
Life's .

It was a hot summer day . .




''Jonghyun !

Go buy me some milk , please .''


The boy had just finished eating dinner . Jumping from the chair , he replied :

''Sure , Uncle ! ''

''Here's the money  . '' said the man .

Jonghyun took the money , closed the door shut , and ran to the store . After buying the milk , the lad walked home . The house was plain normal with flowers and grass around it . It wasn't really his house but his uncle's. He didn't really care , as long as he had people by his side .

He was happy .


''Uncle's car is not here , did they go somewhere ?''

Then , the boy attention turned to the door ,

it was open .


Jonghyun found that strange and immediately rushed in the living room .

No one.

He searched all the rooms . The closet , the bathroom , the  refrigerator  .  

Still no sight of them .


''Uncle's, Amber's and Kibum's clothes were gone . .What happened ?''


He looked outside , it was raining ,

hard .

Jonghyun noticed a note on the kitchen's table .



Kibum , Amber and Uncle are going to visit grandmother . We will be staying there for a while . There is food in the refrigerator and some money , I saved in the box behind my closet . Stay here and don't search for us.


Your Uncle


Jonghyun was shocked . Why would his Uncle leave him ? Just like that ?

''Why did Uncle go without .. me ?'' He questioned himself .


1 month later , Uncle never  came back .


There was no more money from the box . So , the 9 years old boy had to work for some money . .

But , at his current age , is there any job for him ?


Earning little amount of money by helping his neighboursHe learned how to save it . Thanks to his so-called-UNCLE .

End of flashback  

Jonghyun gave a smirk

Actually he wasn't really his uncle , no wonder why he'd left him here .


8 years later , I still managed to survive with alot of help , of course .

Now he has nothing to do . He just need a job ,  desperately .

''Desperately , is the word.''  He pushed his head against his pillow .




17 years old , Jonghyun , need a job .





Ugh so tiring to take care of 5 hyper childrens .. Uh i'm not a woman not now atleast o_o!

Oh well why do I feel that this fanfic is going to nowhere? Plus the empty comments page doesn't helps it . I need someone to cheer me up ;\ . Eh oh well i'll finish this fanfic first and take my break , heh .


SHINee & Jong's GF Pictures, Images and Photos

Haha .

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Interesting plot :)
Update soon plz I really like it
Badwriterr #3
@ Redberry1990 <br />
I'm babysitting them o_o! I'm not a mother D: and er ''You said that said said your right?'' what does that mean ?<br />
Eh thanks for reading thought , good job? e.e . .okay :O IT IS NOT GOOD D<! yah so i'm out of ideas. . thanks for commenting ~
Ah it's really good~ why are you taking care of five kids? You said they said your right? <br />
Well I did read it tonight, as promised, and good job!!! Oh I never answered your question as to what length your story should be. -actually it all depends on how fast the plot goes~ but I think it's going at a goo pace :D so keep up the good work~ <br />
Update soon 'kay~
Badwriterr #5
Hm i'm working on it , trying to make a long chapter . Thanks for the first comment! Oh and the uncle will be very rich :O . Like everyone knows him ;D so will be kibum ! Thanks for reading !
hehe yay 1st commenter! :D<br />
update soon please! <br />
i wanna see what happens to uncle xD