the meeting agenda: PART TWO

12 Billion Dollar Boys



“Can’t you be at least more dramatic?” Jongin scoffs at Jinki.

“Was I supposed to?” He raises an eyebrow.

Jongin put his hands up in the air. “Of course! You should have at least broken it to us gently!”

“Wait a minute.” Kyungsoo raises a hand in the air. “You’re saying that we’re brothers?” He asks as his eyes widen even more. “That’s impossible.”


“We don’t even have the same faces!” Chanyeol exclaims.

“We don’t even have the same family name!” Kyungsoo adds.

“And we don’t have the same parents!” Baekhyun inserts.


“This is bull. You’re a scammer who’s trying to put us into a very big mess and you’re going to ask us for money after you promise to help us. You’re a motherfu—“

Jongin exclaims but gets interrupted by Baekhyun “Shut up please, will you? He doesn’t even look like that person you’re talking about. He more looks like a bankrupt businessman who’s trying to lurk us into becoming slaves or something.”

Jongin shots him a death glare. “And who the hell told you to nag me like a mother?! YOU shut up. Your comment is not even intellectual.”


Jinki watches the six boys start to wreak nuisance. The place becomes more chaotic as Jongin and Baekhyun starts a fight of word-vomit.



“You are such—“

“Shut up you eyeliner boy who doesn’t even look like a boy—“

“That’s better than looking like a fish—“

“I’m no fish, I’m even more handsome than you—“

“Ladies dig me, they bury you—“

“Faces with yours should be burnt in hell—“


A hand slams hard on the table. The boys turn to see who the doer was.


“All of you. Just… just shut up, okay? We’re all in one big mess and nobody’s even trying to figure out what to do.” An irritated Kim Joonmyun says. “Grow up, guys.”

The five boys look at him surprisingly. Then Jongin starts to speak up.


“You think about it, I don’t have all the time.” Jongin mutters and turns back to Baekhyun. “You mother—“

“SHUT UP!” Baekhyun exclaims and everything goes back to chaos.



Defeated, Joonmyun sinks back to his chair and sighs. Jinki clears his throat and starts to talk in a clear, businessman-like manner. “So I guess the twelve billion dollar deal is off.”


Six faces turn to look at him. “WHAT?!”


“Do you even know why you’re here?” Jinki asks, eyeing each man across him.

Chanyeol was the first to give an answer. “No.”

“That’s the main reason why I’m telling you to calmly take your seats and shut your mouths so I could talk and explain the occasion.” He tells the furious Kim Jongin and the outraged Byun Baekhyun.


Jongin blinks, slowly loosens his grip on Baekhyun’s collar and takes a seat. Baekhyun relaxes a bit and sits on his chair.

“Okay, I’m glad you both are rational human beings. Now, maybe we should start—“


“Hey, I think I know you.” Sehun says and purses his lips after he takes a good look a Jinki.

“Oooh, that’s why you were so quiet a while agooo.” Baekhyun makes another comment.

Sehun ignores him then the man smiles at him. “You’re my father’s assistant!” He exclaims after a few moments. “I call you Onew. You’re the one who updates me every time dad’s away.”

“Oh great, another family reunion coming right up.” Jongin mutters under his breath and Baekhyun hisses.

“Yes, yes.” Jinki says and waves a hand at Sehun. “And this matter has something to do with your father.”


“OUR FATHER?!” All six of them repeat.


“Yes. Now, maybe I should get started.” Jinki mutters and turns on the LED TV.

“Yes, please old man.” Jongin dismisses him with a wave of his hand.

“I’m not old.” He complains and ignores Jongin.

“So, this matter is about your father. And by the way, who’s your father again?” Jinki asks all of them.


The six answer in chorus.

“Lee Sooman.”


There was a long pause before everyone reacts at the same time.


“Wait, what? Lee Sooman’s my father!” Chanyeol exclaims even before one person could react.

“He’s my father too!” Joonmyun says, looking at Chanyeol.

“He’s my dad!” Jongin shots up. “I haven’t seen him for a very long time.”

“My dad too.” Kyungsoo adds as he raises a hand up in the air.

“And mine too.” Baekhyun replies.


“And yours too?” Chanyeol asks Sehun, who still had his poker face on.

Sehun, who was still crossing his arms, answers a calm “Yes.”

“My dad is not as ugly as yours…” Chanyeol utters to himself.

“What?” Kyungsoo asks him.

“Oh… nothing…” He rolls his eyes and looks away.



“Wait, so you are trying to tell us, Jinki that—“

“Onew. Call me Onew, I prefer that name.” Onew clarifies Joonmyun, as a matter of fact.

“Okay, whatever. What are you trying to tell us, Onew? That Lee Sooman’s our father? And that means we’re all brothers?” Joonmyun asks, half-rising from his seat.

Onew winks at him. “Bingo. You’re smart, Joonmyun-sshi.”



“What?” Joonmyun mutters despite the compliment and sets back.

I can’t live with these jungle people.


“Our fathers’ might just have the same family name. That’s too impossible to happen, you knowww?” Chanyeol absentmindedly says and a few agrees.

Of course, that’s because nobody wants to live with anybody from the room.



“Unfortunately, I have a proof telling you that you boys,” Onew pauses dramatically,

“Are all brothers.”


“What proof?” Jongin asks before anybody else could. “Don’t tell me you preserved our birth certificates, made our family tree, or stalked us to death.”

“There’s something better than that, Jongin-sshi. Here.” Onew clicks a button from the remote control and a Lee Sooman appears.


“DAD?!” All six of them exclaims.

Onew shrugs like he was trying to say, ‘I told you so…’


It was a video recorded earlier, and yes, it was Lee Sooman, with y and pretty girls on the background.

“Hello boys, I guess you’re quite alerted right now.” He says and Jongin snorts.


“Really, it’s him.” Jongin says and rolls his eyes. “He told me he’s in America right now. He said he had a lot of important matters to finish before the year ends.”

“He told me he’s in Japan to promote a latest invention.” Baekhyun answers yet kept his eyes on the screen.

“More like promote you being a spawn of Satan.” Jongin fires and the atmosphere heats up again.


“He told me he’s in Canada, being busy with all work from the company.” Chanyeol inserts before the two boys could start a fight.

“He said he’s in Germany, trying to finish his term in the company.” Joonmyun adds.

“He said he wanted to travel around the world.” Sehun says, his face still that same one he had a while ago.

“He told me he just wanted to roam around, and he even said he’s in Southeast Asia right now.” Kyungsoo inserts. “I’m not surprised his up to this kind of thing.”


“So basically, he lied to all of us.” Jongin concludes. All the boys nod.

“Why don’t you guys listen to what your father has to say?” Jinki says and all eyes instantly go back to the screen.



“So, I guess you now know that you are all brothers. And indeed, I know this is hard for you…”

“Hard my face.” Jongin adds and Kyungsoo hisses.

“What?” Jongin innocently looks at him.

“Please keep quiet.” He replies.

“Tss. Donut eyes.” Jongin murmurs under his breath. Kyungsoo pretends he doesn’t hear anything.


“But I’m doing this for all of you and I know this is the best I can do. Starting tomorrow, you will have to live inside one house. And you have to stay together. That’s the only way you can save the twelve billion dollars I’m about to hand to you…”

“Twelve billion? Wow, that’s quite a lot.” Chanyeol mutters. Quite a lot of money to buy foods.


“The only thing I want from you is to cooperate and execute brotherly love, you know how much you kids mean to me. That’s why I want you to stay inside one house for you to be closer to each other. That’s it. A very simple wish from your father.”

“Jeez, dad sounds like a game master on the television.” Jongin mutters again. “Going all gooey with brotherly love and scare us with the money.”


“My assistant will explain to you everything. But for now, I want to apologize for the trouble I’ve caused you. And wait, did I say you all are attending the same school from now on?” He asks and the six guys instantly react.


“Seriously, dad loves surprises too much.” Jongin adds again as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“No way, hell no.” Baekhyun hesitates. “Never. I’m not going to the same school as meongki Jongout.”


“But if you don’t want to, then you may walk away and pretend you have heard nothing about the twelve million dollar issue. You know I’m an old man now, and I’m about to leave so…” He coughs.

“You’re too much of a casanova to die, dad.” Sehun says. Chanyeol laughs. “Horses don’t eat low grasses.”

“I guess that’s all for today. The rules will be given once everyone agrees to the statement. Goodbye, boys. I’ll see you after a year.” He waves at the camera, together with his girls before the screen turns black.

All of them set back.

“Dad should’ve added those girls. It would be much better.” Chanyeol says to himself before he sighs.

“I think I’m in a nightmare.” Baekhyun says, raising his hand to his forehead.

“Yes. And I’m the devil.” Jongin says.

“I’m glad you know.” Baekhyun hisses and closes his eyes, ignoring the glare Jongin gives him.


“So,” Chanyeol looks at Onew and begins to talk. “What’s that twelve billion dollars thing he’s talking about?”


Onew chuckles.


“Nice question, kid.”









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chapter 2 is already done, still not sure when's the right time to post it


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HWAT? HAHAHAHHA OMG THE POSTER /prints a tarpaulin of that image/ xD
EXO_Author-nim #2
Going to wait for the update^^
misajinki93 #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^