18 weeks

You Got Me

”How far along are you?” SooHyun asks leaned far back in his chair and with his arms crossed in front of him ”18 weeks now” Alex says with a sly smirk ”Twin boys, YongGuk is the dad and yes I’m know what I’m getting into”

SooHyun’s girlfriend chuckles and looks from her grumpy boyfriend to Alex “You answered those questions before”

“Yup” Alex nods and places her hands on her stomach “I don’t know how many times I have been asked about different things regarding this” she looks at her stomach and smiles a little “Oh” she looks up again “And yes I’m gonna be a crazy fat woman so watch out” she nods and chuckles despite SooHyun not really looking too amused. It took her another week to get him to talk to her and for some reason he isn’t reacting well to her being back. “You can just do what DooJoon did and yell at me” Alex sighs and places her elbows on the table “SooHyun?”

SooHyun takes a deep breath and looks Alex in the eyes “I don’t know. I can’t see you being a mother. You didn’t want kids”

“Things change” Alex shrugs and looks at Hana who is having a little strange look in her eyes. Alex frowns a little but SooHyun continuing to talk quickly makes her turn her attention back to him.

“You can’t hit them” SooHyun says and Alex frowns at him now somewhat offended “Like I was gonna”

“They need constant care”

“I know”

“You have to do everything for them”

“I know”

“They’ll be loud”

“I know”

“They will be messy”

“I know”

“You can’t scare babies!”

“How stupid do you actually think I am?!” Alex complains and leans back with a huff “Jeez. Look…” she leans forward again feeling a little uncomfortable thanks to the huge bump that is making out her stomach “I’ve talked about it with my mom, I’ve talked with a doctor and I have even talked with YongGuk’s mom about having twins. I know this will be a pain in the but I’m doing it anyway so shut the hole”

“You talked to YongGuk’s mom?” SooHyun frowns “She hates you… again” after Alex left YongGuk’s family’s attitude towards Alex kind of changed pretty dramatically. They felt like they had given her a chance and Alex spat them in the face. SooHyun heard YongGuk talk about it several times and how his mom is looking for a new girlfriend for him despite him refusing to go along with it.

“It was not pretty” Alex says and frowns “She threw a vase at me”

“Seriously?” SooHyun frowns and moves his arms a bit to the side “She can yell but throwing things… What if she had hit your stomach? The babies could have gotten hurt!”

“Yea never mind my head which she was aiming at” Alex says with a raised brow

“Well that too” SooHyun adds and scratches his neck. Alex rolls her eyes and looks at Hana “Normally they all worried about me but now that I’m pregnant they could care less, only the babies matter”

“Because worrying about you is useless” SooHyun says and huffs “The poor babies needs a chance in life. God knows having you as their mother they will face enough hardships”

“I love you too” Alex smirks and a small chuckle finds its way out of SooHyun who sighs and leans forward “So what happened with YongGuk’s mom?”

“Well I caught the vase and kind of… snapped” Alex scratches her neck awkwardly “I have gotten a bit… protective and I snarled at her that if she did anything like that again I would kill her”

“What?!” Both SooHyun and Hana stares at Alex who lowers her head and chuckles finding their reaction quite entertaining “I’m very protective of my babies” she looks up again with a grin “She got scared and I told her that she could have hit my stomach and the babies and that kind of made her snap but not the way I did” Alex makes a thoughtful expression and taps her lip for a moment while the two others sit on the edge of their seats waiting for her to continue.

“Alex damn it what did she do?!” SooHyun snaps and hammers his hands in the table which makes some of the other guests at the restaurant turn their heads towards them. Alex chuckles and looks back at him “I thought you didn’t care”

“Alex…” he snarls and Hana places her hand on his and looks at Alex “Please Alex stop teasing him. He has been a good boy while you were gone”

“Good boy?” SooHyun turns his head to Hana “Why are you calling me a boy? Aish I knew you spending so much time learning about Alex would go to your head. Do not turn into her! Do not!”

Alex laughs her heart out while Hana grins and shrugs at SooHyun.

“Okay” Alex wipes a happy tear away and looks at SooHyun “First she asked me to repeat what I said a few times and then she started saying babies over and over again while she walked over to me. She did made the comment about YongGuk being the dad and I said off course and I was pretty much stuck in a hug for about 4 years after that while she praised god and thanked him for letting her become a grandma. Apparently she isn’t hoping on babies from YongGuk’s sister” She chuckles and shakes her head “She wanted to hear everything and thank god I brought the ultrasound image or she would never have forgiven me. She started crying and when YongGuk’s dad came in he thought I had done something to hurt her but when he raised his voice YongGuk’s mom had jumped up and yelled at him telling him never to raise his voice at the mother of their grandchildren” Alex takes a short pause to drink some water and then continues while SooHyun and Hana sits leaned towards her listening intensely “He started crying and she cried and I just sat there thinking that if I ever leave my babies there I will never get them back” she chuckles again and shakes her head “They were very happy and forgot everything about me hurting YongGuk by taking off. They were just happy I was back. His mom even got angry when I said YongGuk and I aren’t living together right now but it was YongGuk she was angry at not me”

“Yea about that” SooHyun frowns “What the hell is happening?” he hasn’t really talked with the others about this.

“We are starting fresh” Alex says and nods with a hopeful smile “I guess you can say we just started dating in some ways” she takes a sip of her water and moves her hand over her stomach a bit uncomfortable in her seat but she manages.

“But you are pregnant” Hana adds with a frown of her own confused about how two people soon becoming parents can so casually start dating as if they weren’t technically engaged.

Alex nods again and places her glass on the table turning it in her fingers “We are gonna do this… in our pace” She smiles confidently and looks from one to the other “We are doing fine. YongGuk is busy but he comes by when he can. Sometime just for 10 minutes to see how we are doing and tell me he loves me and then he takes off again”

“Aww that’s so sweet” Hana cooes. SooHyun huffs and shakes his head “He was always so obnoxious” he flinches a little when Alex shoots a quick glare his way but she catches herself and frowns “Sorry… As I said I have become… very protective” she awkwardly runs a hand over her neck. She was always very protective of her friends and YongGuk in particular but now it has just doubled and she’ll have no badmouthing of anyone she cares about.

“How protective are we talking?” SooHyun mumbles unsure if he really wants to know.

“As in I have knocked a guy out in one punch when he made a comment about poor babies and… I almost shot another guy who thought it would be funny to say YongGuk wouldn’t be able to handle me and the kids. I know he was joking but… Yea people sounded mess with my family”

“Noted” SooHyun chuckles and shakes his head at her a little impressed “You know you shouldn’t fight though right?”

“I know” Alex nods “And I’m not. Those times were accidents and I’ve really been careful. Fuji is even impressed” She smiles proudly and moves her hand over her stomach “I’m taken good care of YongGuk’s twins”

“I bet it helps to know they are partly his” SooHyun chuckles and Alex nods “I hope they take after him and not me” it is something she thinks about a lot and the thought of babies resembling the love of her life would be the best thing in the world in her eyes.

“They are gonna be so adorable” Hana chippers and claps her hands together “I bet you’ll have the cutest babies ever”. Alex laughs at her excitement and SooHyun smiles softly “What about names?” he then asks “Have you thought about it?”

Alex shakes her head “No. We haven’t had the time. Not that I lack suggestions from MBLAQ” she chuckles and smirks moving her eyes from SooHyun to Hana. She is still getting the feeling that there is something different but she can’t quite put her finger on what and it is bugging her. She moves her hand over her stomach feeling a tiny movement from her mini Bangs and leans back “And they are awake” she looks down her stomach and sighs “Why can’t you just sleep?” she moves her hand over the upper part of her stomach where the most active twin is “The doctor say some days I’m not gonna feel you move. I’m very much looking forward to those”

SooHyun and Hana laughs softly as Alex scolds the babies for being too active. “I swear if they keep this up you better lock me in a cell cause I’m gonna be such a beast” Alex sighs and leans her arms on the table. She glances at Hana and that is the second she knows why she has been having that strange feeling “Holy ” Alex leans back and looks from Hana and back to SooHyun and then Hana again “You are pregnant?!” she asks frowning and not really sure why she has come to that conclusion. SooHyun spits out the water he had just tried to drink and starts coughing like a mad man while Hana just stares at Alex with a huge blush and even bigger eyes. Alex looks back and forth between them again “Right? Am I wrong?” she ends up looking at Hana again who moves her hand to her lover stomach and nods faintly “H-how d-did you know?”

“I don’t know” Alex shrugs and tilts her head looking at the loose sweater Hana is wearing. She didn’t think much of it since she doesn’t really know Hana that well and it didn’t seem unusual. Hana seems to shrink in her seat and glances over at SooHyun who slams his hand into the table “Hana we agreed not to say anything!”

“She guessed!” Hana defends. Alex looks confused back and forth “Why are you hiding it? How far along are you?”

“Just 3 month” Hana mumbles and looks down while SooHyun glares at her. Alex hits his arm and tells him to stop the glaring and instead tell her why they are hiding it. He sighs and says they don’t want to say anything yet because they aren’t ready to tell people. It wasn’t exactly planned and they aren’t even sure their relationship is headed down that road, they haven’t known each other that long but this is the situation and they are determined to make it work. SooHyun is gonna do the right thing, they just hasn’t quite come to the point where they can tell everyone. Their parents know and wedding plans is being made but they aren’t gonna make a big deal out of it. SooHyun’s reaction to Alex being back was very much colored by what he is dealing with himself. He likes Hana and they have been doing great this is just a bit too fast. Hana is feeling the same way, she is crazy about SooHyun and happy about the baby but also wishes it hadn’t happened already. They both feel like they haven’t had the chance to really get to know each other well enough yet.

“Boy or girl?” Alex asks curious and Hana says they don’t know and aren’t gonna know until the baby is born. Alex smiles and looks over at SooHyun who looks like he has a very heavy weight on his shoulders. She reaches out a hand and places it on his “Honey don’t look like that” she makes him look up and he closes his hand around hers while Hana sits in her chair looking silently at them.

“You’ll be great parents. If Guk and I can do this with twins and well… me” Alex chuckles “You two will do even better” she gives them both a peptalk seeing that they aren’t really that excited about the baby but her eyes are directed mostly to her best friend who has a tight hold on her hand. Hana moves her arms around herself and leans back listening but not looking. Ever since she met Alex she has gotten very fascinated by her and she has kind of been gathering info to write a book but so during her search to know Alex better there was one thing that accured to her. SooHyun’s sometimes blind admiration for his best friend, his eyes would light up when he talked about the good times he has had with Alex and she would feel a little sting of jealousy just because no woman would like to see that when their boyfriend talks about another girl. She could handle it though because Alex wasn’t around and it was all just talk but right now, knowing how the she and SooHyun has been struggling to come to terms with their newly status as upcoming parents and seeing him holding Alex’s hands and not hers while smiling like that she can’t help but feel left out. SooHyun warned her when they first started dating that he and Alex were close and he kept reminding her that Alex and YongGuk is an unbreakable item. She knows that and can see that and she really likes Alex but she just wish her boyfriend would be a little less focused on what his friend thinks and more what the mother of his child thinks. When they found out Hana was pregnant he has almost immediately started talking about how much he wished Alex was around so he could talk to her about it and ever since Hana just haven’t been able to stop wondering exactly what kind of feelings her boyfriend has towards his best friend.

“This is great” Alex chuckles “Our kids will be around the same age”. A small smile forms on SooHyun’s face while a frown forms on Hana’s but she quickly wipes it away when Alex turns her head and gives her a big happy smile “I’m so happy for you!”

Hana smile and nods a little. She respects Alex a lot and can even admit to saying she is kind of a role model to her so her smile is genuine.

After the dinner SooHyun drives Alex home and he and Hana looks after her as she walks into Seungho’s building silently. Once the door closes behind her the two looks at each other with a strained smile “Maybe…” he starts and places his hand over hers “It’ll be fine”

Hana nods a little and looks him in the eyes “Maybe”

They look at each other for a moment longer before SooHyun leans in and gives her small kiss. He then leans back and starts driving while Hana leans back in her seat and moves her arms around herself with a little smile. Maybe having Alex back will make SooHyun happier again like he was before Alex left.

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You got me is done... The story of Alex is over... for good. It's been more than 2 years since she first appeared in my head. I miss her already


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user555 #1
Chapter 63: yep I cried, such an amazing ending! thank you much for the adventure, ive grown quite attached :( alex and yongguk forever! THANK YOU
Chapter 63: Damn it! You made me cry towards the end ;_______;

I'm sooo gonna miss you updating this story :(
Thank you for writing it though :3 I'm coming back to read it from the beginning, that's for sure ^^
user555 #3
Chapter 61: I really enjoy this story and have been followering her ages! I understand what you mean about your attachment aswell hahaga I think you wrote this story perfectly well so no regrets there either :) I'll be sad to see it end but thank you for even writing it
Chapter 59: The title fit with the chapter, which I really like also :3 It was kinda intense and I liked it ^^
Chapter 58: That son of a b* of a CIA Agent! Was it really damn necessary to do this to Alex, I mean really?! >.<
user555 #6
Chapter 56: Lovely update, alex is so thoughtful now haha. thanks!
user555 #7
Hello! How have you been? Ive missed you and the story hahahaha go alex!!
user555 #8
Chapter 53: AW THIS STORY IS COMING TO AN END! at least its mostly peaceful now :) how have you been author? i dont want you to think anyone forgot about this story okay!!! eheheh happy new year as well, although a bit late :S
Chapter 53: Finally caught up!! Omg this chapter was so good..cant even explain it.
user555 #10
Chapter 53: Omg these were sooo sweet! A beautiful wrapping up aw everything's so different hahaha thanks and merry christmas!