The End

Jongin and Minah's Tragic Love Story (hiatus)

“Jongin let go of me.” She said, as she unsuccessfully tried to yank her arm out of his death grip. He pulled her back to face him, staring her dead in the eyes. Minah stared back coldly, the warm brown twinkle replaced by an icy glare. After years of always forgiving Jongin for all the so-called mistakes he made, Minah couldn’t take it anymore. Those eyes, filled with lies and fake compassion, that she used to fall for so easily were now nothing to her. She could see past the lies that sat on the surface and saw the truth behind them. He couldn’t keep playing her like this.


“Please Minnie. We can work this out. Just come back with me.” He pleaded. She actually thought she saw sincerity in his eyes. But she quickly shook the thought out of her head. The line was all too familiar for her. After all this time, he still thought the same line would work to patch their problems and bring her back to him.


“Don’t call me that Kai.” She spat back angrily. Again, Minah thought she saw hurt in Jongin’s eyes but she didn’t believe in it. She took the chance to remove her arm, when she felt Jongin’s grasp fall slack. Minah knew that Jongin didn’t like being called Kai by her. He always wanted her to call him Jongin, because it was real. She scoffed at that thought now, nothing is real about a bastard like him. She turned around and started walking away.


“Minah. Come on. Please. We can fix this. We can fix us, I promise.” Kai called out. God, how many lies did he think he could repeat to make her stay. She had gotten so used to the empty promises that spilled from his mouth every time he tried to get her back. Minah practically knew them by heart now. She was done with it. Never again would she fall for those meaningless words. She turned back around to face Jongin.


“No.” Was all Minah replied. For years she thought that in Jongin, was everything. But now she knew the feeling of happiness without Jongin. She knew that it existed and now she was finally strong enough to let it go, to let him go.


“At least tell me why Minah. Why do you want to leave me?” Jongin whispered. Minah laughed. Why? Is he really asking why I want to leave him? Well Jongin… maybe its the constant cheating, or is it the endless lies? She couldn’t believe her ears. Here was her first love, almost begging on his knees for her to come back when, really, she meant nothing to him. And out of all the questions he could ask her, Jongin asked the question he already knew the answer to. That he was the answer to.


“Are you seriously asking me that question Kai?” Minah said. Her eyes had gone cold and there was no a touch of sincerity, pity or sympathy in them anymore. She was done wasting her time on someone who didn’t love her. She knew who loved her, he was the one that showed her a light in all the darkness Jongin had caused. She didn’t even spare a second glance to his longing eyes anymore. So this is what falling out of love feels like…


Kai was silent, as if expecting another answer. As if he didn’t know he was the reason Minah cried herself to sleep every night for the past year and a half. As if he didn’t know Minah was in so much pain. As if he didn’t know every night he stepped out that door saying “I’m going to hang out with some friends” or “I’m working late tonight”, he broke another piece of her already crumbling heart. She laughed again, a hollow laugh that echoed throughout the house.


“Well Kai, maybe its because for once I wasn’t staring through the window at people laughing and having fun, being genuinely happy, I was actually there with them. I know what true happiness feels like. I know what true love feels like. And its not what we have Kai.” Every time she said ‘Kai’, he seemed to break down a little more. Tears were threatening to spill out of the corner of his eyes. It was the second time Minah had ever seen him cry. But that was ages ago, before their relationship shattered into the pieces it was now. Kai was silent, once again.


If he didn’t have anything to say, then this was it. This was the end of Jongin and Minah’s tragic love story.

As Minah opened the door and rolled her suitcase out, she heard a faint whisper. “I’m sorry Minnie.”



Its a work in progress... Who's side are you on? Jongin's or Minah's?

©redits to kscodders on tumblr


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you're good at writing stories bby
/gives you thumbs up/
StrawberryFrozen #2
Chapter 5: Woah.. It's good. I like the story's message..
Chapter 4: Hwaiting! Keep updating please!