Episode 2- The first Death

The Game

Everyone was now standing in the room, looking down at the dead Suho, wondering what it was that had killed the beloved leader. The brothers soon found themselves seperating from the others in the room, no longer sure if they should trust those around them. 

Kris could practically see the wall that was building between all the other memembers, shaking his head in dismay, for he did not wish for this to happen. He also saw the wall building between himself and the others, for despite his wishes, he also felt himself distrusting the others.

A gasp sounded, and everyone turned to see Baekhyun pointing at something with wide frightened eyes, following the finger Kris saw that the shorter was pointing at the same creepy rabbit from before. Stepping forewards, Kris snatched the toy up and tore the letter from it's grasp, before throwing it over hsi shoulder to hit Xiumin in the face.

"Hey!" He yelled, throwing the rabbit onto the ground, before narrowing his gaze on Kris, who payed him little mind as he read the letter aloud.

Hello, Ashton again! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ タダイマァ
Omo! Look's like little fussy Suho is dead.
I do wonder who killed him! Oh wait I already know! ( ̄~ ̄;)
Now, now. Don't become angry with me for I am only the host.
Also please refain from throwing poor little Usagi. I just have this feeling you guys will.
I am happy that you all checked out the scenery so well, I hope you enjoy this place.
Please start searching for the murderer, now that yo know that I'm not lying. ε-(´・`) フー
you're favroite hostess Ashton.                                                    
                P.S: Have fun, you shall see Usagi again at the next murder. Fighting!    ー(>ω<*)ノノ             


Kris glared at the note and ripped it to shreds, letting the paper slowly drift to the ground, as he turned to see the shocked horror on the other members faces. It was obvious to him that none of them knew exactly what was going on, except one who was exceptionally good at lying. Kris sighed and swiped his hand through his hair before speaking.

"I still have no clue what is going on, or who the hell this Ashton chick is, but I can guarentee I do not wish to see another one of my brothers die. Suho was part of your group, Lay, Chen. What the hell happened?"

"I-I told them not to split up! I didn't even want to leave the main room! Lay is the one that insisted!" Chen cried, still on the ground from the time he had saw his hynug on the ground dead.

"Is this true Lay?" Kris asked, leaving his voice emotionless, and raising an eyebrow.

"I mean... I did insist, but I never thought that someone would die!" Lay cried out, his voice hoarse and eye red from the sobbing he had been doing.

Kris turned to the others in the group, eyeing each one as they looked at Lay with accusing eyes.

"Was there anyone else who left a group during the search?" Kris asked, watching as Kyungsoo's gaze slid over to Luhan, who was hugging Sehun.

"I-I left, but only for a second. We found a kitchen with food and I just wanted to see what the other rooms in the kitchen were. I didn't kill him though." Luhan whispered, Sehun simply nodding and patting his back as the older cried into his chest. 

"Xiumin also left for a little bit." Baekhyun muttered, earning a glare from the baozi boy.

"I was in the crawl space! I didn't actually leave through the door!"

"Yeah well, how do we know the crawl space isn't actually some weird door that leads to other rooms in the house!" Baekhyun shot back, raising his voice to match Xiumins.

"That would be stupid, pabo.

"It's not stupid! You only say it is to cover up your murder!"

"Whatever, I bet you killed Suho, I know you were mad at him for calling you short earlier!"

"Not mad enough to kill him!"

"How do we know that." Xiumin mimicked, Baekhyun quickly attempting to make his way over to Xiumin only to have his movement restricted by Chanyeol from behind.

"Calm down you two, this isn't helping the situation." Chanyeol hissed, pulling Baekhyun behind him and blocking him from Xiumin's sight.

"He started it." Xiumin mumbled, recieving a glare from Kris, before turning and walking over to the crying Chen and pulling him into a hug, completely ignoring Kris and everyone else in the room.

"I think we should stick together from here on out... If we stay in a group the killer, whoever he is, will not strike with so many people around." Kris said, watching while some of the other members shook their head in agreement while others disagreed.

"Like hell I'm staying anywhere near people I don't trust. I say we go our different ways and stick with those we know isn't the murderer." Kai growled from his corner, countering Kris's glare when the ladder turned to him.

"I don't give a damn what you think Kris, I am not sticking with them."

"I agree, I don't wanna be near that killed Xiumin." Baekhyun hissed, sticking his tongue out at Xiumin before letting out a squeak as Xiumin threw a small pillow at him.

"Same here, I don't trust Lay..." Luhan muttered, not meeting the youngers eyes as he hid in Sehun's Jacket.

"Great. Just great, lets all just split up and die, whatever floats your boats." Kris growled, grabbing Tao's hand and stomping off.

Sehun and Luhan looked at each other and shrugged, deciding that it would be best to stay with the leader and trailed after him, Xiumin and Chen soon following.

The rest stay with Kai, consiting of Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Lay, and Kyungsoo, they left and went down the opposite hallway towards an open space Lay claimed he had seen while he was exploring on of the three hallways. 

*~*~* Author's Notes *~*~*
Hey! Sorry for the short update! I will definitely write more next time.
I am really grateful for all the support that you all have given me for these first three chapters.
I hope that you all continue to enjoy the story and please comment and subscribe if you havent yet.
I really enjoy all the comments by the way, and always feel free to say who you want dead next or who you believe is the killer. ^u^



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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: Kai this is all your fault. I you didn't decide to leave, causing two others to follow you, no one else would have split up. No. If that was me, grab a broom. A chair leg. Something to defend yourself and lets go. TOGETHER!!!! If three left then we go looking for them. That or stay in the room!!!!! If no one moves, no one would die. Example: Suho is sitting in between kai and tao. Suho drops dead. But we didn't see kai or tao move. SO WE KNOW THEY DIDN'T DO IT!!!!!! Have you not payed attention to the horror movies. SPLIT UP???? No, we go to the bathroom altogether. We don't split up for anything. It's kind of hard to kill one o us and we don't see you. We have 9 (thanks a lot kai) pairs of eyes and you mean to tell me not one of them is bound to notice??? The one who tries too hard to point the finger at someone else looks heavily guilty. Baekhyun. Xiumin. Kai needs to take a giant seat. Still love you tho.
SoshiFan313 #2
Chapter 2: Please Update soon. AHHHHH!!!! I <3 <3 <3 this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.<3
Chapter 2: Update please >_<
ChooChooPanda #4
Chapter 1: Update soon c; i really like these types of stories xD I have a box of tissues prepared so I can cry my eyes out when a member dies ;n;
nectardivine #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Para-sungmin #6
I like this idea, update ='3
ShineeBlack #7
Update soon, neh? =}