
It was another ‘dinner at Baekhyun’s house’ night. They had decided on making some really complex ramen with the eggs and leeks and everything. Chanyeol was really excited because he was going to bring some home to Jongup who really liked ramen because of this one anime that he didn’t bother to learn the title too. Baekhyun liked to wear aprons and that enough made him happy.

               “You know, you look like a million dollars with that on. If that was the only thing you were wearing, I’d like that too.” Chanyeol said, but the last part was a mumble. Baekhyun’s face turned cherry red and he nearly chopped off the tip of his finger.

               “What did you just say you ert?” Baekhyun teased, but Chanyeol sniggered to himself and went back to stirring around some chicken broth and waiting for just the right time to add in the noodles. Baekhyun was still busy with slicing and dicing vegetables and eggs.

               “Nothing. Nothing at all.” Chanyeol said back, grabbing up a handful of carrots and throwing them in. Baekhyun growled because he wasn’t done with his prep work, but he knew Chanyeol could care less. When the guy was hungry, he’d knock a kid over to get food.

               The two sat around in the kitchen while the pot boiled once everything was in. Baekhyun untied his apron and Chanyeol smirked.

               “Do you think if we went apron shopping you’d let me pick out something for you?” he asked, and Baekhyun popped his head up to look at him with doe eyes.

               “Why?” he asked. Chanyeol looked down and off to the side.

               “Well, some guys like men in suits and I so happen to like men in aprons. Is that such a crime?” Chanyeol asked, and Baekhyun grinned from ear to ear.

               “You mean you like a man who can cook more over a man who can work?” he questioned as innocently as he could. Chanyeol let out a burst of laughter and waved it off.

               “What I’m saying is that I like being with you in times like these. I think these moments, the ones where you’re at your most natural, you look the most beautiful.” Chanyeol said, and Baekhyun eyed him.

               “You haven’t seen me yet then.”

               The pot boiled over.


               Chanyeol liked it when Baekhyun got frisky. He liked it when they were watching something and there was a brush over his crotch and Baekhyun’s face was a cute pink that drove Chanyeol wild. He liked how fragile Baekhyun looked even though he was a freak in the bed. He could go for hours if Chanyeol had the stamina. He was loud and those vocals were put to good work when no one else was around. He liked how Baekhyun’s demeanor from in person to behind closed doors was a total contrast. Face to face, he was a mess. Face to bed sheets, he was a good as gone. was like Baekhyun’s ecstasy if he had ever tried it.             

               Chanyeol was more than willing to dish it out too. He liked the noises that his (maybe) boyfriend made under his power. He liked all the faces he made and he sure as hell liked the sound of his name said over and over at the top of his lungs. He wanted Baekhyun to sing his name at , but he never got to chance. It seemed like Baekhyun purposely would try and avoid that. It was times like that where Chanyeol would yank at fluffy hair and spank a pretty lily white . Chanyeol also liked doing that even if Baekhyun didn’t like receiving it.

               was never planned. It was spur of the moment and it didn’t happen as often as they would like. Either Baekhyun was too tired, Jongup was home or Chanyeol wasn’t in the mood. Something or another would always get in the way, but when they got to it, it was wonderful and magical every time. Every time they did it, no matter how rough or , they always made love. They would always end with a kiss and one would always clean the other. Smiles happened and awkward moments were abundant no matter how many times they had been though the routine. Chanyeol would sometimes slip out and Baekhyun even fell off the bed once. They laughed it off always and felt like this was how life was supposed to be.

               They did it anywhere they thought they could get off and not get in trouble with the exception of the time no one was in the theater and Chanyeol really wanted to go at it. They had done it in the shower, on the couch, on Chanyeol’s bed, on Baekhyun’s bed, in both houses, in both their cars and even in the kitchen on more than one occasion. The aprons that Chanyeol had bought for Baekhyun were frilly and definitely geared towards females, but Baekhyun didn’t say anything and just put them on. It was mandatory on some days that he cooked while Chanyeol sat on the countertops and watched like a hawk.

               “Don’t squat when you open the oven, bend over. Squatting isn’t y.” Chanyeol commented as Baekhyun (Chanyeol wanted to call him Cakehyun since he was baking a cake, but Baekhyun smacked him and said this his name alone was enough), checked on the cake he was baking for Jongup’s girlfriend’s birthday which was nearing fast. Jongup wouldn’t cook to save his life, so Baekhyun was nominated to help out even if he didn’t want to. Baekhyun looked into the oven and mused that it didn’t look right just yet. He stood back up and shut the oven and leaned against the counter. His was cold on the tile.

               “Well, you’re making me wear the cherry one and you know I don’t like the cherry one. I like the one with the bows but you insisted the cherry one today so this is your punishment. I’m not going to be y for you.” Baekhyun fought. Chanyeol drew his eyebrows together.

               “Don’t you bicker at me Byun Baekhyun. You know that I like this one more than I like the bow one. I bought these for me.” he said back. Baekhyun crossed his arms.

               “But I’m wearing them and I don’t have to do what you say. I can go and get dressed right now and you won’t do anything about it, will you? You know you love me too much to say no.”

               The younger male kicked at the kitchen floor and bit his lip because he was trapped with words he knew were right. Through everything, he’d grown to really, really like Baekhyun. He even like the way his last name sounded with Baekhyun’s first. Park Baekhyun. It had a nice ring unlike Byun Chanyeol. He thought if they ever got super serious that he’d be sure to convince Baekhyun to take on his last name because god forbid his name didn’t sound good. Even though if in the end Baekhyun really wanted Chanyeol to take on his last name, he would without much of a fight. He wanted to keep him happy.

               A timer rang and Baekhyun (squatted) to open the oven and pull out the cake. He could have sworn the heat from it was going to boil the in his s, but he kept that tidbit quiet since he really should be getting focused on decorating the cake for the girlfriend. He was told that she liked green and purple a lot, but he didn’t want to put the darker colors together because it would end up too much like Barney. He settled for a pastel theme with assorted sprinkles of the moon all around. It was a play off of Jongup’s last name, but that would be his secret. He was sure she’d pick it up, but Jongup and Chanyeol might be a little slow on it.

               He smiled, washing his hands and telling Chanyeol to go get him some clothes to change into. He felt bad enough that he had to bake a cake for her, but from what he remembered the one time she saw him, she thought he was the cutest thing ever and Jongup got really jealous. She assured him it was nothing romantic, but he couldn’t help but to hold a little animosity towards to other kid. Baekhyun only told him he was set on Chanyeol, but that only added salt to the wound, but not too much.

               Chanyeol came back with a pair of boxers and a loose shirt that Baekhyun had stolen from him a little ways back. The older smiled and slipped them on, liking the freedom he had to move around in them. He felt like he could fly because they were so loose. He snuggled up into them a little before walking around the kitchen to grab the frosting, knife, sprinkles and some bags with cake decorating tools. He was a pro at this no thanks to his mother.

               His mom taught him how to bake at a young age since he always wanted sweets but they didn’t have the means to get them. He learned how to make a bang up cake and to die for cookies, but everything else like real ‘manly’ food, I.E., steak, pork, meats in general, he didn’t know how to cook. That was okay though since he always had a sweet tooth and wasn’t really fond of meat in excessive amounts.

               He picked up a bag and cut off a corner, putting a little cone shaped piece through it and then scooping some frosting in. Chanyeol watched as he put it off to the side and got some vanilla frosting and evenly spread it over the whole cake. Shamelessly, he would dip his finger in the frosting and it off to tease Chanyeol. The younger male just tapped him on the whenever he would do that and grin.

               The cake was coated in a fair layer of vanilla frosting and it looked pristine. Had anyone messed it up, Baekhyun would have killed them. He picked up the bag filled with frosting again and started meticulously adding ropes of pastel purple around the edges. They looked flawless to him and all the way around, they were in even . When he connected the last ribbon to the first one where he started, there was a private triumph that he shared with himself.

               He picked up another bag and did the corner cut again and filled it up with green frosting. In the spaces the banners of green left, he added in dots in each one, making sure they were nice and even. He tried his hardest to not smudge anything which was hard when Chanyeol was right over his shoulder, examining his every move. He elbowed him backwards and insisted he needed space.

             On the top, he alternated around the edge purple and green dots. They had little ruffles though, so it wasn’t boring. Through the rest of the negative space, he sprinkled on the little moons so they looked evenly distributed. It was perfect he decided as he went to add on the forever important “Happy Birthday”. He frosted it on and then left some room for the candles that would read 18 that year. He remember when he turned 18 and how cool it was, but then he realized life was just as ty then as it is now, but he would leave the bitter part out of his thoughts just for her.


                Baekhyun and Jongup sang happy birthday for her when the time came, and she cried. She clapped and cried and she said it was the happiest she had ever been in her life. Baekhyun almost cried because of that but Chanyeol called him a sissy which made him up his tears and bring out the cake he had made. The girl gasped and fanned herself because she was so excited. Jongup clapped Baekhyun on the back and whispered thank you to him even though it wasn’t a problem and he really did have fun making the cake. Chanyeol sat back and watched the three with a smile. He was glad his roommate was going to have a good day.


                Summer was fading fast for both Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Jongup too since he was going to school with them in the fall. Classes started in less than a couple of weeks and that was a threat to their relationship. Even though they went to the same college, it was scary to think they wouldn’t see each other. Baekhyun had already turned in his notices to his jobs that he would be taking his leave and it was hard on everyone, especially Luhan, who worked there full time since school wasn’t really for him.

              “You know I’m not going to do with my life when you’re not here. Who am I supposed to harass about their love life now?” he joked, elbowing Baekhyun and ruffling his own hair. Baekhyun laughed at him and pushed him back playfully.

              “You have my number you pansy. Besides that kid with the rainbow hair, or has it changed? Anyways, he always seems to be eyeing you. I don’t know how you don’t see it but he’s all over you. He deliberately will order from you even if you line is the longest.” Baekhyun pointed out, and Luhan’s face was like fire.

               “Shut up, you’re so joking. Him? There’s no way. He’s totally out of my league. Are you sure? Oh man, that’s embarrassing.” Luhan said to himself, but Baekhyun shook him some to bring him back. Luhan was still cherry red and Baekhyun clapped him on the back.

               “No man, I’m serious. The way he looks at you scream and begs for you to notice him. Next time he’s in line and no one is behind him, try and strike up a conversation. Who knows, you might become like Chanyeol and I.” Baekhyun said, and Luhan grunted.

              “Way to into each other and absolutely disgusting about it?” he joked, and Baekhyun lightly pushed him. It was playful and the two smiled before Luhan looked up at the front doors and saw the rainbow haired kid walk in. He was looking handsome as usual and Luhan could feel himself clamming up already. Baekhyun cheered him on from the sidelines as he walked up to the counter and smiled meekly at Luhan, who’s neck, ears and face were redder than before. He felt like he was going to melt onto the floor if the other kid even spoke a word.

             “Can I get a small Sprite and some Swedish Fish?” he asked, and Luhan squeaked out a yes and got a shy look back. Luhan was fumbling for everything while Baekhyun watched the miserable sight from behind, thinking he should maybe quite possibly help, but that would be too nice. Luhan dropped the candy more than once and he overfilled the cup, but the kid laughed with him, not at him. When everything was on the counter, Luhan tallied up his total and took his money, starting conversation with it.

             “I see you here often. What’s your name?” he asked. Bingo. Baekhyun nodded at the first move and the other boy looked up at Luhan and dropped some coins out of shaking hands.

               “S-s-s-Sehun.” he replied. Luhan noticed how he had a lisp when he said it, and he could feel his heart beat faster. There was no way he was that cute. Sehun picked up the coins he had dropped and put them firmly on the counter. Luhan picked them up and opened the register.

             “What are you seeing today, Sehun? By the way, I’m Luhan.” Luhan said, extending his hand for a shake. Sehun shook it.

             “I know. Oh, and, the one new horror one. Uh, uhm-“

               Sehun began searching for his ticket stub, but Luhan assured him it was okay with his signature eye crinkle smile and Sehun seemed to relax.

               “How do you know my name by the way?” Luhan asked, and he realized too late that he should have known the answer, but Sehun just looked off to the side and took a sip of his drink.

                 “You don’t really think I come here to watch movies all the time, do you?


                  School started and Baekhyun was about to destroy his phone if he had to hear Luhan go one about how cute Sehun was one more time, but he was happy nonetheless. Him and Chanyeol texted more often than not too and decided it was nice if they could study together. They weren’t in the same grade, but that just meant Baekhyun would have to help him with the stuff he didn’t get while Chanyeol would massage Baekhyun’s back when he was stressed with homework. The two worked together as best as they could, but sometimes the stress got to their heads and fights would break out


                “You told me you didn’t have homework today.” Chanyeol whined to Baekhyun, who was scribbling something down on some paper while looking at his notes intently. Chanyeol wouldn’t shut up. He kept going on and on and on about how he hadn’t gotten laid in weeks and how he really wanted to have personal time and that Baekhyun should just not to his homework that day even though Baekhyun was the king of doing everything all at once. Chanyeol was okay with late work no matter how much it affected his grades. He knew in the end he would pass the class.

                “Go away Chanyeol, you know I have to do this.” Baekhyun griped. The younger boy rolled his eyes and plucked the pencil out of his boyfriend’s hand. Baekhyun slapped Chanyeol in the chest and stole it back while Chanyeol doubled over in pain.

                  “What the was that for?” he griped, and Baekhyun focused back on his paper.

                 “For being an now let me focus.” he said, and Chanyeol took the pencil back from him.

                 “ me off first.” he demanded, and Baekhyun turned around and looked at him, disbelief plastered all over his face.

                  “Excuse me?” he asked, and Chanyeol twirled the pencil between his fingers and shrugged.

                  “You heard me, so do it.” he reiterated, but Baekhyun had stood up and was glowering down at the younger male.

                   “Get out.” he growled through his teeth. Chanyeol looked confused.


                  “I said, get out!” Baekhyun yelled, pointing towards the door and red in the face. He was shaking from anger, and Chanyeol dropped the pencil on the floor and stood up, hitting Baekhyun before leaving the apartment. He slammed the door on the way out, yelling profanities and other rude remarks back to Baekhyun before he just tuned it out.

                   Baekhyun sank to the floor before letting out a cry and hitting it with his fist. He turned around and threw all of his work off of the small coffee table and yelled, yanking at his hair and heaving in and out, wishing he could just disappear. He didn’t want to die, he just didn’t want to be there at the moment. 

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 9: This was soooo sweet!!
whammysoo #3
Chapter 9: thumbs upx100 i really like how the story revolved not only in ones relationship, but as well as the friendship between two couples, it's a mixture of romance, drama, and friendship. I really like it that it makes me feel envious against their friendship,
Chapter 9: This us beautiful, I love the way they developed in the story and I love and envy hunhab and baekyeols friendship. Ah, my heart feels so happy. Thanm you :3
Chapter 8: Aw the idol life wasnt for them! I don't think it really fit them anyway, they're better when Baekyeol is just Baekyeol and Hunhan is just Hunhan, too much stress isn't good!! I'm so happy with the sweet and hot and happy ending of this chapter!! :)
Chapter 7: They're going into SM woohooo!! :D Why do I feel that Exo is soon gonna be formed ? xp And it felt like a TV show when they all got their call at the same time xD
I wonder how they will live the pretty tough trainee life...
Chapter 6: Wow Baekhyun is xD "you're not my dad.." "oh really?" Hahahaha I laughed at that x)
And they're talking about marriage that's so cute !! ^.^
I want another update!! :b
Chapter 4: Omg the beginning of the chaoter was so perfect and sweet!! And there was some Hunhan yaay <3
But wow Chanyeol is being an here! Like seriously how can he treat Baek like that?! I would have reacted the same way if I was Baekhyun.! I hope they will make things up though... </3
Chapter 4: oh god it was all beautiful and everything was great at the beginning of this chapter but then at the end.. o.o wtf chanyeol. how in your mind did you think baek was to act when you say something like that? it makes it sound like hes just having baek with him so baek would do all he says... now look what happened...
i cant wait to read the next.. i wonder what is gonna happen... will chanyeol realized how a total he sounded like or what....
Chapter 3: It's so sweet!! BAekyeol is finally a couple~ ^.^
But I'm wondering if maybe there will be some drama soon... Because I see how slow they're going and I know they're alright with it but I wonder if it's soon going to be TOO slow for one of them... Well I guess i'll have to wait :P
Update soon! :)