohee's conversation with Mint:

"Hey babe!" Dohee greeted.

"Morning! Did you sleep well?" Mint asked.

"Not really. Not looking forward to school......" Dohee answered and her voice slowly trailed off.

"Hah, knew it! Whatever. Let's go. We'll be dead if we're late." Mint replied.

As they walked to school:

"Shoot! Did you do your homework?" Mint asked worriedly.

"Oh, Math? Nah, no time for that.." Dohee answered calmly.

"Typical Dohee. I knew I wasn't the only one who hadn't done it," Mint answered, impressed by her bestfriend who answered to her question calmly.


They talked all along as they walked to school and they didn't even realise they had reached the main gate of the school.

Infront of the school gate:

"Oh, we're still early. I'm heading to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Wanna join?" Mint offered Dohee.

"Oh, sure! I'll be more than glad to join you." Dohee answered with a smile.


They made their way to the canteen which was filled with a few souless pupils who looked like they didn't even get any sleep.

Mint made her way to the cafeteria lady-in-charge.

"Can I get one ham sandwich please?" Mint asked the cafeteria lady-in-charge.

"Sure, hold on!" the cafeteria lady-in-charge answered.

There Dohee was, she stood behind her bestfriend, looking at how cheerful she can be even early in the morning.

While Dohee was waiting for Mint:

"Babe, not getting any?" Mint asked.

"Nah, I'm great. I'll just look at you eating and trust me, I'll be filled right after that." Dohee answered, trying her best to look okay when she was not.

"Okay well, if that suits you best!" Mint answered.



Mint has an overwhelming appetite that could possibly make a starving person feel full just by looking at the way she eats. Awesome, huh.


"Here," the cafeteria lady-in-charge as she let out her arm to give the ham sandwich which she was holding.

Mint grabbed the sandwich and thanked the lady after that. They wanted to get a seat when a familiar male student greeted them, "Good morning."


It was Suho, a member of the kingkas in school.

"Huh, good morning," Dohee answered, and is sounded more like an insult than a morning greeting.

Suho cooly walked pass them, and it seemed like he was heading to his classroom. Or more likely, theirs', because Dohee and Mint are in the same class as the 12 kingkas.

Conversation between Dohee and Mint at the table:

"I don't think he's all that bad," Dohee said as she adjusted her skirt.

"Huh? Who?" Mint said as she chomped down her ham sandwich.

"Suho, that dude who's a part of the boys who loves to bully us," Dohee answered as she watched Mint gobbling down her sandwich within seconds.

"Oh, him. I don't find him that bad too. I mean look at him, he has manners compared to the other 11," Mint said as she took a sip of her water.

"What, is that supposed to be a comment or a compliment? Don't tell me you have feelings for that guy?" Dohee asked.

"Not at all, not my taste," Mint answered as she gathered the sandwich's torn wrapper.

"Good. I actually thought you had such bad taste in choosing boys but as expected, that's my babe," Dohee answered as she pat Mint's shoulder.

"Yep, that's YOUR babe. Let me throw away the wrapper and return the cup back to the cafeteria lady. Then we can proceed to the amphitheatre for assembly." Mint told Dohee.


Dohee nodded her head to signal that she agreed. She hooked her bag to one side of her shoulder and had offered to carry Mint's bag so that Mint would not have to rush.

"Lets go," Mint told Dohee.

Dohee returned Mint's bag. They then headed to the amphitheatre for assembly.

Then there they were.

The 12 kingkas sitting down in one row.


Dohee didn't look forward to school because of them. They loved to bully Dohee.


Dohee's P.O.V:

"Damn. Why are they seated like that? They look like idiots. Sorry not sorry."


Mint and Dohee took their seats. They sat down obediently throughout the whole assembly and that is very unlikely of them to do so. They have always loved to sneakily start a conversation between each other without the teachers knowing. Genius.

When assembly ended, they got up and headed back to their classroom.

First period was Math, and obviously, Dohee was so not looking forward to it.

During Math, as usual, the teacher, Mr.Lee, had gave them a lecture about spending your time properly to do revision instead of fooling around and it's probably worth half an hour long. It was a relieve that he did not collect the homework he had assigned to them today. But, during Math, she could feel as if someone was watching her. She pretended to stretch so that she could scan the class thoroughly.

And then she knew it.


It was Chanyeol.


Chanyeol, or people would call him Yeollie for short, is the badass one out of  the gang of 12. Well, he sometimes fails to pull of a charismatic side but girls find him 'attractive' , if that's the word I may use. Chanyeol has this soft, playful side of him which he rarely shows. But believe it or not, Dohee has witnessed it herself.

Dohee rubbed her eyes and then tried to focus in class. But she simply just couldn't do so.

Dohee's P.O.V:

"Oh god. Did I see correctly? Why is Chanyeol staring at me? Is there something on my back? Do I look weird? WHHHYY?!"


Dohee felt really insecure and she was wondering if she really had something on her back. Dohee scratched her head and then she pretended to turn towards Chanyeol's direction. When Chanyeol realised Dohee turned towards his direction, Chanyeol hurriedly faced the front.

For the rest of the day, nothing pretty much happened. It was very unlikely of the kingkas to not bully Dohee and Mint. Maybe they were tired? Lazy? Can't be bothered? Hm.

The last period was Physics and as soon as the bell rang, Dohee hurriedly rushed out from her class as she couldn't wait to tell Mint what happened during Math today.


After school:

"Mint! During Math earlier, Chanyeol was staring at me and I wonder why...." Dohee worriedly told Mint worriedly.

"Maybe he has a crush on you? Hehe!" Mint answered jokingly.

"Shut up, it's not funny," Dohee gave Mint a firm answer.

"Chill babe! It's just a joke, god damn it," Mint muttered the few words.

"Whatever. You free? I wanted to go to the mall to get some new clothes. You wanna come along?" Dohee asked.

"Yup, I have nothing going on today... I guess," Mint replied.


Dohee didn't want to get new clothes for herself. She had planned to get Mint a new phone because she couldn't stand her bestfriend using an outdated phone. She wanted to get her a brand new one. And for being a rich child, she uses her daily expenses to get Mint a new mobile phone.

Dohee gets about $150 a day and after saving from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today's, she has about a total of $600 in her wallet. (since she had spent about $150 when she went shopping on Monday and Tuesday and had spent it on food, clothes and accessories). This surprise is going to be a very special one and she wants Mint to remember it for as long as possible.

As soon as they step foot into the shopping mall, Dohee looked for the shop which sells mobile phone.

It was next to a cookie stand.

She then dragged Mint along.

At the mobile phone store:

"Why are we here? I thought you wanted to get clothes instead?" Mint asked curiously.

"Actually, my intention today was to get a new mobile phone because I cannot stand looking at you using an outdated design." Dohee answered.

"What do you mean? I feel all satisfi----"

"Hi, can you please show me the latest design of mobile phones? Thanks!" Dohee asked the shopkeeper, cutting Mint's speech.

"Dohee, please don't trouble yoursel----"

"Choose one." Dohee told Mint as she looked over to the table filled with variety of mobile phones to choose from.


Dohee could see the sparkles in Mint's eyes and she knew Mint was very excited to get a new mobile phone, but she did not want to show it.


After Mint had chosen her desired mobile phone:

"Can I get this?" Mint pointed out to the design which seemed like Samsung Galaxy S4.

"Oh, sure, why not?" Dohee assured Mint.

"I'll get this," Dohee told the shopkeeper.


The shopkeeper then gave a bag which contained a box. Dohee grabbed the bag and then passing it on to Mint.


"$359, please," the shopkeeper asked.

"Here," Dohee said as she handed over the money to the shopkeeper.

"Thanks, have a nice day!" the shopkeeper thanked Dohee.

"Back at you!" Dohee replied.

Mint to Dohee:

"Thanks, babe! The price was unbelievably high but you still got me what I wanted. Love you to bits, hehe. Lets take a memorable selca together to mark this day, a very special one?" Mint said as she unwrapped the box, containing her brand new mobile phone.


Mint's and Dohee's selca:


Mint was satisfied with how the photo turned out. Same goes for Dohee.


The two girls were cheekily laughing as they filled Mint's brand new mobile phone with dorky photos of themselves when Dohee noticed that the kingkas from school were also at the shopping mall.


What would be their intention if they had noticed Mint and Dohee's presence?

Next chapter will  be updated soon! Stay tuned!







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Chapter 1: Pleade update.....