1. A name?


Hello, dear reader. Before we begin the main story, let me introduce to you through a side story, about how this tiny, but very unique unit of life got his own name.






The sun rises, the wind blows, the birds chirp, the rain stops. A rainbow is formed and a new day has begun.



He flies on and on, on and on, for what seems like eternity. Finally landing on the green and soft bed, he raises his gaze up to the sky. Oh, how beautiful the dawn was! As he rests below the huge shady tree, he watches as the dim orange colour turns into a brighter one, and then gradually become more lively and vivid. The glowing sphere casts its rays all around the place and wakes up the earth. Admiring the rich canyon orange laces that blended in with the cool blues ones, he thinks --- they compliment each other well.






While he lay lazily on the ground admiring many other things still, a swallow descends on his left. After a few moments of silence, the bird decides to speak.



"Hello. I've never seen you here before, what's your name?



He gives a questioning look and stayed motionless. Was this creature going to eat him? It wouldn't, right?



The swallow senses his discomfort and continues, "Oh, I won't hurt you, I'm just a resident here. My name's Yi Fan, and my wife, Zi Tao, is just up on that tree over there!"



He hesitates but slowly lets his guard down.



"Uh... I... I'm... I don't have that thing... A name, or whatever you call it." he stammers.



The swallow seemingly chuckles loudly, but we all know that birds can't laugh, right? However, it somehow still does.



"No name?! How can such a pretty being like you have no title, my dear? Well, since I'm sure you'll grow up to be a dainty little one, I'm gonna give you a headstart. How does 'Xiu' sound?"



The small living thing looks up, in an inhumanly way, and replies, "Xiu? Xiu...min?" He pauses momentarily. "Yes, yes, this is it! Xiumin shall be my name!"



And that was how, the little seed got his very own title.







A/N: Yes, I know it's weird. But this idea came up when I was in the middle of my history examination..... so yeah. The real(?) story will be up on the next chapter! And if you're wondering, Xiumin is a seed right now. Yes, a flower seed. Don't ask me why. Cheers!

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TheJuniorRoyal #1
Xiuhan?! Oh my god!! XD I must love This!!
yfreensingle #2
Update soon! It sounds interesting ^^ ok?
misajinki93 #3
I like this, update ='3
adelinaribeiro9 #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Marciakslp #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
kraemer #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^