[Baekhyun] Rejection


This is my scenario 
Baekhyun is hyunna's childhood best friend they really love each other in a friendly way but then later on baekhyun. Develop feelings for hyunna he never told hyunna because he doesn't have the courage and he's scared to ruin his Develop feelings for you he never told hyunna because he doesn't have the courage and he's scared to ruin his friendship with her but then when he already gather up all of his courage he found out that you love another guy name sehun he got hurt very bad and then he made hyunna choose..and hyunna chose ____. (Surprise me you can choose who I don't really care)
Genre: comedy drama and romance
Characters: sehun. Baekhyun. Hyunna.
Name: Janna jane 

Thank you for requesting <3 

"I mean look at her." Baekhyun whispered to his bestfriend Chanyeol. Chanyeol glanced at you and blinked before turning back to Baekhyun. "I am looking at her but what do you mean?-"

"She's so beautiful." Baekhyun sighed, gliding his hands across his desk and placing his chin on the table, gazing at the back of your head. Chanyeol chuckled and ruffled Baekhyun's head. "I think you should just confess already Baek." Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol in shocked and shot up from his seat. "Man no way! I can't!" He exclaimed waving his arms back and forth. Chanyeol rolled his eyes, pushed baekhyun back into his seat. "What's the worse thing that could happen?-" 

"THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN IS OUR FRIENDSHIP BEING RUINED BY MY STUPID BIG MOUTH!" Chanyeol sighed, and covered Baekhyun's mouth with his hand. "Baek your being too loud, just shut up and calm down." Chaneyol huffed in annoyance, as he turned to glance at you. "Baek i don't think she'll be awkward around you, if you confess and get rejected. Your bestfriends after all." Baekhyun's eyes widened as he pushed Chanyeol's hand off his mouth. "G-Get rejected?" He ask horified. Chanyeol chuckled and patted Baekhyun on the head. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Baekhyun growled at Chanyeol. "Whatever man, just confess already." Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the giant and placed his chin back onto his desk staring at you. "It's not as easy as you think man..."


Baekhyun's gazed burned at the back of your head. Yup. You knew he was staring at you, just like he did every other day. You sighed, forcing yourself to ignore the urges to turn around and tell me to stop looking at you. You knew Baekhyun had feelings for you, it was so freakin obvious. You and Baekhyun have been bestfriends for years and you did love him with all your heart, just not in the way he liked you. Sure, Baekhyun was one of the funniest, smartest and cutest guys you know, It's just the feelings to love him in that way just won't form in your heart. Baekhyun was bright and humorous and he made you feel happy. You really appricated the fact that he saw you in that way, but now having to reject him was the hardest part for you. Similar to Baekhyun's worries, you also didn't want to ruin your friendship with Baekhyun. 

You sighed,  closing your book shut and turning to face Baekhyun, who seated two seats away from you. Baekhyun's eyes widened in shock, as you both locked gaze. Baekhyun quickly sat up right and cleared his throat, bringing his hand to his mouth. You chuckled at the cute gesture.  Deciding to approach the flustered boy, you got out of your seat, walking over to him.

"Baek, let's go home." 

Baekhyun's ears perked up, at hearing that. He glanced around the classroom to find it empty. "Everyone's gone home already, i stayed behind a little longer to finish off the notes. Baekhyun's face flushed red in embarrassment. You brought your hand to your mouth, trying so damn hard to not just burst out laughing. You honestly felt bad for the poor guy, but you thought he looked so extremely cute right now. Baekhyun glared at you and stood up, flinging his bag over his shoulder. "I was just caught up in conversation with Chanyeol."

Baekhyun pointed in Chanyeol's direction to only find the giant was gone. "Eh?" Baekhyun's eyes scanned the classroom, and the giant was in fact not present in the room. Reaching your limits, you bursted out into laughter, you placed your arms around your stomach.

"S-SHUT U-UP!" Baekhyun  exclaimed, glaring at you. "I-I'm sorry Baek." You said between inhales, trying to catch your breath. "You just looked so cute." Baekhyun's ears even turned red, hearing you say that. "WHAT KIND OF MAN, LIKES BEING CALLED CUTE!?" Baekhyun exclaimed, hurring out of the classroom. "W-WAIT UP!" You screeched running after him.

"B-Baekhyun!" You hissed grabbing onto his wrist. Baekhyun blushed at the simple contact. "Don't worry i'm not mad." He forced a smile, as he petted you on the head. You smiled and began to walk on ahead, but soon stop abruptly. "What is it?" Baekhyun asked confused, as he scanned the side profile of your face. Yours eyes were missing the usual beautiful glint, as you stared off into the distance your face clearly frowning. Baekhyun's gaze followed your own to see Oh Sehun standing near the end of the corridor with a girl he didn't recognize standing in front of Sehun. She held a pink letter in front of her. 

Baekhyun's heart dropped. He knew whoever this girl was, she was definietly confessing to Sehun. Her face was flushed red to her ears, as she nervously fidgeted with the sleeves of her shirt, her eyes shining with a hopeful glint. She was clearly nervous and in the middle of anticipation for his answer. Why would you care if a girl was confessing to Sehun? You didn't like him did you?

Baekhyun gulped, as he turned to face you, tugging onto your hand. "Hey, let's go." He whsipered, gently pulling you along with him. You snapped out of your daze and forced a smile. "I'm sorry about that, let's go." Your voice was lacking your usual happy chime, as you gloomly walked side by side with him, your face was troubled. It was so obvious.

Baekhyun's eyes averted to the ground, saddness slowly welling in up in side him. Ouch. Heart aches hurt a lot, don't they. Baekhyun sighed and slowly pulled his hand out of your grasp. Your eyes widened as you stop walking, turning to face Baekhyun. "Baekhyun?" You asked softly, tilting your head to the side in confused. Baekhyun felt his heart jump in his chest. You we're cute. Everything you did was just so darn cute. Baekhyun couldn't stand it anymore. Reaching his boiling point. He clenched his hands into fist as he bit his lips in frustration. You worriedly walked over to him, placing your hand gently on his shoulder, so gently that he could barely feel the warmth of your touch. His eyes glazed over. "No i'm going to be a man and just do it." He whispered more to himself. You blinked in confusion. "B-Baekhyun are you okay-"

He stopped your sentence by placing his warm palm of his hand over your hand, that was placed onto his shoulder. He gently grasped your hand, bringing his face slowly up to lock eyes with you. "I'm just going to come out and say it." You didn't know what to expect, your heart was racing, as all sorts of thoughts we're already roaming around in your head. He's not going to confess is he


Your eyes widened, wider than dinner plates as you stared at Baekhyun is absolute bewildered. You knew this day was bound to come, but the fact that it's here and happening right now. You weren't ready. Seeing your lack of response, he decided to repeat himself.


You opened and closed your mouth like a fish not knowing what to say. Your lowered your head feeling absoutely terrible about what you we're about to do. "I like you too Baekhyun." You lifted your head and bravely looked him right in the eyes. Standing in front of you was your bestfriend. Byun Baekhyun. The friend you loved dearly, but as a brother. Baekhyun's eyes lit up, with your answer but deep down he knew there was more to it.

"I like you too Baekhyun, i like you so much...but not in the way you like me." You gently spoke, your eyes full of sympathy. You felt absolutely terrible, but it had to be done. If Baekhyun was actually prepared to confess to you, he should of also been ready of rejection. The thing is, it's not easy being turned down by the person you love. Baekhyuns face fell competely. His cheerful expression and usually bright, sparkly eyes we're now dull. You bit your lip, waiting anxiously for Baekhyun's answer. "I'm sorry Baekhyun, i truely am. I do love you.-"

"But not in the way, i do. I get it Hyunna." He chuckled, sadly averting his gaze. "You like Sehun don't you." Your body perked up at the sound of Sehun's name. Oh yes. You liked Sehun, you liked him a lot. "Y-Yeah." Baekhyun sighed and stuffed his hands into his pockets, removing his hand off your hand. You felt a really painful stab in your chest as you stared at your friend with tear glazed. "I'm so sorry Baekhyun." His action made you panic, in thought he wanted to end your friendship. You truely need Baekhyun in your life and you didn't want him to leave you as a friend.

Did i reject to harshly? Should i have been a bit more gentle or thought over my words a but more?

As all these thoughts flooded your mind, a single tear fell rolled down the side of your face, you stared at Baekhyun. "Hyunna...It's okay i knew i was going to be rejected from the start, don't cry please." Baekhyun gently cupped your face, his thumbs wiped your tears away. You should of felt a bit more relieved that he was prepared for it, but you felt even more ty hearing him say that, and now that he did this comforting gesture, it made your heart sunk. "i am really sorry Baek." Baekhyun forced a smile, as he tapped you on the forehead. "Pabo, i'm fine." Baekhyun chuckled.  

"Baekhyun, i might be rejected as well." You said in a hushed tone. Baekhyun snapped his head up and stared you straight in the eye. "What makes you say that?" You shook your head, and averted your eyes to the ground. "He got confessed to remember? By that girl." You said chuckling. Baekhyun frowned and ruffled your hair. "H-HEY!" You exclaimed grasping onto his hand. You both felt a little electric shock run through both your veins as your hands made contact. You both stared at each other wide eyed, and you nervously avoided eye contact.

"You know if Sehun does reject you, i'll always be here for you Hyunna." He said it seriously, turning away from you, so you were facing his back. "R-Really now?" Baekhyun nodded his head still facing the other direction. "I will always be there for you." A warm genuine smile made its way onto your lips, as you stared at Baekhyun's back in admiration. "Thank you so much, Baekhyun!" You exclaimed, grinning. Baekhyun chuckled and turned to face you once again. "You know you lighten up the situation when you smile like that." Your face flushed red at that comment and Baekhyun, took a step towards you. "If Sehun does reject you, i'll just have to somehow win your heart." Yours eyes widened. "B-BAEKHYUN!" You exclaimed embarrassed. "What?" He chuckled, narrowing his eyes as he adored you. You blushed a even darker red as you slapped his shoulder lightly. "Don't say such cheesy things." You whined nervously. Baekhyun laughed and ruffled your hair. 



"Go for it Hyunna." Baekhyun patted you on the back, you smiled nervously at him, as you too slow steps towards Sehun. Baekhyun watched your figure from behind as you made slow steps towards the man you loved. His heart ached. He sighed for what felt like the tenth time today. His eyes stayed glued to your back as he silently wished you good luck, but deep down he wanted you to get rejected. As selfish as that sounds, he just didn't want you to be taken away from him.

"Oh Hyunna!" Sehun exclaimed happily striving over to you. "H-Hi S-Sehun!" You stammered nervously. Sehun chuckled and walked over to you, stopping right in front of you. "You're just too cute, you know that?" You blushed a crimson red and averted your eyes to the ground. "T-Thanks." Sehun grinned at you, placing his hands into his pockets. "You're very welcome." 

"L-Listen Sehun i think i like you." You uttered those words out of your mouth, Sehun's eyes widened in shock as he stared at you. You suddenly felt regretful. "S-Sehun?" Sehun cleared his throat and smiled at you. "You know what, i think i like you too." He chuckled nervously. Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at Sehun in complete and utter shock. Sehun laughed and pinched your cheek. "Why so shocked? You look like a deer hit by headlights?" You shook your head and smiled widely at him. "I'm happy." You said in a hushed tone, barely above a whisper, but he heard and smiled warmly at you. Suddenly, something hit you.

"Hey Sehun what about that girl the other day that confessed to you." You asked tilting your head to the side. Sehun smirked at the cute action. "Oh yeah, her name was Soo Mi she wanted me to give a lover letter to Luhan hyung for her." He spoke calmly. You could tell one hundred percent he was telling the truth. "Hey since your my girlfriend now, how about a date after school?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows. Your heart leaped in your chest, hearing yourself being labelled his girlfriend. You stared up at Sehun flustered. "Oh yeah of course see you then!" You grinned waving at him, before turning away, walking over to Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun didn't like the look on your face. You looked so happy, so complete. He knew, he knew exactly why you were so happy. Jealously swirmed through his veins as he swallowed built up saliva in his throat. He hates it. He hates this feeling. You didn't know how hurt he was. Silently he was wishing only for you to be happy, but now reality is kicking in. He already knew why but he decides to ask anyway.

"So what did he say?" You felt your heart drop as you contemplated on how to answer him. "Well, h-he...he said he liked me back."


I'm sorry it's so angsty D':

Poor Baekhyun! :3


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Should I make I'll help you* A separate series? Or do you guys prefer me just leaving it in the scenario collection??


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Aichandesu #1
Chapter 30: You're welcome and congratulations on your graduation! I understand what it's like to study your off trying to get that course you want in university and I wish you all the best, I may not see you in real life but trust me, I support you in everything that you do! Have faith in yourself and I'll never stop reading every one of your stories, they keep me entertained as I read them over and over again. I've never forgotten you and I never will, I might be busy most of the time since I'm also about to graduate from my college but I'll try to find some time to update how things are. Just take your time and do things at your own pace, nothing good comes out from too much rushing. Send my regards to your family and hwaiting! :)
Chapter 30: Fighting,my friend! I'm also on my way to my university ;)
Chapter 30: Goodluck authornim!
Chapter 15: Aahh...My hearteu...This is the best chapter I have ever seen ( ಥـْـِـِـِـْಥ) Sometime your story really touch my heart...
Chapter 11: OHHH MYY GAWDD....The story is soooo perfect!!!!
Chapter 9: Can you make a sequel for this chapter???If you can't,it is alright. :)
Chapter 1: Awh...This chapter is sooo cute!!Keep up the good work!! ;)