I am Kim Jonghyun

I am Kim Jonghyun

I am Kim Jonghyun. Yeah, the one one from your favorite group, SHINee. The one who possesses such an amazing and powerful voice. Yes, I'm that guy. The one you would fall in love with again and again because of his charming looks and hot body. 


I'm bragging about myself? Self-praising? Oh, come on. I'm only speaking the truth. Why can't I be honest about myself? Maybe because you're just jealous. It's okay, I guess it's normal for people to be jealous of me. And anyway, it makes me feel better about myself.

Oh, looks like our performance is about to start. I should go get ready with the other members.


"Jonghyun-ah, stop talking to the mirror and get here!" Kibum yelled from the door.

I stopped talking to the mirror and got up from the dressing table before meeting the other members and heading backstage together. After a few minutes, our group name was called and we all stepped up on the stage. The crowd went wild. Fans screaming like crazy. The five of us took our places as the music started. 

During the performance, I heared all the Shawols singing along with the song, and they also scream out fanchants. Music to my ears. I purposely wink ily at the fans, making all of them scream louder. Then heared them calling our name loudly, and some carriying huge banners with mine and my members' names on them.

This is the kind of moments that I love the most. Being on stage, where everybody loved me. Whatever I do, no matter if its dorky or y, will make everybody scream and love me even more. This is the life I want forever. Nothing should change, ever.




I could feel something... no, someone following me. What a creepy feeling. I think I'm gonna run so that that person might lose me. I started running. I ran with all my strength and energy, but the person behind me started running too. Sweat trickled down my forehead, not because I was tired, but because of fear. Suddenly, a figure appeared and stood right in front of me.

An old lady. So old that she might be a hundred years old. She looked thin like a skeleton, wearing a black cloak that hooded her white lifeless hair. Man, she is one scary old lady. Her dark green eyes stared into mine, making me nervous as hell. She can't be a sasaeng fan right? She's too old to be a fan. 

She walked closer to me, raising her hands towards me like a zombie. I couldn't move, as if she put a spell on me, I was frozen. She put her hands on my head, like it was some kind of orb. Then she muttered a chant. No, not like a fan chant, more like a mantra chant. Suddenly, my head started to hurt. It hurt like hell. I screamed, she screamed.


I woke up from my sleep, still in fear. I put my hands on my head instinctively but it didn't hurt anymore. Thank god. I turned to look around, to see if Taemin was still sleeping on the next bed beside mine. But something was different here. No wait, everything was different. I wasn't in my dorm. No Taemin beside me. Then I realized, I was in a hospital. What the hell am I doing in a hospital? 

I got out from the bed and walked around to find a doctor. I felt fine, no bruises, no pains anywhere. How and why did I end up here?

Aha! I could just call manager hyung. I took out my phone and started dialing his number. 

*tuuuut* *tuut* *tuut* *tuuuut* *tuu-


"Ahh, hyung. Where are you? What happened? Why am I in a hospital?" I asked.

"Uh, sorry but who is this?" Hyung said, his voice seemed uncertain.

"Hyung, this is Jonghyun. Come and get me please."

"Jong- what? Er, sorry, I think you called the wrong number."

*tuuuut* *tuuuut* *tuuuut*

I stared at my phone in shock, frowning in confusion. Hyung never does that. Aish, maybe he's playing around cause he doesn't want to pick me up. Nevermind, I'll call Kibum. 


"Kibum-ah. Where are you?" 

"Who is this?" 

"Its me, Jonghyun. Aish, don't you have my number? Where are you now?"

"Er, sorry. I don't know any Jonghoon. I think you called the wrong number."

"Yah, stop playing around. I need you to pick me up-"

*tuuuut* * tuuut* *tuuuut*

Aish, jjinjja? I groaned. This guy is gonna get it when I get back. I tried calling the other members. Taemin didn't pick up. Onew and Minho gave almost the same response as hyung and Kibum. What's going on? Are they playing a prank on me?

Just then a nurse came along and saw me. She asked me how I felt. At least she was nice to me, not like those other 'friends' I have who betrayed me. I tried asking her what had happened to me, but she didn't really know. I guess I should find my doctor. 

The nurse told me that the doctor in charge of me was treating another patient, and she would let him know that I wanted to speak to him. Okay, thats good. I still couldn't believe that manager hyung would actually hang up on me like that. I felt angry, angry at him, angry at all of them. 

"Hello, you wanted to see me?" A doctor came to me and spoke considerately. 

"Ne, I just wanted to know why am I admitted in here. I mean, what happened to me?" I said nervously, hoping he wouldn't give me some unwanted answer like cancer or something. The doctor looked at me, his face blank. Then he looked at my body condition and scratched his head, blinking a few times.

"C- Cheoseomhabnida. I don't know." He replied with a confused face. What? Is this man serious? What kind of doctor won't know the reason his patient is admitted? 

"Give me a moment please. I'll check your record files." He quickly said and went towards his office. I stood there for a moment, unable to digest what the doctor just said.

After a few minutes, he came to me and asked my name. What is taking him so long? He walked back to the office, leaving me to wait again for at least ten minutes. Just before I was about to lose my patience, he walks up to me with an apologetical face. "I'm sorry, but I think this was a mistake. There is no such file with the name Kim Jonghyun. I'll give you a brief health check for incase and let you out right after." He smiled at me.

I didn't know how to react to that. How did I get admitted if my name wasn't even recorded? Man, it was the weirdest day of my life.

I was let out half an hour later, after my health check. I was fine, no reason to be in a hospital. But now I had another problem. How do I get back to my dorm? I considered about walking. After all, my dorm was only a few blocks away. But then again, people will see me and recognize me. Glancing left and right, I braced myself and decided to do it anyway. I shall walk.

My face wasn't covered, I was wearing a normal white shirt and jeans. Anyone would know that I was SHINee's Jonghyun. I was prepared for the worst.

As I walked passed people and crowds, I noticed that loads of them noticed me, but none actually talked to me. No one came to me. No one screamed my name. Nobody cared. I felt like a normal person in the streets. Something was funny. By now everyone would have known me. I was getting a little nervous.

This is really weird. I thought while biting my lip. My eyes scanned through all the random people, trying to make eye contact to see if they notice me. None did. My stomach twisted and turned abnormally. What's going on? 

I stopped by at a shop to get some sweets. I knew this specific shop because it sells some K-Pop merchandise, and most of the time there were some SHINee items too. I've never stalked my own group, but Kibum does. And he tells me all about it.

"Annyeonghaseyo." I purposely said out loud as I entered the shop. Everyone glanced at me, and then went back to what they were doing. Even a teenage girl just continued what she was doing. Ironically, she was at the merchandise section of the shop. She doesn't recognize me? I was getting worried.

"Annyeong. Do you want something?" The shop owner smiled at me. 

"Ne, I'm just looking for some sweets." I smiled back while looking around at the counters.

I kept glancing at the teenage girl like some sort of stalker, hoping that she would recognize me. But she didn't seem to care. She was more interested in the items than me. Then she took out a picture item and walked to the cashier with a big smile on her face, passing by me. I felt odd. Maybe she's a fan of another idol group. I let her go. 

"Hmm, nope, nope, nope... Ah yes." I mumbled to myself while searching for a nice candy to chew on. Suddenly I heard the shop owners voice mentioning a name. I perked up and listened to the conversation between her and the teenage girl.

"Ahh, so you really like them huh?" The owner said.

"Yes, very much. They're the most inspiring group ever! I wish I could meet them in real life." The girl answered.

"I see. Don't worry. If you are lucky, you'll definitely get to meet them."

"Thank you ahjusshi. I wonder if they will make another concert soon."

"I don't know much about these things, but they should for fans like you." The owner chuckled. What group were they talking about? I kept asking myself. I walked towards the counter with the sweets in my hands. Purposely standing close to the young girl, I leaned to take a look at the picture item the was buying.

I saw four boys standing together. One with black hair, one with brown hair and the other two were blonde. Wait a minute. Isn't that Minho? And Onew hyung, Taemin and Key? She was a SHINee fan but she didn't recognize me. I felt like choking her, strangling her in fact. How could she not recognize the most important member of the group?

But then it hit me. A thought that sent a cold chill down my spine. A thought that scared me. About the picture...

Where was I?


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Chapter 6: Wow! I was actually searching for a new story to read, and this is so good!! Please make a sequel! This story deserves one!!
Chapter 6: Wow...awesome please write a sequel.
AA18072410 #3
Chapter 6: Wow!!! This story is soo cool!!! Are you gonna make a sequel? If you are, I can't wait!!! Awesome story!! ^-^
Blinger_kim #4
Chapter 6: Mysterious ending yah ur so awesome^^
blxck_ #5
lockets_92 #6
Chapter 6: this is awesome! sequel juseyooooooooooooo! :D
Chubbyyeji #7
Chapter 6: Can u write a sequel or something? I'm too curious!!!
This was actually a really nice plot to read! I loved that Jonghyun learnt to appreciate the things around him in the end. Maybe an epilogue or a sequel..? Haha. Fighting! You can definitely write better than this the next time! :D
Chubbyyeji #9
Chapter 5: Update soon! Please! This is so frustrating
blxck_ #10
Chapter 3: :'( seriously you made me cry :'(