Lively Living {Part 2}

Invisible Halo

[ continued from the previous chapter -- ]


-Your Pov.-

As I was running down the steps, I bumped into someone. In result, we both fell down, but the person landed on me, and boy, was the person heavy.


"YAH! BARO! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!" Jinyoung came out of the kitchen with a pink, lacy apron, and a spatula. He quickly pulled the so-called 'Baro' off me.

"It was an accident hyung! I swear!!" He looked embarrassed.

"This is no way to treat our lovely guest!" Jinyoung bonked him on the head. Ouch..

"Jinyoung, really.. it was my fault. I'm the one who bumped into him.." I butted in. Aish.. Might as well hide in the basement now.

Jinyoung sighed, as he nodded. "Alright, be careful! You could've gotten hurt." I nodded, in reply and said sorry one more time. He then left to go continue cooking dinner.

I looked at Baro and bowed. "I'm sorry. I'll watch where I'm going next time."

"It's alright, accidents happen, right?" He smiled. "Oh, I'm Sun Woo, by the way, but call me Baro."

I nodded once. "Okay, Baro. I'm Mihi." In a way, he seemed to be staring at me. Wow. It's only day one out of 60, and I already have three boys liking me. This is going to be easy! I grinned on the inside. "Baro..?" I waved my hand in his face.

He blinked. "Oh, sorry! It's just that.. that...--"

A boy with those Harry Potter-shaped glasses walked in, interrupting Baro. "Baro! Where did you put my owl boxers? I can't find them anywhere!" His eyes suddenly turned to me. "Uhh, did I just say that when there was a cute girl in here?"

Baro nodded, while cracking up. "Oh, hyung.. You're never smooth with the ladies." 

I couldn't help but chuckle a little. Boys are boys. Am I right?

The Harry Potter guy ignored Baro's comment, and bowed. "Shinwoo imnida, but you can call me CNU."

I nodded. "Nice to meet you! Mihi imnida."

"Hyung! Mihi's an angel!" Baro grinned and looked at me. Wait... WHAT?!!!

"Me?.. Hehe angel?? No way.." ....DOES HE REALLY KNOW?

"You seriously look like one, though! You're just too beautiful.." He mumbled the last part. Phew. I thought I was in trouble for a moment.

"I agree!" CNU stood next to Baro, staring at me.

"Haha... thank you.." Okay, they're starting to creep me out now..

"DINNER TIME!!!!!!!!" Jinyoung shouted from the kitchen. Thank god. I love you, Jinyoung.

I sprinted to the kitchen, being the third one there. As Jinyoung was putting the food down on the table, Sandeul motioned me to sit in the seat next to him, so I happily walked over and sat. "Are you hungry?" He asked me. Not really.. Since I'm an angel, I don't eat much.

"A bit.." I eye smiled and started staring at the food. It's been a long time since I ate real food.

He laughed. "Aigoo, so cute."

Right then and there, CNU and Baro walked in. "She is definitely cute, Sandeul hyung!" CNU grinned. Oh god.. 

"I wanna sit next to Mihi!" Baro ran to the free seat next to me.

"No fair! I wanted to sit next to Mihi!" CNU gave his best pout. Aigoo these boys.. Am I really that pretty?

"Too bad!" Baro mehronged, leaving the obviously unhappy CNU to sit in the seat next to him. 

Jinyoung walked in the kitchen, and sat in the seat diagonal from where I was sitting, on the other side. "Gongchan! Get your down here and eat!" He called. Ahh, I don't wanna see Gongchan... What if he knew I saw him? Aigoo.. What to do.. what to do.. I had a mental facepalm.

Gongchan finally came down, and sat in the seat across from me. He said hi to his hyungs, smiling, but he seemed to ignore me. Does he really hate me that much?


While we were eating I spotted the spicy ddukbokki. I missed eating spicy food. I took my chopsticks and grabbed one, but all of a sudden, someone grabbed the other end of the same dduk. I looked up, as I saw Gongchan looking back at me. I automatically let go of it, and took another one. Looking away, I ate peacefully.

After we finished eating, I went back up into my room.

Someone knocked, "Come in." I said, sitting on my bed.

Jinyoung opened the door and came in, closing it. "Hi Mihi." He smiled.

"Hello!" I waved with both hands.

"Did you meet all the guys?"

"Yes, they're... You, Sandeul, Baro, CNU, and Gongchan.. right?"

He nodded and laughed a bit. "Yup. I'm sorry if any of them creep you out."

I laughed. "No worries."

"So, I was thinking, since tomorrow is a free day, would you like to the beach with us?"

"You mean the ones with salt water, sand, and seashells?" I excitedly asked.

He looked at me in a funny way. "Don't all beaches have those things?" He laughed.

"Oh.. right!" I grinned, "Just making sure!"

"Haha, alright. I need to go check Baro and Sandeul's mess, that's hopefully now cleaned."

I smiled. "Okay! Bye." He left the room.

Ahhh. I'm so bored now... a few minutes passed by. Tic, tic,tic,tic. I saw a computer in the corner of the room, so I started looking up some popular, modern songs.

"Noona neomu yeoppo!" The song was playing. "Replay, replay, replay!" Ooh, I like this. I smiled as I tried to copy the dance moves, as it was showing on the screen.

-Gongchan's Pov.-

Stupid ddukbokki incident.. Seriously, that was awkward. I ruffled my head. All of a sudden, music broke the silence in my room. I walked over to the door, opened it, and peered in. My eyes then spotted Mihi trying to copy the dance moves on the computer screen to 'Replay, by SHINee'. Omo, how cute.



I had trouble updating this chapter x-x. Ideas just wouldn't flow, so I basically just smushed a bunch of stuff together. XD Sorry if this wasn't a very good chappie. D; But yeeeeh. I needa go update my other stories now v.v LOLS. Byebye! <3333 Thanks for the new subscriptions btw :3 && remember, Comments are loved ^-^



JJ/ Jiji

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chubbyriceeater #2
Thanks for wishing me a happy bday everyone <3333.<br />
<br />
@YoruxRuki;; LMAO xD. WOOT WOOT~<br />
@NeonStarrs;; Really? (: Thanks ^^ Will update soon! O:<br />
@ShadyGirl;; LMAO I DO. No worries xDDD.<br />
@mikamikami;; Looool xDD Sorry for the bad operation name, I couldn't thinkof ANYTHING o_e" Fighting <3 ^^<br />
@KaYi92;; Awww, thanks (: & LOL Thank you, Thank you <333<br />
@AliceWasHere;; Lololol xDD NEEEH <3. Thanks :333<br />
@kyuhyunswifey;; LOL It's fine, thanks a lot =3 Kekek XD LMFAT XDDD!
kyuhyunswifey #3
This is kind of late, but <b>happy birthday to you~!!!</b> Hahaha. :D<br />
<br />
Awwww~ the beach scene was so cute! Seems like Channie & Mihi are going somewhere with this friendship of theirs. Kekeke ;)<br />
<br />
P.S. I wanna meet handsome Key too XD
urbanlatte #4
:DDD hehehe~ I already said happy brithday to you unnie~! C: pshhhh! mihi and gongchan are totally falling for each other. ^^ goooo sanduel!!!! xDD set em' up already!!!! ^w^ lawl~ good luck w/ur birthday wish too. =33
This chapter wasn't bad! It was cute :3 And happy birthday, JJ!! Hope you've had / will have (not sure what kind of time it is in wherever you are xD) a lovely day! :D
LOL Sandeul oppa so tricky :D<br />
Operation A.G.A.D.B. (Angel Girl and Denying Boy) seems interesting :3<br />
I'm glad Gongchan and Mihi got close with each other, already hugging ^^<br />
And they solved the misunderstood thing that Gongchan was gay HAHAHA! XD<br />
I wonder if she will turn not innocent in the future :O <br />
Woot woot Sandeulie-oppa~!! <3 Why is Gongchan denying his r squared pi?? (Tell me you get the U-Kiss reference XD XD)
Great job Jiji!~ *thumbs up* I really liked this chapter!~ Waiting for another update!! :D
YoruxRuki #9
GO SANDEUL~~~ Execute that plan like a boss! >:D bwahaha
chubbyriceeater #10
@ShadyGirl;; LMFAO xD Thank you so much! :D and awwwww :33 That makes mee happy -dances around- XD UPDATED, ma dear <3.<br />
@AliceWasHere;; Ahaha~ To be honest, I dannaaaaa dongsaeng xDD. It kinda does sound weird tho, but idk; i just picked Sandeul randomly.. maybe I shoulda thought about it first -o-<br />
@mikamikami;; Ahaha, neh neh xD. You never know if she'll turn un-innocent O:.. LOLS xD Thanks for reading ^^<br />
@kyuhyunswifey;; Awwww!! Thanks oh so very much <333. Updated :DD