{TWP} 2

The Wedding Planner

I leaned against the inside of my apartment door and nearly collapsed to the ground. I'd finally gotten to see Jiyong.




His name sounds perfect in my mind.

Every time I was ever around him, around other people or not, I was comfortable, but I also felt like my heart was about to jump out of my throat and confess my love for him when I couldn't shut it up.

I guess it's time for confessions.

I've known Kwon Jiyong ever since he moved here when he was a sophomore and we just became friends off the bat when he asked me, some random, average girl lurking around in the hallway, to show him around school, give him directions to classes and hang out with him at lunch. His humor and kindness mixed well with my quiet sarcasm. We were a perfect pair, in our high school, and everyone was convinced we were dating, when both of us knew that would never happen. No matter how much I felt for him then, I was smart enough to know that he would find someone better and get married.

But I never thought that I would be a wedding planner, when I'm single and lonely. I guess I'm lonely. That may not be how you put it. Well, we graduated and went to the same college after he was rejected from different college somewhere in Seoul. He miraculously decided, "Yah! I'm gonna go to college with my best friend."

And here I was, nearly passing out over a guy that I still love, but seeing him with his fiance there, who watching my every move. I bet she even flashed an eye at me when I took a breath. And I was waiting for him to call me so we could see each other and hang out, like the last time we did when we left college. Our huge week of graduation celebration.

I stood up straight, then walked to my office to set down my tote. I was smiling stupidly to myself, day-dreaming about Jiyong suddenly. I walked into the living room room and I kicked my feet up on the arm of the rest of the couch, and leaned my back on the other one.

I glanced at my four and a half inch feet murders and then unstrapped them, dropping them to the ground after removing them from my skinny feet.

I the TV and flipped through the channels, not taking my eyes off to the screen and then hearing a sudden and loud knock on my apartment door. Some of the pictures I had framed of my little brother who wasn't so little anymore and of my family shook on the light lavender painted walls. The color of the walls was the only reason that my love seat was puke green.

"Kim Hyuna!"

I sighed and rose to my feet. I walked to the door and looked out the peep hole to see a hot jawline on a handsome guy.


I sighed, unlocked the door, then opened it. "Neh, Myungsoo?" I said impatiently. I was looking at him as if he was the most boring, unattractive and unassuming thing in the wh0le universe, when that wasn't entirely true.

He leaned against the door frame of my front door and did his best to smile charmingly. "Hey, Hyuna." He frowned his dark eyebrows at me.

"What do you need, Myungsoo?"

"What?" he said, taking a step into my apartment and a step closer to me. "I can't be nice to my neighbor."

"You can and you know what would be nice?" I tried to smile back at him like I was interested or something.

"What?" He leaned down and give me a grin.

"For you to leave." I shove a hand into his chest, pushing him backwards and out of the apartment and tried my best to close the door. But his foot stood the way of the door closing.

I let out a sigh and Myungsoo pushed the door open again. Please leave. Please, please, please leave.

"Where did you go this morning?"

"Why do you want to know?" Myungsoo asked me where I went almost every time I left my apartment. I honestly thought he enjoyed creeping on me, and watching me. Sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder if he had cameras hidden in things in my house and watched me eat, sleep, take showers and change clothes. That would be just down right weird. But you wouldn't suspect a good looking guy like Myungsoo would do something like that.

"I want to protect you. There might be someone stalking you." Ironic, huh?

"I went to a meeting with a couple I'm planning a wedding for." I said bluntly.

"Hmm. Who were they?"

"My friend Jiyong and his fiance."

"Friend?" Myungsoo invited himself in and went to sit on the couch. I had no choice but to let him stay.

I sighed and shut the door, then sat on the couch with him. He had sat directly in the middle, leaving me no choice but to sit beside him. Myungsoo seemed to make a lot of things difficult.

"My bestfriend from when I was younger." I said, my eyes locked on the carpet below our feet.

Myungsoo picked up one of my shoes and looked at it curiously. "Explain."

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I snatched the shoe from him and picked the other one up before standing. I started to walk to the hall and to my bedroom, and I was annoyed to hear his footsteps following me. I set my shoes down beside the door and stopped in the doorway.

"Why not tell me?" Myungsoo standing directly in front of me now. "You don't seem to be very happy."

"That's because you're here." I pushed him out of my way and then walked back to the living room, and he still followed me like a little puppy.

"You don't seem to mind my company. But who wouldn't?" Myungsoo smirked and I stopped in front of the couch, and then turned around to face him.

I pointed toward the door. "Get out."

Myungsoo looked at me like he didn't understand what I said.

I grabbed his arm and walked him to the door. I heard him say, "Oh, how nice of you to-" but I slammed the door in his face and let him leave before he could say anything after.

I quickly locked the door.


Chapter 2 is up! I hope you'll like it. Read, Subscribe, Upvote and Comment! Muwah :*

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Chapter 3: Omg I need more Hyuna/Jiyong. I hope you update. :3
4niahyun #2
Chapter 3: hyuna jiyong ff!!!
you'll update right????because this is a very good story~
please update soon^^
vip4nia #3
Chapter 3: omg !!!! jiyong and hyuna is my favorit couple !!! and myungsoo , i love him too XD
Chapter 3: Lol poor myungsoo. Its usually the person who gets on your nerves the most is the person you come to care for the most. Or they wouldnt bug you that much.
nmhuongg #5
Chapter 3: myungah myyngah myungahhhhh !!!
Stefani_98 #6
Chapter 3: Oooh i love myungah so much. <3 and they are so cute
Abchihi #7
Chapter 3: I like myungah they are so cute
chocolakay #8
Chapter 3: myungsoo have something for hyuna. and your poster is beautiful! you change it, isn't it?
Chapter 3: I wonder Myungsoo was just a carefree person or he really interested in Hyuna. Hyuna really have a bad temper when come to Myungsoo but Myungsoo doesn't seem to care.
wildandyoung #10
Chapter 3: hyuna blew her top! better luck next time myung!