Chapter 2

Butterfly Paradise

"Alright class, so here's the big yearly assignment," Mrs Lee said, as she handed out the the worksheet on the assignment. "You are too either sing your own written song, or make a cover of a song and perform it in two weeks time, in front of the class. Not just this class, but with all my other classes. Yes, it is individual and mind you, it's graded, or course. It is 50% of your overall marks for the first semester, so do well." Mrs Lee ended, as she dismissed the class.

I slammed my locker door shut as I put my texbooks inside my locker. Baekhyun stared at me weirdly as he walked up towards me.

"What?" I asked.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"That. You would always slam your locker doors whenever you close it. Like, what the heck is wrong with you, it's not like you're pmsing everyday, right?" Baekhyun commented. 

"...shut up," I grumbled.

Baekhyun grinned in triumph.

"So what song are you planning to do for the music project, Haneul?" Joonmyun asked at the lunch table. Kyungsoo and him are both too, in Mrs Lee's class, though them and Haneul are in different levels. They knew about the song project as every music class will be given a song project at this time of the year.

"I don't know, probably make a cover or something, I guess I'm too lazy to write a new song," I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "What about you guys?"

"Why not? We've all heard some of your self-composed songs, and they're really nicely written," Kyungsoo complimented, as he ignored my question. 

"I've decided to do a cover of a song, I have not decided which song yet though, and Kyungsoo here, has decided to write his own song," Joonmyun said.

Jongin snickered," yeah, because the only lines he can come up with are just "yeah"s and "ooh"s ." Sehun laughed and hi-fived Jongin. 

"Jerks," Kyungsoo grumbled. 

"Hey, have you heard, there will be some transfer students coming from China today to spend a whole year with us, and so far, I've heard that they're really cute" Su Min said, as she giggled.

"Ugh, girls," Baekhyun groaned, as I smacked him at the back of his head. 

"Hey, just because you look at girls, doesn't mean we can't look at guys, too" I teased.

Baekhyun went red in the face, "We do not look at girls...well okay don't look at girls, but Jongin definitely does," he said, as he motioned his head towards Jongin, who just so happens to be eyeing a girl who is just walking past. Sehun sighed and hit Jongin and the back of his head.

"Ow! What?" Jongin said, as he rubbed his head painfully. We all shook our heads as I tried to hold in my laughter.

" guys are mean."

"Wow, you're slow to realise that"

Yixing's POV

"We're here, finally," Luhan said, as he smiled. He followed Mr. Lim, the teacher who is in charge of the student transfer. 

We've finally landed in Korea. Yes, Korea. The land where kpop originated from, the land where boys are prettier than most of the girls. This is Korea. 

We followed Mr. Lim as he looked for someone holding up his korean placard. 

"Ah, there," he said, as he pointed towards a man wearing a black suit. 

"Jung Soo?" the man asked. We secretly laughed behind Mr. Lim's back, as we had always found his korean name to be really funny. Mr. Lim nodded his head, as he jokingly gave us a glare. 

"Follow me, and please, call me Mr. Kim," the man, or Mr. Kim, said as he flashed us a smile.

He led us to two separate 4 seater cars, where two drivers were waiting in patiently.

Well, this is it. 

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Angela27 #1
Chapter 3: LOL. i love the characters/personalities you gave them XD
I can't believe I'm the first comment! Good work! Keep it up.
Fighting!! :))