Marriage Peperations

Illegal Marriage
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“So you’re getting married?” The English man secretly judged the couple sitting in front of him. Jessica looked at the man and then back to her fiancé with loving eyes, “Yes, yes we are,” Jessica smiled as she spoke in English her native language.

“Okay then, I must warn you the consequences of fake marriage. If the immigration finds out that this is counterfeit, Mr Lee you are hereby immediate deportation and permanent ban of future visa applications. Also you both have to pay a penalty of 250,000 each. If we the NSI find that you have lied in our interview we have the authority to arrest you both. Lying to us is a crime and we have the right to intrude and get into your personal space.”

“Mr Smith, we understand the rules and regulations, we also understand the strict procedure and surveillance you have put upon us. We applaud you for your work and believe that America is improving because of you…”

“Please Miss Jung, schmoozers don’t work on us. We like people who tell the truth, so are you really married to Mr Lee or not?”

“I am! I love him very much,” Jessica said with sincerity, she loves Donghae, not as a boyfriend, or a boy, but a brother that protected her from all evil. “If you love him so much, then will you let him go through this cruel punishment if we catch you both?” one of the immigration officers asked Jessica with his eyes stern on the girl.

“No,” Jessica continued, “No because we are never going to go through that, we are getting married for real and will show you that you wasted your time on interviewing us, researching us or keeping an eye out on us because we are going to last as a marriage couple.”

“Then I must ask,” the officer looked at Donghae and the translator next to him, “Mr Lee, do you love Miss Jung?”

The translator translated the english to Korean so Donghae can understand. Donghae nodded and gave a second before he answered. “I do,” Donghae smiled at the officer who wrote down some notes on a file documented on Jessica and Donghae.

“When did you have feelings for Miss Jung?” Jessica the curious one looked at Donghae with nervous sweat. “Jessica Jung, or should I say sica. I have known Jessica since she was born, I’ve been in love with her when she was introduced to me when I was five and she was three. Everyone hated her, the other help in the house quit because of her, but I. I was the only one who saw the soft hearted girl in sica. I am the only one to see her differently, the only one who anointed myself to be her personal help,” Donghae brought a smile to his face when remising his past crush on his childhood friend. With meaningful and sincere words, Donghae continued. “With the cold personality of hers, no one wanted to be her friend. I’m not sure if I was in love or what, but I wanted to be her friend because not only did I make her feel that others are just jealous of her and that she is special. In the social class I’m living in, she has made me feel that I am special too.”

Jessica smiled at the boy who announced his lovely confession, something he wish he did years prior. Like a primary school girl receiving a confession, Jessica blushed unintentionally. She needs to remind herself that it is all not real, but secretly she wished it was real, and it is so true that Donghae possess such romantic feelings towards Jessica, a secret Jessica is yet to know.


They exited out of the immigration office, and when they were clear out of the building site Jessica couldn’t help but give Donghae one big hug. “YES! You did it, you came up with the most brilliant lie and somehow the officer believed it, you did great oppa!” Jessica let go of the hug. “Come on we have to go wedding shopping,” Jessica smiled as she ran to Donghae’s car.

“But it wasn’t a lie,” Donghae sadly muttered to himself as he followed Jessica to his car. Inside the car Jessica pulled out her list of things to do.


Wedding cake

wedding invitations

wedding venue

Wedding catering

wedding rings

Wedding dress/ suit

“Wow that’s one long list,” Donghae joked as he looked over the things they have to do today.

“I just want a good wedding, it’s always been a dream of mine to plan the best and biggest wedding ever,” Jessica explained. There was a moment of silence in the car as she looked up to Donghae who was driving. “Hey, do you really want to do this?” Jessica asked.

“Do what?”

“Marry me,” Jessica explained. “You heard the officer, you will be under a lot of trouble if they catch us.”

“That’s why we shouldn’t leave our guard down, we should always act lovey dovey, especially today. I’ve heard of these things before, people actually come and spy at us,” Donghae continued. “Only with your permission will you let me touch you like you are my girlfriend?”

“Only because we have to look like we are together,” Jessica laughed as they arrived at their destination at the place where their wedding cake is to be made. The two got out of a car and suddenly they knew they were being followed as this black tinted car park by the side of the entrance of the cake factory. Donghae didn’t hesitate to grabbed Jessica’s hand and in twine with it like he owned it.

They looked like a real life marriage couple, as the two happily walked into the cake factory. The two spent their time testing delicious cakes for their wedding. The whole time Donghae did not let go of his fake fiancés hand. Jessica on the other hand has gotten used to it, she actually liked be held like that, a rare occasion for Jessica to experience when she was with Ren. Hand holding was something that shocked her at first, now Donghae is feeding cake down using his spoon. It was such a couple thing to do, which Jessica truly enjoyed but wished Ren was like this to her.

After the cake testing and finally deciding a cake for their guest, the couple continued their preparation for their wedding as they looked for invitations design. They manage to find a store that had beautiful invitations that Jessica fell in love with. “So how many would you like?” The worker asked.

“Here,” Jessica took out a piece of paper that her parents had made. It was a list of the guest invited to Jessica’s wedding. “400?”


“My parents have a lot of friends,” Jessica smiled as she gave the list to the worker.


“This is one of the oldest church in Seoul, it’s known for its antic vase design,” the lady explained. Donghae still held on to Jessica’s hand and pulled her in into a back hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled at the worker who was showing them wedding venue. “Will take it,” Donghae smiled as he put his chin on Jessica’s shoulders. Jessica very much liked the idea, she

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Writing the wedding chapter! Ahhh can't wait to update it


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aryuniee #1
Chapter 47: Oh My God... it’s finally happy ending....
Thanks for the great story!!
SwiftSwiftSwift #2
Chapter 47: Aaaand this story has finally come to an end. Really proud that I stuck to this story till the very end. I remember being curious when I first saw this story 5 years ago and how excited I felt whenever you updated, and it stayed that way until the final chapter. I was already crying because I really thought everything was over between them and it was too late, but the turn of events made my heart jump higher! Thank you for writing this magnificent story! From the first chapter to the last, I read it with a smile on my face (there were some tears too! Hahahahahaha!). Congratulations on doing an amazing job!

P.S. At first I was like 'who names their kid Pudding?' That really made me laugh.
koreaLife #3
Chapter 47: Since the debut of this story i'm here and just want to congrat you.. This story is amazing and will always one of fav. Thank you so much for this story.
aidenjung #4
Chapter 46: Comeonnnn Jessica!! U should chase after donghae!!! Pls i wanna see u both getting back together (again)
Chapter 46: Aww go chase him jess
zicky_yun #6
Chapter 46: I really wanted Jess to go back to be alone and then reunite with donghae and finally be together, but it seems that something different will happen (╯︵╰,)
aryuniee #7
Chapter 46: Go get him Jess!!
Chapter 46: omggg jessica you go girl!!!!
Chapter 45: Oh gosh I almost cried at the end of the chapter
SwiftSwiftSwift #10

YEAH THEY SHOULD GIVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ANOTHER CHANCE!! Donghae wanted her back and now he decided not to just because he doesn't wanna hurt her again :( that's real love right there! Geez, this fish needs to win his woman back big time! Can't wait for the next chapters!! I really can't believe that you're back and you'll be completing this story, you have no idea how happy that made me! Thank you so much for coming back and deciding to not abandon this masterpiece! I'll be waiting for the next chapters ?