My guardian?

The newcomer

You… Why are you here?

My voice was shaking as I saw Kris entering the house.

At first I was annoyed that I had to come here… but it was worth it. ( started laughing like crazy )

OMG. Is Kris laughing? ( Sehun asking Luhan who was standing there trying not to laugh too hard )

Whoa… Kylie ( buahaahhahahaha ) What happened to you?

Stop laughing you guys.

What are you doing here???

Jieun!!! Explain yourself!!!

You told Sehun to bring me home! So he did!

Yes. I told SEHUN. Not Kris and Luhan too.

They came to make sure everything is fine and nothing happenes to him. ( pointing at Sehun who was clapping his hands while looking at Kris and Luhan )

Are you done yet? ( raising my brow )

Who did you fight with? Your hair looks like he lost a fight with the hairdresser.

Haha. Very funny.

I was still waiting for them to finish laughing when I noticed Kris… His smile was so bright. If I hadn’t knew him from early, I could swear he’s the nicest person in the world…

He has this effect on people. ( winking at me )

I blinked twice before I saw Sehun smiling at me.

What are you talking about?

Nothing… ( grinning )

Ok now. Go home. What will happen if someone sees you?!

Don’t worry. We’re grown men.

I’m sure of that but still. It’s very late. Plus… I have to scold Jieun so…

Me? What did I do?

Just wait until they leave.

Hyung… I thought you said you wanted to talk to Kylie.

Well yeah. But I’ll leave it to another time. Thanks for making us laugh.

Yeah yeah.

You really are something… Can’t wait for next time. Bye Xiao Kylie.

My name is not Xiao ( little ) you giant. And what do you mean by NEXT TIME?

What does he mean? ( turning to Jieun )

We are meeting again in the weekend.

What? Why? ( the guys were already gone )

Because I want to see Sehun again.

Why did you have to choose him?

He really is a nice guy. Don’t you think so?

Well yeah. He is. But that… that… urgh…

What is the problem with you and Kris?

I don’t know. He’s just annoying. You know when you meet someone and hate him/her but you don’t know why? It’s like that.

But he’s a cool guy. After you left, we talked a lot and laughed about your conversation.

He laughed?

Yeah. He was very amused by the way you acted. He said that usually people don’t talk back to him.

Pff… whatever.

You know it’s already 4 o’clock in the morning and in 2 hours we have to get up to go to work right?

Yeah. But I don’t wanna go to bed. If I fall asleep now, I’ll be more tired than if I don’t sleep at all.

You’re right.

( ring ring )

“ Are you still awake?



Because it’s already too late to go to bed.

We arrived home. You can tell Jieun that Sehun talked about her all the way back. I think he really likes her.

I will. She’ll be happy to hear that.

Ok. Talk to you later.

Ok. Good night. “

Who was that?



By the way… why did you gave him my phone number?

Because he asked me to. ( raising her shoulders ) Why? I think he likes you.

I don’t think so… besides I don’t think I’m attracted to him. He’s like a friend or something…

Not attracted to him??? Are you blind or what?

I don’t know… Do you really think that…

( ring ring )

“ Go to sleep. “

I showed Jieun the message but she said she doesn’t know the number.

“ Who is this?


Someone who?

Someone who looks after you ;)

Ok… If you say so…

What’s your name?

You don’t need to know that now.

And how am I supposed to call you?

Your guardian.


Yes. Really. Now get some rest. And don’t bother calling. I won’t answer. “

Strange. Who do you think it is?

Probably one of the boys. That’s what happenes when you give my phone number to a guy we just met.

Shut up.

You shut up. ( throwing a pillow at her )

Oh no you didn’t…

[ Who has a pillow fight at 5 o’clock in the morning??? ]

After we finished…

You tell me to come to your home and you don’t feed me? What kind of friend are you? I’m hungry.

Ok Ok. Let’s make some breakfast. I’m hungry too.

The day passed very slowly… not to mention that I was very tired because I didn’t sleep last night.

I called Jieun and she was in the same condition. We decided to meet after we got off work.

I’m so tired… ( Jieun throwing herself into a chair from the coffee shop we met )

Yeah. Me too.

You know what?


Sehun called today.

Whoa. Really?

Yup. ( smiling )

Good for you.

Yeah. He wanted to know if we’re still meeting tomorrow.

You two have fun.

What do you mean? You’re coming too.

Me? Why?

It’s not like he’ll come alone. At least not this soon. ( grinning )

Aaahhh… I can’t wait for my cousins to come… And then I’ll send them with you so that I won’t have to see that guy’s face.

Maybe you’ll start to like him. Who knows?

NEVER. Do you hear me?

Just then…


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