Fast Forward

We Are Not

A/N: So, this is a short update. I'm sorry it's short and un-betaed. If someone is interested to be my beta, feel free to contact me. And the future maybe I'll write hunhan when they were kids. Yeah. Me is a weirdo. Enjoy, beibeh~



Sehun stared at Luhan with wide eyes. How could his little baby wear that kind of clothes in the middle of winter? And to make it worst she went out with her friends? Was she trying to seduce every people out there?

The big brother hurriedly took off his coat and put it on Luhan’s much smaller body. Sehun was so mad that he gripped her left wrist tightly, resulting the smaller to squeak like a little hamster they had when they were younger.

“What do you think you’re wearing?” Sehun stared sternly at Luhan’s teary eyes. His deep voice was booming in Luhan’s ears although he didn’t even raise his volume.

The small girl hissed at her brother. She shook off Sehun’s hand of her wrist powerfully, but even if she punched and kicked him as hard as possible, nothing would happen. Sehun had the power of a strong stallion and Luhan, just looked at those frail pale arms. She was just a little rabbit with white fair fur. “Stop it, Sehun! You’re hurting me!”

“You’re hurting me too, Han!” Sehun loosened his grip and sighed. He tried to calm his anger down, but nothing could calm him down when every male walked past them taking glance at Luhan’s long toned legs. “How many times do I have to tell you, huh? I am here not only as your brother! Mom and Dad let you stay here with me because they trust me! How can I protect you if you always bare those skins of yours? At least help me to do my job, Han!”

Sehun’s words hit Luhan on the spot. Yeah, it’s been almost a year since she stayed in Vancouver with Sehun, his step-brother, and also their Granny. She begged Mom and Dad to allow her to do so. She’s Mom’s treasure and Dad’s baby girl. Both of them didn’t wanna let their baby to stay outside the country all alone without their supervision (remember, Dad didn’t really trust Sehun to be Luhan’s guardian because he knew Sehun very well and he didn’t really trust his mother because Granny loved Sehun so much that she would allow him to do anything and everything without thinking twice). They didn’t let Luhan go easily. Luhan had to beg and tried to starve herself to get their permission. She even asked Sehun to promise their parents that he would protect Luhan from any harm (including himself).

Mom and Dad almost moved out to Vancouver to make their baby girl’s dream come true, but they canceled their decision. It was Dad’s demanding job that prevent them to do so. But as the replacement of their existence beside Luhan, they made Sehun sign a contract. It might sound funny, but hey, Dad had a and he knew Sehun had one too. Dad knew Sehun’s beast side behind that poker face. He also knew that Sehun was handsome (he always denied it though) and Luhan loved handsome male so much (to be exact, she loved her brother so much).

Luhan stared at her brother with teary eyes. She felt guilty because she was the one who made Sehun lost his free time. He had to drive and pick her up here and there (unless he wanted Dad and Mom to deactivate his credit card and cut off his allowance). “I-I’m sorry, Sehun-ah” She whispered through quivering lips. “It w-was just…Jane—”

“I don’t care about that brat. I don’t like it when you put on makeup like her. And this clothes too.” He pointed at Luhan’s short shorts before clicking his tongue loudly. “It’s winter, Luhan. You will be sick if you don’t put on warm clothes. Now, let’s go home! Granny’s been nagging at me because you haven’t come back home.”

“B-but it’s only 11PM!” Luhan pulled on Sehun’s arm.

The brother lifted his right eyebrow, “And?”

A tinge of reddish color painted Luhan’s cheeks, “L-let’s spend time together! I-I mean, just the two of us! Uhm…I w-want hot chocolate!” She stuttered.

Sehun flashed a small smile. Oh, Luhan’s sweet behavior was one of the reasons he couldn’t be calm down. She was the definition of perfect imperfection for him, pretty face with sweet and shy character. Sometimes he wondered if Wu Yifan was really her biological father, because she didn’t have something similar with that guy (Sehun and Yifan always had love-hate relationship since the first time they met). “Oh, Luhan, we have hot chocolate in our kitchen!”

Luhan shook her head shyly, “But we don’t have time together there. I-I mean Granny’s always with us. I-it’s not that I don’t w-wanna be with her, it’s just that, that I-I wanted to be with y-you only!” Her cheeks blushed even more. “P-please, Sehunnie!” This time she whined as cute as possible because she knew Sehun couldn’t refuse her whining.

The taller sighed, “Okay then. But call Granny first. I don’t want her to call Dad about our little date.”

The doe-eyed girl smiled happily. She didn’t care if Sehun wouldn’t allow her to hang out with her friends anymore, as long as he always be with her, she’s more than okay.




Do you like it? Or should I write kids hunhan instead? hahahahaha I need suggestions

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baekyeolmaniac #1
Chapter 2: Ghaddd! That was so cute.. do not stop writing hunhan author-him! Looking forward for your next update.
boldted #2
Chapter 2: it was so short :(
please update soon~ I wanna see more hunhan! :D
ILurvGummySmiles #3
Chapter 2: love it authornim!!! (>_<)
I prefer both hunhan's
-kid hun Han coz it's soooo cute
-adult hunhan coz its freaking
update soon!! hwaiting! ^^
khunfanybaby #4
Please update author
Chapter 2: Hunhan my feels! Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 2: Kids hunhan and teenager hunhan..both of them interesting so I suggest write both of them hehehe so greedy but this is really good fanfic so pls keep going
Hey, new subbie here! ^^ I just found your story and it's so great! Can't wait for next chappie but please, take your time. Fighting!! ^^
Chapter 2: Yes change it.
Chapter 2: Okay we'll wait. :) Goodluck on your thesis and freelance job! Oh and the username.. Hmm.. It's actually up to you ;)