Me .

Life's .

I live alone .

 I have no money , no family ,and no friends .
Even no job!
He let out a deep sigh .

 Let's say my life is ruined .

 This misery started when Dad left Mom f--for that !!  
After that, Mom got suddenly sick and very depressed.
Four days later ,

  She passed away .

 Since there was no one to take care of me , my uncle did . He had two kids , one of them was Amber.
  Oh how tough and rough she was .
Whenever her younger brother was being bullied by those jerks ,
she would send them flying high in the sky .

Haha , when Amber was around , it was more like the ''The bully bullied by the victim of his'' .

Anyways , she was a good friend to me .


Ah , and there was Kibum . . .

The latter smiled .


 He was very shy and gentle . He was fragile . It looked like , one punch would make him break in pieces .

  Everyone thought he was dumb , 'cos he rarely talks with the others .

  He only talks to Amber and me .


     To me ,

He looked like an angel. He was very nice .


His pale skin , his shining eyes and that fragile body . .

There was something that I liked in him.


I liked every part of him , even his presence.

Hah, it was fun times .

But , when uncle didn't have enought to raise another kid .


His smile faded away . 



He .. left me and ran away of the house .



 Hah so how's the first chapter ? Very bad , huh? 

Hmm well i'm not sure if I did my best over there but hah i'll try :d .

Heheh . . i'm nervous .

Is this fic going to be good or not?

It's short , I know , sorry .

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Interesting plot :)
Update soon plz I really like it
Badwriterr #3
@ Redberry1990 <br />
I'm babysitting them o_o! I'm not a mother D: and er ''You said that said said your right?'' what does that mean ?<br />
Eh thanks for reading thought , good job? e.e . .okay :O IT IS NOT GOOD D<! yah so i'm out of ideas. . thanks for commenting ~
Ah it's really good~ why are you taking care of five kids? You said they said your right? <br />
Well I did read it tonight, as promised, and good job!!! Oh I never answered your question as to what length your story should be. -actually it all depends on how fast the plot goes~ but I think it's going at a goo pace :D so keep up the good work~ <br />
Update soon 'kay~
Badwriterr #5
Hm i'm working on it , trying to make a long chapter . Thanks for the first comment! Oh and the uncle will be very rich :O . Like everyone knows him ;D so will be kibum ! Thanks for reading !
hehe yay 1st commenter! :D<br />
update soon please! <br />
i wanna see what happens to uncle xD