25 weeks and going.... not so strong

You Got Me

25 weeks into Alex’s pregnancy YongGuk is as busy as he ever was with B.A.P. if not more, interviews, photoshoots, one performance after another and endless things he has to do from he leaves the apartment at 5 in the morning till he returns late in the evening. His manager keeps overbooking him way too much leaving hardly any time for eating or a proper sleep but YongGuk doesn’t complain and keeps it from Alex so she won’t worry about it. Her stomach has grown a lot and everything is becoming a task and with him being so busy she has to do all the preparations for the babies herself so he doesn’t want to add to her worries by complaining about being overworked and just tells himself it is a phase and that the hostility from his manager is just to get him to continue to work hard. Alex’s utter dislike for his manager isn’t helping and he doesn’t want that to get worse either, knowing Alex she wouldn’t just be fine with the way YongGuk is being treated, he knows that and sometimes he wishes she would see what is going on and just refuse to let him leave in the morning but she never does.

YongGuk tried getting on good terms with his manager and sometimes he seems nice but it never lasts and he’ll be asking YongGuk if he thinks going solo means he can just be lazy and not work for it anymore.

Today again YongGuk still hasn’t really gotten anything to eat, there was too much to do and even when he had a moment to spare the manager was keeping him busy by telling him how he could do just about everything he does better. He is hungry, tired, exhausted and just want to crawl into bed and pretend that he isn’t going to have to do the exact same thing tomorrow. Even in the car between appointments the manager is schooling him on how to be better and these days when he is so tired the manager is going on about YongGuk looking too tired and asks if he does not appreciate the chance he has been given. YongGuk doesn’t even have the energy to argue.

He leans against the corner of the elevator looking numbly at the numbers on the display, it feels like ages before it reaches his floor and when it does he hardly has the energy to get out. He walks over and finds his key unlocking the door and lets himself in. Right beside the door stands a pair of shoes that doesn’t belong to him or Alex and a sigh leaves YongGuk. If it isn’t enough that he has so much to do he can hardly see Alex but it seems DooJoon, SooHyun and Seungho is almost always here lately. SooHyun has problems with the pregnant girlfriend and goes to Alex for advice though that seems like an unlikely person to talk to about such things, YongGuk don’t mind but something about it bugs him though he never says anything, it just seems like SooHyun rather be here than anywhere else but when YongGuk returns suddenly SooHyun has to go.

DooJoon isn’t a problem, he and Alex talk about girls and DooJoon helps out around here when Alex is struggling thanks to the stomach, when YongGuk gets home DooJoon sticks around for a bit and he and YongGuk talk about the stress of promoting, sometimes it seems the best evenings is when DooJoon is there, it takes focus away from everything else.

The worst is Seungho, ever since Alex moved back in YongGuk hasn’t been too keen on Seungho, learning that Seungho admitted he wanted Alex to be closer to him than YongGuk made it very hard for YongGuk to see him just as Alex’s brother and not as her ex. He and Alex have had several arguments about it. YongGuk gets angry because she doesn’t understand how he feels about Seungho still trying to be closer to her and Alex gets angry because she thinks YongGuk is being childish. She argues that no matter what YongGuk should know her and trust her well enough to know that she only wants to be with him and YongGuk fires back that she wouldn’t like if he had his ex coming around when she wasn’t there and then they go back to the whole Ali, Seungho, Alex, brother, sister dilemma which never ends well and more often than not after a discussion like that YongGuk sleeps in the studio and not the bedroom.

Judging by the shoes next to the door Seungho is the one who has dropped by today. YongGuk removes his jacket and shoes and walks further in spotting the two laughing in the couch. Alex has her arms around her stomach looking like she is having a very good day. A part of YongGuk always get a little jealous when she has had a good day without him around, he knows he is being silly but he is so exhausted and overworked that he doesn’t care that he is being selfish.

She still goes to the firm most days even though it is still on an unofficial basis, she is thinking about what her role is going to be but has yet to decide. It gives her something to do other than sit around the house and YongGuk clearly prefer that over having people over when he isn’t around.

“Ey Guk you are home” Alex turns her head and sends YongGuk a huge smile so happy that YongGuk can’t help but smile a little back. Despite her not really being that understanding when it comes to YongGuk’s problems with Seungho always being around she is never late to show how much she cares for YongGuk. As long as they don’t talk about anything and are just together they have no problems what so ever.

“Come sit down” Alex reaches out a hand towards YongGuk but he just shakes his head softly “Sorry I’m very tired, I’ll just go to bed” he walks a bit further in but stops as Alex nods understandingly and gets up struggling a little thanks to the belly and walks over to him. “You didn’t have to get up” YongGuk’s smile becomes a little bigger and he feels a tad better already. It’s the small things that make them pull through.

“If my man ain’t coming to me I’ll come to him” Alex just says and gives him a kiss. She leans her side against YongGuk like it has become a habit of hers. She says she aren’t gonna let the babies get between them which they apparently does if she hugs him front on where the belly keeps them a bit apart. YongGuk hugs her and smiles kissing her cheek and caressing her stomach “How are you?”

“I got sent home today” Alex mumbles and snorts “I kind of lost my temper at these relatively new guys who were making jokes about me” she rolls her eyes and leans her head on YongGuk’s shoulder “Saying I can’t beat their when I’m pregnant… Proved them wrong”

“She singlehandedly beat up 5 guys” Seungho sighs “Got herself so worked up that it triggered false labor”

“What?” YongGuk frowns and moves Alex a bit away “Is everything okay?”

“It is” Alex nods with an indifferent expression “It was just Hixon tracks…”

“Braxton Hicks” Seungho corrects and smirks at Alex “Fujiwara sent her to the hospital and she called me. It was just to be sure everything was okay. She was a bit worried though”

“Was not” Alex snorts and glares at Seungho who chuckles back at her “Alex you almost punched the nurse who came too close, you know you get extra defensive when you worry and you were very worried. You wouldn’t let me go anywhere and made the doctor cry”

“I didn’t know him and I’m not letting strangers look at me or my babies!” Alex retorts with a clear defiance. YongGuk is being silent wondering why she called Seungho and not him and why he didn’t know she gets extra defensive when she is worried.

“I’ve kept an eye on her till now, they said not to worry but keep an eye on her. She shouldn’t get worked up or fight for that matter” Seungho gets up and walks a bit towards them. Unconsciously YongGuk hugs Alex a little closer and he gives Seungho a suspicious look.

“Remember they told you to take it easy” Seungho stops next to Alex and YongGuk with all his focus on her “I can’t be around all the time”

“You were the one who threw me out of your apartment” Alex sticks his tongue out at Seungho, she is still holding on to YongGuk but her attention is on Seungho.

Seungho sighs and nods “It seemed like the best thing to do” he looks at YongGuk and gives him a smile “You had to go home where you were supposed to be” he winks at YongGuk and looks back at Alex “And so do I right now. I got things to do you know”

“I didn’t tell you to stick around” Alex smirks and tilts her head

“No but someone has to keep an eye on you” Seungho ruffles Alex hair and chuckles

YongGuk can’t but feel a little targeted, despite the tone being light and both Seungho and Alex chuckling he feels struck by mostly Seungho’s words. He has been so busy with promoting himself that he hasn’t seen much of Alex and when he does he is just doesn’t have the energy to take care of her like he feels like he should. Obviously he has missed out on some things in Alex’s behavior.

“See ya” Seungho pats YongGuk on the back and walks over to the door. Alex turns her attention to YongGuk, a smile covers her face at first but it soon fades and is replaced by a frown as the darkened expression in his eyes hits her. They both wait till Seungho is well out the apartment and then YongGuk steps away from her and heads towards the bathroom.

“Guk what is it?” Alex calls out with a sigh.

“You called Seungho” YongGuk merely says and continues without looking back. Moving her hands over her stomach Alex follows him and leans against the doorframe to the bathroom “You didn’t have time”

YongGuk doesn’t even look her way and starts brushing his teeth causing her to let out a frustrated groan “Damn it YongGuk, do we really have to do this again?”

“You know it bothers me when he is around and I’m not!” YongGuk says with his toothbrush still in his mouth and scowls at her “Why can’t you just have a little respect for that?!”

“You are being stupid!” Alex snaps back and crosses her arms “He means a lot to me…”

“Yes I know” YongGuk turns his eyes back to the mirror “He means the world to you and you wouldn’t know what to do without him”

Alex sighs and leans her head against the doorframe “Why is that a bad thing?”

YongGuk remains silent and continues to brush his teeth completely ignoring her question.

“Just because I care a lot about Seungho doesn’t mean I care more about him than you. Guk you know I’ll do anything for you but cutting off Seungho… I don’t even know how you can suggest that after all he has done for me, for us, you know he is the reason you came up and confessed to me. Whatever feelings he has won’t make a difference, I’m with you and he knows that, he is fine with that”

 “How can you be so sure?!” YongGuk moves the toothbrush from his mouth and turns his head towards her “He loves that you always call him and not me, he knows everything about your pregnancy and what it does to you and I’m just… I feel like I’m left out”

“He has been around more than you” Alex sighs not really helping the situation. YongGuk rolls his eyes and returns to brushing his teeth completely ignoring her till he is done and then walks past her without a word.

“Guk!” Alex tries grabbing his arm but he just stops and doesn’t look back at her. “Just talk to me instead of this” Alex sighs yet again “Don’t just ignore me, it doesn’t help…”

“I have 5 hours before I have to get up” YongGuk says and pulls his arm from her “I need sleep” he walks on to the bedroom while Alex can just look after him. Shortly after he returns with his things and heads for the studio where she knows he will be spending the night “Guk don’t go in there”

“I’ll see you in the morning” YongGuk mumbles and heads into the studio closing the door tight. Alex walks back to the couch and drops down rubbing her eyes. If has been impossible to deal with YongGuk lately. He is always tired and stressed. She knew Seungho being there would probably end with YongGuk sleeping in the studio which he tends to do when even the smallest thing is wrong. The issue with Seungho is a problem. She knows YongGuk is sure Seungho wants her to himself and after a serious discussion with Seungho he admitted that he had been struggling with wanting exactly that but he knows she is with YongGuk and that that is where her heart lies. She straight up told him that there was no chance and he had nodded and said he knew and that he was fine as long as he was her family and honestly Alex still needs him. The pregnancy worries her a lot even though she would never admit to it. The closer the birth gets the more worried she gets about her own abilities as a mom and what if the babies might become targets to get to her and she even worries about how she’ll make sure she doesn’t just pour it all on YongGuk who has plenty to deal with. She didn’t call him because if he knew how worried she was he would be distracted and she wants him to focus on the album. On TV he is always smiling and looking happy in contrast to the person coming home to her. She doesn’t want to make his life harder by pouring her own worries on him and she still can’t stand his manager. The few times she has seen him in the morning when he comes to pick up YongGuk she would feel the protective gene in her wanting to blow his head out. She needs to went and when she is frustrated or angry there is not that many people she can go to, YongGuk is busy, SooHyun has his own problems, DooJoon tries but he doesn’t have that much time either and then there is Seungho who is always there for her. With Seungho things just seem easier and she needs the reassurance. The more she worries and the worse YongGuk’s mood is the more she needs Seungho but the more Seungho is around the worse YongGuk’s mood gets and she doesn’t know what to do anymore.

A meow from BangHim brings her attention to the fury cat at her side and she sniffs and wipes away a tear “Stupid hormones” she mumbles and the cat over the head “Here I was supposed to make sure YongGuk can at least relax at home and I make him want to sleep in the studio” the cat purrs and leans against her hand making her smile a little “I know it’s my own fault. I should have made sure Seungho wasn’t here when he got home, YongGuk didn’t have to know about today…” she sighs and leans her head back against the couch “Except that would be keeping secrets from him… I kind of already am though” she huffs slightly and shakes her head at herself “I should just tell him I’m worried… but then he’ll want to spend more time with me which he can’t with his schedule. Stupid manager keeping YongGuk busy all the time… he never talks to me about it” she tilts the cat’s head up and looks into the blue eyes “You think he prefers promoting over being here with me?”

BangHim blinks a few times and the meows again

“I have to do something about this, I have to talk to him but he keeps shutting me down because he has to go or get some sleep. How am I going to get any time to talk to him?”

Again BangHim meows but this time he lies down next to her and purrs

Alex sighs and looks towards the studio door, she hates when YongGuk sleeps in there, she hates sleeping alone in the bedroom knowing that he is in another room. She needs fix this but fixing their relationship is YongGuk’s department, he is the glue that keeps them together but this time around he has been the one pushing away. She needs to get back in control again if she wants this to work out.

She gets up and finds her phone, dials in Pong’s number and makes the call with determined eyes and a hand over her stomach. Things needs to start happening in her way.










Yeay! Only two days between updating xD Celebration time.. hummm anyway.. Oh gosh, guys I have to make an announcement.... There will be drama in this story xP Seriously I miss the hard hitting Alex and I don't think I can't write a story without drama which I actually already proven with this story but I'm not even gonna try an avoid it anymore... I got plans.

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You got me is done... The story of Alex is over... for good. It's been more than 2 years since she first appeared in my head. I miss her already


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user555 #1
Chapter 63: yep I cried, such an amazing ending! thank you much for the adventure, ive grown quite attached :( alex and yongguk forever! THANK YOU
Chapter 63: Damn it! You made me cry towards the end ;_______;

I'm sooo gonna miss you updating this story :(
Thank you for writing it though :3 I'm coming back to read it from the beginning, that's for sure ^^
user555 #3
Chapter 61: I really enjoy this story and have been followering her ages! I understand what you mean about your attachment aswell hahaga I think you wrote this story perfectly well so no regrets there either :) I'll be sad to see it end but thank you for even writing it
Chapter 59: The title fit with the chapter, which I really like also :3 It was kinda intense and I liked it ^^
Chapter 58: That son of a b* of a CIA Agent! Was it really damn necessary to do this to Alex, I mean really?! >.<
user555 #6
Chapter 56: Lovely update, alex is so thoughtful now haha. thanks!
user555 #7
Hello! How have you been? Ive missed you and the story hahahaha go alex!!
user555 #8
Chapter 53: AW THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END! at least its mostly peaceful now :) how have you been author? i dont want you to think anyone forgot about this story okay!!! eheheh happy new year as well, although a bit late :S
Chapter 53: Finally caught up!! Omg this chapter was so good..cant even explain it.
user555 #10
Chapter 53: Omg these were sooo sweet! A beautiful wrapping up aw everything's so different hahaha thanks and merry christmas!