Jongin and Minah's Tragic Love Story (hiatus)

Jongin smiled as he looked at Minah’s face. But it wasn’t his general charming smile, it was his sleazy drunk one. Minah looked at him hungrily. She was beyond drunk to care about any of her actions, so she sauntered over and kissed him. On the lips. Hard.


He didn’t pull away though, instead he deepened the kiss. When she pulled back, almost a minute later, she ordered another glass of whiskey. He smirked at her and ordered the same. They downed the drinks as soon as they got them.


After that, Jongin and Minah spent the rest of the night just talking. Their conversation had no direction or purpose, but they kept talking until they were finally forced out of the hotel’s bar.


Minah was enchanted by the twinkle in Jongin’s eyes when he talked about his dreams. She hugged him tightly, while he cried over his family. And laughed until she was keeled over on the floor, gasping for a breath, when he told her his lame jokes. In those hours, she felt her heart flutter again.


Jongin thought nothing of Minah as he talked to her. His pulse didn’t race and he had no flirtatious smile on. He considered her another drunk soul, wanting to unwind on some stranger that they would never see again.


Maybe that’s why their relationship was doomed to end.


Super short chapter. Enjoy. I'll probably post a new chapter everyday. Maybe double updates.
Who knows, who cares!


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you're good at writing stories bby
/gives you thumbs up/
StrawberryFrozen #2
Chapter 5: Woah.. It's good. I like the story's message..
Chapter 4: Hwaiting! Keep updating please!