Where it all begun

The newcomer

Hey. Did you see this? ( sends me a link to a video )

No. What's this?

You MUST see it. It's so beautiful and sad and BEAUTIFUL!!!

Ok ok. I'm watching it now. Calm down... ( started watching the video )

( after 8 minutes ) ( T_T )  I can't believe this... I'm crying my heart out...

I know right? I can't stop watching this.

Where did you find this?

I don't know... someone showed it to me too...

Wow. This is the best song and video ever.

I really really couldn't understand anything from the video ( I searched for english subtitles ). At that time I didn't even knew that language was korean.

When I was verry little I watched some japanese anime ( I won't give their names ). But I didn't knew that they were japanese untill I grew up ( after many many years ). But there was something with that song...

Time passed. The song grew old. We grew old. Everything changed. We changed. I forgot about the song for a very long period of time.

But then, one day my father saw a drama that he started to watch " Jewel in the Palace ". That drama catched my eye and I started watching it too. But after that ended, it took me another couples of years to realise what I really want from this life...

I'm here. You can go now. ( I was watching after my cousin )

What are you watching? ( talking to an older woman as she was about to leave )

I don't know. I watched a cooking show and now some drama started.

Oh. Ok. Bye.


I was about to change the channel because I didn't liked when those kind of dramas were on TV ( because I couldn't understand what they were saying ) but somehow I ended up watching it ( It was Brilliant Legacy )

I watched the whole series and liked it ( ^o^ )

After that, my cousin ( other cousin ) told me about another drama ( Boys over Flowers )...

After I saw that I was like ( *_* ) Wow

I fell in love with the F4 guys and the songs from the series, and started to search for them. And so my k-pop addiction started.

The more I searched, the more I was drawn into this world.

I was thinking one day, as I was watching some videos, that it would be really nice if I could understand what those people are saying... And right then ( a message came ) My younger cousin texted me " I want to learn korean. I found out some helpful sites. I want you to learn with me "

Of course I said yes ( ^_^ )

And so I begun my long and ( yet to be ) journey.

After a few years...

Will you be ok? ( mom )


Make sure you take us there after a while. Ok? ( my cousin )

Of course. ( a grin appeared on my face )

Still, I don't like it that you go there by yourself. Be careful. ( dad )

I will. That's what I want. And I won't back down...never.

You can always come home though.... ( mom )

I know. ( hugs everybody )


And so I was on my way to Soul... the place I've dreamed of so many times.

I've always wanted to travel the world, but after I fell in love with k-pop, Soul was the place I wanted to begin with.


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