
Baekhyun stared up at the movie screen as the credits rolled. He sighed, sweeping up popcorn into a dustpan and humming along to the ending theme. He hadn’t actually watched the movie before, he just knew the credit song because he was always in there to clean up. A couple of teenagers were still sitting in the theatre, blabbering on about how stupid the movie was and how predictable the ending is. He knew he shouldn’t have listened in, but he did anyways. Yet another film spoiled no thanks to his curiosity. Another sigh passed through his lips and his head hung low, dejected as he saw a spill of someone’s soda. Can’t people be even a little courteous?

               Baekhyun noticed in the group of teen though one boy who seemed to be at the movies quite frequently, although most times he came alone. He seemed out of place as he talked to them about the cinematography in the film and how it was beautifully done, but the plot was about as deep as a puddle and the character development was all wrong if there was even some to begin with. His friends, or so Baekhyun guessed, all gave him a weirded out look before turning back to one another and talking about how awesome the explosions were. The kid seemed to want to add in more, but he was shut out. Baekhyun grunted a little at the other’s rudeness. He kept sweeping though, watching the other guy from the corner of his eye. He was walking down the steps when he turned to Baekhyun and then looked at the spill on the floor.

               “People, huh?” he asked, and then he shrugged, walking off and out of the theater.

               Yeah, Baekhyun thought. People.


               That’s all Baekhyun was in essence to the world around him; A person. He didn’t really have any rhyme or reason. He was a college kid in summer who had an apartment and a job, but most other than that, he didn’t party much. He didn’t get out and he wasn’t too social aside from online with his friends that he played games with. He worked his shifts at the movies and then at night he geared a convenience store and then he went home. After that if he wasn’t tired, he’d play an online game and talk to friends on Skype or he would go to bed. Sometimes he’d go to the clubs and see if there were any people who caught his eye, but more often than not, he went home alone.

               His job at the movies was his favorite place to be despite the work he had to do. Cleaning up other’s people messes wasn’t really his passion, but music was. Moreover, he really liked the music in movies. Composition and scores ran through his very being. He could tell you almost any composer if you played him more than 15 seconds from a piece and what movie it was from. OSTs became his thing when he was a kid and watched one to many musicals. His father always thought it was a phase but his mother always supported him. His dad did too, just not as much. Men were supposed to go into business, not “fruity music”. Baekhyun liked that fruity music and hell or high water, he would learn it.

               The kid he saw earlier in the week he remembered to be a film major at his school which would explain his intense detail of everything that had just happened. He’d seen his face around the campus, but mostly he’d be in a seat with a notepad in hand and his glasses fixed on his face. Baekhyun only noticed him after the show was over, but either the guy would leave with a disgruntled look, scribbling in his notebook or with a cracked looking smile.

               The guy himself looked like he was a little hopped up on something, which wouldn’t surprise Baekhyun considering film majors were known for pulling ungodly hours doing something or another in the summer. His face was elfish. He had big ears and a smile that could kill. It killed Baekhyun a few times, but to go as far as saying he had a crush on a stranger was little much. Had he gotten a few cups of coffee or gone out to lunch with him, he could maybe say he fancied the other person, but as of now it was just a mild interest.

               He watched as the other group of friends left their popcorn bowls and wrappers strewn about the row.

               “God, Chanyeol can be really annoying at times.” A dark skinned boy said. Another wide eyed boy with black hair nodded and rolled his eyes. Some kid who looked too tall for comfort chimed in some.

               “Do you think he’ll ever go to a movie and just enjoy it? It’s just, weird.” he said, and they all agreed. Another boy who had rainbow hair looked like he wanted to say something, but another friend just patted him on the back and urged him to walk away. Baekhyun grimaced at all of their attitudes. To think they would talk about someone’s back like that, especially when they were friends? Yeah, right. He had half the mind to talk to the kid, Chanyeol he assumed, to tell him his friends were jerks, but he couldn’t do that. He was too nice but most of all, too shy. The thought of just talking to strangers made him sick, but the kid was nice enough to throw him a couple of words. Baekhyun thought to himself.

               Was he going to another movie after this? How much money did he have to throw towards movies in the first place? Did he have a job? What did he do during the summer? Did he have an apartment too or were his parents close by? All of these thoughts soon consumed him, and before he knew it, Chanyeol and the mystery surrounding him consumed his life.

               Before he would go to work, Baekhyun wondered if he would see Chanyeol that day and at night, his dreams were filled with thoughts of them watching movies together on his couch; Him talking about the music while Chanyeol nodded and added in his two sense here and there. It was a fantasy that would eat at him until it destroyed him. Baekhyun didn’t know how that made him feel.


               “Hey, space cadet.” Luhan, his coworker called. Baekhyun snapped his head up from cleaning out the drink dispenser to see him pointing over at the ticket counter. “Look like your boyfriend has come back to see you.” he teased. Baekhyun stuttered and his face turned red, but he managed to get words out.

               “He is not my boyfriend. Plus, he’s here to see a movie, not me. You should know that.” he replied. Luhan shrugged and turned back to the counter, waiting for Chanyeol to come and order his usual. Baekhyun thought he should get it ready, but that might be pushing his boundaries. He didn’t want Chanyeol knowing that he knew him that well.

               He walked up to the counter and Baekhyun could feel his palms start to sweat. He looked at Luhan right in the eyes before Chanyeol looked over at him too. His face seemed to light up and he waved. Baekhyun waved back before getting away from the other boy. He wasn’t too keen at interaction, but Luhan stopped him with a raise of the hand.

               “Can I have a blue ICEE and some Skittles?” Chanyeol asked, pulling out a blue duct tape wallet and shoveling out a $20 between all the receipts. Luhan looked back at Baekhyun and motioned at him to get at it. He did, but barely. He overfilled the ICEE cup and handed Chanyeol a fork instead of a straw. He brushed it off with a smile, but Chanyeol looked confused.

               “Not to be rude, but aren’t you on cleanup crew?” he asked. There was no line behind him thankfully, because it took Baekhyun a little time to answer.

               “Y-yeah but r-r-right now there aren’t any movies going on s-so I’m helping out Luhan here. Haha.” he laughed nervously. Chanyeol nodded and smiled, and oh god, Baekhyun nearly lost his breakfast.

               “Well, sorry about my friends awhile back. I noticed they left their place a mess and I thought if they weren’t going to apologize, I should. So, sorry I guess.” he said, nodding a little with a lift of his drink. Baekhyun shrugged as a response, but Luhan kicked him under the counter and he hissed, shooting him a glance before looking back up at a confused Chanyeol. He looked like a lost puppy.

               “It’s fine, really. I mean, I see you more than them anyways and you’re always nice to look at. I mean, shoot, you’re always nice to be around? You’re a nice guy. Can I get your name?”

               Baekhyun hated himself. He also hated Luhan.

               “Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol. And you?” he replied. Baekhyun already knew that thought.

               “B-Byun Baekhyun. It’s nice to meet you Chanyeol.” he said, extending his hand for the other to shake it. He wished it wasn’t so sweaty, but nonetheless, Chanyeol took it and shook it firmly.

               “Don’t we go to the same school?” Chanyeol asked, and Baekhyun nodded, wiping the sweat off on his pants. Chanyeol smiled and titled his head to the side some, taking a sip of his ICEE before smacking his lips at the bitter taste. “You’re in, what was it? Some film class I remember.” Chanyeol said, and oh my god, he knew my class.

               “I’m in film music. You’re in the cinematography class, right?” Baekhyun said, and a smile that could light up the theatre beamed across Chanyeol’s face.

               “Yep! I come here a lot because when I finally become a director, I don’t want my films to be if you get me. Perhaps you and I could do a collaboration?” he said, pulling out a pen from his back pocket. Baekhyun looked at it like it was a monster, but Chanyeol reached for the elder’s hand and scratched the pen on his skin. He the tip when it wouldn’t work, and Baekhyun couldn’t help but to notice how his mouth got dry when he saw his tongue.

               He watched Chanyeol glide the pen across his flesh and write down his number. Baekhyun stared at it, trying to make it out. Chanyeol awkwardly placed the pen back in his pocket while explaining himself.

               “I know the eights look like threes, but just know that anything that looks like a three is an eight and vice versa. If you dial them the wrong way, you’re going to get a very angry old lady on the other line and when I say angry, I mean angry.” Chanyeol said while Baekhyun nodded, still stunned. Chanyeol looked at his watched to avoid any more awkward moments and his eyebrows raised.

               “Oh god, it’s almost time for my movie. Anyways, talk to you later?” he asked, and Baekhyun’s mouth opened and closed, but the younger took that as a yes as he walked off waving. Luhan patted Baekhyun on the back and he felt weak at the knees.


               “Dude, get up.” Luhan said, but Baekhyun couldn’t see him. “I’m serious, open your eyes. This isn’t funny. Get up.” he repeated. He felt his body being shook, but his head hurt and so did his back.

               “Should I call someone?” Chanyeol’s voice whispered. “Baekhyun, get up. Do you need some water? Something to eat? Did you eat breakfast? Oh god, you didn’t eat breakfast, did you?” Chanyeol muttered to himself. Baekhyun’s eyes fluttered open and he looked up at the faces of the two other boys in his. He raised a hand to block out the glimmer of light that shone through the crack between their heads while his other hand felt at a tender spot on his skull.

               “What even happened?” he mumbled, sitting up some before Chanyeol pressed lightly down on his chest, urging him to remain on the ground. Baekhyun just hoped he didn’t feel his heart race when he touched his chest.

               “You passed out you big oaf.” Luhan said, getting up and reaching for a phone. “I’m calling you in. You’re going to go home and get some rest. Someone will drive you back, I’m sure.” Luhan told him, but Baekhyun shot up to his feet, gripping Luhan’s arm and telling him to put down the phone. He still felt woozy, and his stomach growled. Chanyeol winced a little at the sound and wished he could do something to feed him.

               “You want some Skittles?” Chanyeol offered. “And I can drive you home if you need.”

               Luhan raised his brow down at Baekhyun to where he could only see, and Baekhyun’s first reaction was to flip him off. Chanyeol’s face contorted into one of distaste, but Baekhyun looked at him, and then snapped his hand back to his side.

               “I wasn’t flipping you off I swear. I was giving the finger to Luhan. And, you really don’t have to drive me home. I mean, I’d prefer if I could stay at work, but I will take you up on that Skittles offer.” Baekhyun blurted out. Chanyeol laughed at him and stood up, offering him a hand to help him up too. Baekhyun took it, smiling and feeling more than embarrassed. Chanyeol looked around to find a way to leave, and Luhan pointed to a small counter and lifted it up. Chanyeol bowed and walked out, briskly jogging to a spot in the middle of the lobby where his Skittles and drink were sitting. Baekhyun looked to Luhan for an explanation.

               “When he heard you collapse, he all but threw down his stuff and he quite literally jumped the counter to be sure you were okay.” Luhan said, and Baekhyun glared at him.

               “Liar.” he told him, but Luhan shrugged as Chanyeol walked up, struggling to get the Skittles bag open. As if the day couldn’t get any worse, when he finally managed to get it open, it burst out all over the floor, leaving a good amount just rolling around in front of them while the three stood silent and watched. Chanyeol just stared at the floor. He couldn’t bring himself to look back up.

               “I’ll get you another bag.” Luhan said, pulling back the glass pane and getting a new batch. Baekhyun sighed and went to go get his broom, but Chanyeol was on his knees, picking up the candies and telling both of them he was so sorry. Baekhyun walked past the counter and joined him quietly, telling him under his breath that it wasn’t a big deal. Both of them worked at picking up the rainbow dots, and at the last one, the two reached at the same time. Chanyeol’s face lit red when Baekhyun’s hand brushed against his, but he couldn’t figure out why. Moments before, he’d held the hand of him and wrote down his number, but now, it was almost like he knew Baekhyun liked him, and that made him nervous.

               “I’m so sorry.” Chanyeol said, pulling his hand back. Baekhyun just rubbed his own and looked at him meekly, his face red and body shaking.

               “It’s okay. I think I’ll take your offer up on driving me home though. I feel really lightheaded and I don’t want to pass out again! I’m sure you’ll get a refund for your movie, and sorry for making you miss it.” Baekhyun apologized, but Chanyeol held up his hand and shook his head.

               “I made myself miss it fretting over you. No need to be sorry and I don’t mind if I get a refund or not. I can stream it at home later as bad as that is.” he said, and Baek hummed.

               The two got up from the floor with Chanyeol keeping a close eye on the older one. He seemed like he was walking fine, but he respected his feelings about his health and picked up the extra bag of Skittles Luhan had left on the counter. His ICEE was melted by then and Baekhyun was in the back grabbing up his stuff while Luhan placed a couple of phone calls to be sure his shift was covered. He saw the manager talking gently to Baekhyun with a hand on his back. He nodded along to what he was saying and threw him a weak smile for good measure. Chanyeol could tell he was only there for the money and the music and the movies. The people, not so much. Maybe him though, and that warmed his heart a little.

               “All ready to go?” Chanyeol asked as Baekhyun walked his way. He nodded, slinging his tote bag over his shoulder and walking slowly next to Chanyeol with a smile plastered on his pasty face. He was thankful he was coming down with something because otherwise his face would be shaded like a tomato.

               “Whose car are we going to take if you need to get back here?” Baekhyun pointed out. Chanyeol pointed to him, unfazed

               “I can walk back here no problem. We can take your car and I can walk back.” he said, but Baekhyun doubted him.

               “No, I don’t think you get it. I live really far away. Well, not really, but like twenty minutes by car and it’s hot outside. I don’t want you to pass out from heat exhaustion from walking back. Plus, you’re in jeans and a jacket. I mean, I can only give you a bunch of water bottles and hope for the best if you really insist on walking back. I just want to get this sorted out before we head off. I can see if Luhan can drive behind us and you can come back with him.” Baekhyun offered, but Chanyeol shook his head and smiled. Baekhyun noticed how one of his eyes didn’t match the other and how his ears raised up when his face moved. It was all very charming, but there was still an issue at hand that needed to be solved.

               “Naw, I think I can walk. Besides, I need to lose some of the weight that gain I from eating all of this theatre food. Now come on, fainting beauty, let’s go.” he said, motion Baekhyun to lead. He did, reluctantly. Chanyeol walked behind him and he didn’t really like that. I made him feel like Chanyeol was ashamed to be seen with him. That wasn’t the case he knew, but it ate at him. He walked through the crowd of people that came with the afternoon and led Chanyeol a little ways out into the parking lot. Baekhyun stopped at his car when they got there and he passed off the keys from the passenger side, slipping in and being a little embarrassed of the mess. There were a few more ticket stubs and candy wrappers strewn about the vehicle for him to be comfortable with and it smelled like a sickly mix of cheap vanilla car freshener and sugar, but the other paid no mind. He started the car and the air conditioning with ease and smiled.

               “You know, to keep you from passing out again.” he said, and he shifted the gears into reverse and backed out carefully. Baekhyun was focused on Chanyeol’s neck when he craned it to look of his shoulder. Who knew safety could be so y? Baekhyun giggled to himself and relaxed as he melted into the seat. It had been awhile since he was driven around. “I’ll pay you back for gas too by the way. I know people like you and I run with the windows down to save it, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

               Baekhyun sat up some and shook his head, blowing the bangs out of his eyes and picking at some dead skin that was under his nail.

               “You don’t have to at all. If anything, I should pay you for chauffeuring me back to my own damn house because I’m weak and got sick in the summer. I’m super sorry. On top of that, I made you miss your movie and you have to walk back to the theatre. I really probably could have asked Luhan to pick me up tomorrow, and now I feel bad. Can I do anything to return the favor?” Baekhyun pleaded. Chanyeol had stopped at stop sign and looked over at Baekhyun, slightly annoyed.

               “You can stop apologizing for starters. You’re sick, that’s okay. I’m driving you home free of charge. If you really want to do something for me, how about your next day off we go out to the movies together?” he offered, and then Chanyeol’s face reddened. “A-as friends of course. If you can even consider us friends I mean. We’re kind of acquaintances right now but I’d like to be friends if that’s not too much to ask. You seem to be like me in the sense that we both are passionate about movies but if you don’t to be friends with the ‘weird kid’, I get that.”

               Baekhyun melted into his seat. Chanyeol had asked him on a date. In his mind at least. He knew that Chanyeol meant it as innocently as possible, but he couldn’t help but to overstate it in his sick state. He wasn’t sure the heat in his face was from a fever, the outside or from sheer happiness.

               “Sure. I’ll call you later and make plans if that’s not too much of a trouble? I should get some rest before I talk anymore or I’ll start saying some pretty loopy things you know?” Baekhyun said as they drove down the road to Main Street. Chanyeol smiled.

               The rest of the way was relatively quiet with the exception of Baekhyun telling Chanyeol where to turn and when to stop. It was mostly hums and nods back from the younger male, but Baekhyun didn’t mind. He just liked being in the presence of Chanyeol he decided. He always had, he just never put any thought into it. He was an odd kid, but Baekhyun was a er for surprises. He dreaded coming up on his house and leaving him.

               Aside from his car being embarrassing, his house was too. The entire complex that Baekhyun lived in was run down to say the least and was cramped. The rain never evaporated it seemed and it was humid all the time, even when it was cloudy. Chanyeol pulled up and into a parking spot and shut off the car, leaning back and letting out a breath. Baekhyun looked at him.

               “Something wrong?” he asked. “Is it the walk back? I can call Luhan to come and pick you up. If you don’t mind waiting awhile, that is.” Baekhyun said, but Chanyeol airily laughed and shook his head, running a hand through tousled locks. Baekhyun wondered what those hands would feel like in his hair.

               “No, that’s not it. I just had no idea you lived so close to me and we hadn’t run unto each other yet.” he said, and Baekhyun’s eyes lit up.


               “Yeah.” Chanyeol replied, pointing to a house that was a floor below and 4 down from Baekhyun’s apartment. “I live there with my roommate, Jongup. He’s a quiet kid, but he does dance at the school. Kind of shy if you ask me, but he’s kind. Too kind I think sometimes, but if you ever run into each other, he’s uniquely him.” Chanyeol explained. And Baekhyun’s mouth was practically on the floor.

               “You live right there?” Baekhyun said, still gawking that he was so close for so long. “I’ve met Jongup once or twice when we were getting the mail. Why is hair blue all of a sudden by the way?” he asked. Chanyeol shrugged.

               “Hell if I know. Anyways, I’ll ask him to drive me back. He won’t mind. I’m sure he’s playing video games with his friend anyways and he really doesn’t really like that friend, but don’t tell him I know that.” he teased, and Baekhyun laughed, opening the car door and stepping out. Chanyeol passed off the keys and their hands brushed again. This time, both of them let it pass and Baekhyun locked the car door.

               “Do you need me to walk you up the steps or do you think you have it?” Chanyeol said. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and put his hand on his forehead.

               “Thanks mom, but I think I’ll be okay.” he said sarcastically, and Chanyeol flashed a million dollar smile. Baekhyun thought maybe then he would pass out, but his body quickly chilled when it was gone.

               “Just making sure. Anyways, I’ll see you around. I can come by later and check on you if you need too. Other than that, you give me a call so we can set up going to the movies, alright?” he said. Baekhyun nodded. With that, he set off and up the stairs while Chanyeol went off to his own apartment, calling Jongup’s name loudly when he walked in and then heard a groan. Baekhyun laughed and unlocked the door to his own room.

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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 9: This was soooo sweet!!
whammysoo #3
Chapter 9: thumbs upx100 i really like how the story revolved not only in ones relationship, but as well as the friendship between two couples, it's a mixture of romance, drama, and friendship. I really like it that it makes me feel envious against their friendship,
Chapter 9: This us beautiful, I love the way they developed in the story and I love and envy hunhab and baekyeols friendship. Ah, my heart feels so happy. Thanm you :3
Chapter 8: Aw the idol life wasnt for them! I don't think it really fit them anyway, they're better when Baekyeol is just Baekyeol and Hunhan is just Hunhan, too much stress isn't good!! I'm so happy with the sweet and hot and happy ending of this chapter!! :)
Chapter 7: They're going into SM woohooo!! :D Why do I feel that Exo is soon gonna be formed ? xp And it felt like a TV show when they all got their call at the same time xD
I wonder how they will live the pretty tough trainee life...
Chapter 6: Wow Baekhyun is xD "you're not my dad.." "oh really?" Hahahaha I laughed at that x)
And they're talking about marriage that's so cute !! ^.^
I want another update!! :b
Chapter 4: Omg the beginning of the chaoter was so perfect and sweet!! And there was some Hunhan yaay <3
But wow Chanyeol is being an here! Like seriously how can he treat Baek like that?! I would have reacted the same way if I was Baekhyun.! I hope they will make things up though... </3
Chapter 4: oh god it was all beautiful and everything was great at the beginning of this chapter but then at the end.. o.o wtf chanyeol. how in your mind did you think baek was to act when you say something like that? it makes it sound like hes just having baek with him so baek would do all he says... now look what happened...
i cant wait to read the next.. i wonder what is gonna happen... will chanyeol realized how a total he sounded like or what....
Chapter 3: It's so sweet!! BAekyeol is finally a couple~ ^.^
But I'm wondering if maybe there will be some drama soon... Because I see how slow they're going and I know they're alright with it but I wonder if it's soon going to be TOO slow for one of them... Well I guess i'll have to wait :P
Update soon! :)