The call

The newcomer

Why do I hate who? Who is this?

Ummm... Luhan.

Huh? What do you want?

To answer my question...

I don't. Ok? I'm hanging up now!


Ahh... What???

Why are you like this?

I'm me. Ok? And I don't have to give explanations to anyone.

You’re right but I still want to know.

Don’t you have anything better to do at this hour?


Are you serious? And why… Hey wait a minute… How come you have my phone number?

Ummmm… Well…

I’m gonna kill her!

And you… You know me for like what… 2 hours? Why do you care if I’m like that?

I already told you… I find you very interesting and I would like to find out more about you.

Pfff… Look. I really don’t want to act like this so please… don’t call me ok?! Bye.

After hanging up the phone I remained still, looking at the ceiling… He’s right though… Why am I like this with him? I don’t even have a reason to act like this way. I think that stupid guy messed up my senses and I have gone crazy… Yes. This must be the reason…

( picking up my phone and started writing )

“ Hy. I’m sorry for earlier. My behavior is inexcusable. I don’t have anything against you. I just

had a bad moment and you were in the way of my nerves. Forgive me “

After pressing the send button, I turned up the music volume because I wasn’t tired enough to go

to sleep.

It was 2 in the morning and Jieun still didn’t arrived home. Is this girl crazy? I picked up my phone and called her.


Don’t you “ Hello “ me… Where are you at this hour?

Don’t worry. I’m fine. I’m with Sehun.

Put him on the phone.




Do you know what time is it?

Not really… Why?

Bring Jieun home right now! It’s very late.

Wow… lookt at the time. I didn’t even realized that it was this late. I will br…

What are you? Her mother?

Who is… Ahh… Give the phone back to Sehun you big monkey…

What did you call me?

You heard me!

Listen you short little person. Stop acting like that twords me.

Or else what?


Yeah… That’s what I thought… Tell Sehun to bring Jieun. Bye.

I’m not your messenger. Bye.

What’s wrong with this guy? What did I do to him? Always calling me short…

The door opened and I rushed from my room to scold Jieun.

Do you know that we have to go to work in a few hours? What did you do until no…

Hy. ( the grin on his face grew as he saw my messy hair and my cow pijamas )

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