Episode 1- Opening

The Game

The cold of the floor the laid under Lay as he slept penetraited his dreams. He groaned, reaching for the bed sheets only to hit a soft body next to him. Immediately Lays eyes opened, expecting to see Luhan in his bed, which would be totally ridiculous since he himself never allowed anyone else in his bed.

"Yah Luhan get out of my be-" He cut himself off when he noticed that it was actually Kyungsoo next to him, and he was not actually in his bed, in fact he wasn't even in a bed at all.

Kyungsoo groaned and rolled over, attempting to ignore Lay, only to awaken when his head slammed onto the floor rather hard. This seemed to wake him up, and he turned to look at Lay, confusion clear on his face.

"Lay, what's going on? Where are we?" He asked, his eyes skimming over the rest of the Exo members, stopping when they reached Kai, who was laying on the other side of the room his head on Tao's stomache. 

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that we aren't supposed to be in creepy place." He said motioning to the torn wallpaper on the walls, that revealed more concrete underneath it, and the shabby looking chairs and loveseats that were in a wider area of the room.

"Yeah, maybe one of the others will know..." Kyungsoo said, already shoving Kai off Tao, waking the both of them up, before moving on to wake both Chen and Luhan up, while Lay shook Sehun and Suho awake. 

They all asked the same question that Kyungsoo had asked, causing Kris and Minseok up, leaving only Chanyeol and Baekhyun sleeping cuddled up in a corner together. This didn't last long however, for Chen strolled over and squeezed himself between them, causing the two of them to groan and wake up in response, before shoving him away from them.

"What the hell Chen! Get out of our room." Baekhyun groaned, as he stretched his arms above his head, letting out a yelp as he finally realized that he wasn't in his room.

"Well, this is a fine looking place..." Chanyeol muttered, ripping a piece of the wallpaper off the wall and flicking it at Chen who caught it and placed it on the ground with a smile.

"Yeah definitely a place I would have picked out." Chen replied before looking at Chen expectently, believing that he had an idea of where they were at.

"Don't look at me like that, I have no clue where we are." He said, his eyes flicking over to a torn up plush bunny that  on the only nice looking tables in the room, that looked as if it was big enough to fit all of the members, and held a bright blood red not in its hands. The bunny itself was creepy, giving off an ominous feel.

He cautiously walked over to it, and slowly picked up the letter, flipping it back and forth as he looked for some type of name, when he didn't find one he gently broke the seal and pulled out the letter. The others crowded around him as he opened the letter, his eyes already skimming the words before he started reading it aloud to the others.

Welcome Exo to 'The Game'  ^ㅁ^
I am sad to say that not all of you will live through this experience TT_TT
But don't worry! There is a way for some of you to live.
The only thing you have to do is find the murder, and make him admit to his crimes. ^0^
You might think that this isn't much, but infact it isn't only the murder that can kill you. .O.
The hotel you are staying at itself has some traps and triggers that can kill you as well.
So beware where you step, and don't trust everyone, for the murder could have teamed up with another.
I do hope you live through this game, for I really enjoy your music.
Your Beautiful Hostess Ashton ^_~
P.S: Don't try to escape, cause that will be a very bad idea  ㅎㅅㅎ

Kris folded the letter back up, rolling his eyes at the overuse of emoticons, before turning to look back at the other warily. They as well were giving each other skeptical looks, not wanting to believe that one of their own would actually attempt to kill one of them. 

"This has to be some kind of joke. Maybe we are on one of those shows." Minseok said, backing away from the others in the group, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Yeah, Miseoks right. There is no way that this can be real." Lay hastily agreed, nodding as he too backed away from the others.

"What do you mean this can't be real?!? We are supposed to be on some game show right now, not in some abandoned hotel!" Baekhyun shouted, throwing his arms in the air angerly.

Chanyeol patted his head, as he nodded his head in agreement. There was no way that their manager would agree to something like this, especially when it was well known how much of a chicken Tao could be. In fact the boy was already clutching onto Kris's jacket, his eyes tearing up slightly at the prospect of a murderer being around him.

"Well for the moment, we should treat it like it's real. No one walks away from the group, we all stick together." Sehun said crossing his arms across his chest as the others nodded in agreement.

"If you leave the group, then we can go ahead and suspect that you are apart of this ordeal." Suho completed as the others slowly started making their way to the lobby area that was filled with old chairs.

"That table in there can be a place where we come up with the game plan, and this area can be the place we sleep. For tonight atleast." Kris said, leaning back in one of the love seats next to Tao, his eyes roaming the others faces for any type of disagreemed.

None had any and so Kris gave a small nod, and turned to Tao who was still clutching his jacket. Tao's eyes were shifting back adn forth anxiously as if he was expecting one of the members to jump up and stab him. Despite the fact that Tao was a Material Arts expert, did not save him from the nagging fear he had for this little game that the evil lady Ashton had come up with.

He looked back over to where the torn up bunny had sat, his eyes widening when he noticed that it was no longer there. Tao's mouth gaped open and he tugged at Kris's shoulder pointing to the table with wide eyes, causing the others to look as well.

"What the hell? That creepy toys gone." Baekhyun gasped, his eyes widening as well.

"Well atleast that means that someone else is here with us." Kyungsoo tried, only to get hit on the back of the head by Kai.

"Unless that murderer guy grabbed it." He said his eyes skimming the others with accusition. 

"We would have seen if that happened or not." Suho pointed out, although he himself didn't sound so sure.

A cold silence went through the group and no one talked for a long while, as each stared at the other, wondering both if the game was real, and if so, who the murderer could possibly be.


~Authors Notes~
Well this marks the start of a new story.
I must say I will feel a bit bad when I start killing off the members. ^^
Anyways I hope you enjoy the first chapter, and please suscribe and comment :D
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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: Kai this is all your fault. I you didn't decide to leave, causing two others to follow you, no one else would have split up. No. If that was me, grab a broom. A chair leg. Something to defend yourself and lets go. TOGETHER!!!! If three left then we go looking for them. That or stay in the room!!!!! If no one moves, no one would die. Example: Suho is sitting in between kai and tao. Suho drops dead. But we didn't see kai or tao move. SO WE KNOW THEY DIDN'T DO IT!!!!!! Have you not payed attention to the horror movies. SPLIT UP???? No, we go to the bathroom altogether. We don't split up for anything. It's kind of hard to kill one o us and we don't see you. We have 9 (thanks a lot kai) pairs of eyes and you mean to tell me not one of them is bound to notice??? The one who tries too hard to point the finger at someone else looks heavily guilty. Baekhyun. Xiumin. Kai needs to take a giant seat. Still love you tho.
SoshiFan313 #2
Chapter 2: Please Update soon. AHHHHH!!!! I <3 <3 <3 this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.<3
Chapter 2: Update please >_<
ChooChooPanda #4
Chapter 1: Update soon c; i really like these types of stories xD I have a box of tissues prepared so I can cry my eyes out when a member dies ;n;
nectardivine #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Para-sungmin #6
I like this idea, update ='3
ShineeBlack #7
Update soon, neh? =}