{TWP} 1

The Wedding Planner

I let out a sigh and looked at myself in the mirror. My peach colored dress had a pattern that had blue colored flowers on it. Simple, but brought out with a knit cream, see-through shirt that I had over it, along with necklace to jazz it up and a cream tote that carried my binders, portfolios and planners. I had to try and look good in front of Jiyong and his fiance Dara.

I hadn't seen Jiyong in so long, I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like. Just the thought made me smile and wonder if he still looked the same. The same broad-shoulders and strong build. Thinking about Jiyong made me a little upset, so I pushed the thought of him away, but then again, I would be seeing him later.

I fixed my hair, long and dark brown with no shape and waves added to it. Just it and it's straightness. I made sure none of the mascara on my eyes were clumping and fixed the peachy eyeshadow looked fine.

After taking one last look at myself, I left my apartment and locked the door.

"Hey beautiful."

I looked up from the lock to turn around. The twenty year old guy that lived across from my apartment stood in his doorway, black hair messy and sticking out random places.

"What? Were you staring through your pee-hole to watch me leave?" I asked as I turned around, repositioning my light blue pumps on the second floor leveled walkway. The shoes made me so much taller, and they matched the flowers on my dress.

"That's what creepy guys do, sweetheart." he responded.

"Well, I've got things to do, Myungsoo. Leave me be." I started towards the stairs.

"Bring me home something to eat when you get back, woman." Myungsoo called to me as I walked down the stairs. I just rolled my eyes to his call and walked on to my car. Myungsoo was just his guy who had a lot of interest in me. But he scared me sometimes.

We just knew each other from seeing each other from time to time. He tended to tell me about himself and flirt with me a little too much. And to be honest, I never payed attention to what he ever really told me. I don't even know what his last name is.

I got into my car and took in a deep breath. I was a calm person. I could do this. I waited, and then pulled onto the main road that lead to the cafe I was meeting Jiyong and Dara.


I parked and paid for my spot in a parking meter. I calmed myself down as I walked through the people against me. I rounded a corner and found the small cafe I was looking for.

I went in and looked around. I could feel my hand self-consciously pulling the skirt of my dress down as my gaze fell on a couple.

"Jiyong?" I called semi-quietly.

The man with pink hair turned around. It was Jiyong. I smiled helplessly and he rose to his feet. We met up and he hugged me tightly. It felt unbelievable to hug him and be comfortable with him again.

"Hyuna! You look amazing. I've missed you." Jiyong said.

Jiyong released me and smiled at me, studying my face. I kissed his cheek friendly and he smiled. He had me sit down with Dara and I looked at her. Her hair is bleach blonde hair. She looked very sweet and kind. Right for Jiyong.

"Hi. I'm Dara!" she spoke.

"Hyuna." I said smiling at her in a kind way. Neither of them know how much I was hiding behind that smile. I didn't even know how much pain I was hiding behind it. Just a lot.

We ordered our lunch and we talked as our food was being prepared.

"So, how did you two meet?" I was one of those wedding planner questions I had printed on my brain. It was just a question I always had to ask. And I had asked every couple before Jiyong and Dara, and I had gotten long stories. Some boring, some funny, some extraordinary, and some just simple.

Dara laughed when she heard me, I guess remembering the day they had met. She looked at Jiyong with a smile. "Should I tell her?" she asked.

Jiyong nodded, giving her permission to proceed. But knowing Jiyong, he would bud in at some point.

"Well, it's a stupid story, I guess." Dara began as she thought about it. "I was running late for work and I was calling down some taxis, and so he was." Dara begins to laugh. "And so it happens that we end up getting in the same taxi at the same time and argue about it on the way to my job. After that, we ended up seeing each other again at... where, honey?" Dara gave Jiyong a look.

Jiyong was leaned back in his chair, relaxed and sipping on water. "We ended up at a cafe and seeing each other again. For some reason, you were a huge flirt and gave me your number." 

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing , Jiyong. And I wasn't being a flirt!" Dara said to her fiance. Dara did seem to be like me. Argumentative, if you wanted to put it that way.

Jiyong rolled his eyes. "But we ended up dating then." he said to me.

"When?" I asked, folding my hands in my lap.

"About a year after we graduated college." Jiyong said.

I looked at Dara. "How was the proposal?" I asked, I had to smile and sound excited for her, when I wasn't at all. She was marrying the guy I was in love with. At least I was a good enough actress to make sure I look happy for her.

"Adorable!" Dara exclaimed, nearly hopping up from her seat and making her skirt go up a little. "He was so romantic."

"Oh." I said as I gave Jiyong a look. He gazed around nonchalantly, as if ignoring our conversation. I rolled my eyes. "Don't pull that card to me, Jiyong. I know you too well."

Jiyong sighed. "Damn it."

I giggled.

"So how long have you two know each other?" Dara asked not sharing the laugh with us.

I looked back at her and I could feel that her question got Jiyong's attention. "Well, I met-" I stopped when I noticed that Jiyong was talking too. He nodded to me to let me talk. Such a gentleman. "He moved to Seoul from Busan and he ended up going to school with me when we were freshman." I said simply. "We ended up in the same classes and he asked me for help to show him around the school and stuff and I guess we just became friends from there."

Jiyong nodded in my direction. "What she said."

I was guessing we were remembering the same thing from him first coming to my house. My mother had ordered pizza and Jiyong attacked it like an animal while my mother asked him if he was my boyfriend or not. One of those embarrassing moments that your mother would cause, if you were a girl that it. We have all one eventually.

The fact that Jiyong and I were acting stupid like we used to when we were around each other made me feel less upset. But it wasn't the best thing to have the guy you love marry another girl, and you have to plan the wedding. But the way he was, he acted actually made me feel okay.

We finished off our lunch and continued to talk, more about what Dara's ideas were for their wedding. I tried my best to remember some of it and then gave her my card before we stood up to leave.

We, as three, walked to the door after paying and stopped outside.

Jiyong hugged me. "We should hang out sometime. I miss seeing you, Hyuna." he told me.

I smiled and let out a short laugh. "As long as it's okay with Dara." I joked.

Jiyong let me go and smiled at me. "She won't find out about it."


 Author's note 
» Chapter one is up, everyone! I hope you'll like this chapter. ^^~ Read, Subscribe, Upvote and Comment! Thank you. And here's a Myungsoo gif for everyone. *dies*


where's my ovaries?!?!?!?!?

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Chapter 3: Omg I need more Hyuna/Jiyong. I hope you update. :3
4niahyun #2
Chapter 3: hyuna jiyong ff!!!
you'll update right????because this is a very good story~
please update soon^^
vip4nia #3
Chapter 3: omg !!!! jiyong and hyuna is my favorit couple !!! and myungsoo , i love him too XD
Chapter 3: Lol poor myungsoo. Its usually the person who gets on your nerves the most is the person you come to care for the most. Or they wouldnt bug you that much.
nmhuongg #5
Chapter 3: myungah myyngah myungahhhhh !!!
Stefani_98 #6
Chapter 3: Oooh i love myungah so much. <3 and they are so cute
Abchihi #7
Chapter 3: I like myungah they are so cute
chocolakay #8
Chapter 3: myungsoo have something for hyuna. and your poster is beautiful! you change it, isn't it?
Chapter 3: I wonder Myungsoo was just a carefree person or he really interested in Hyuna. Hyuna really have a bad temper when come to Myungsoo but Myungsoo doesn't seem to care.
wildandyoung #10
Chapter 3: hyuna blew her top! better luck next time myung!