Episode 1- Seperating

The Game

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Kai yelled, waving his hands in the air as he jumped up from the chair he had been sitting in, causing it to fall back onto the floor with a thud.

The group had been sitting together in silence for the last five minutes, not having any clue as to what they should do in the situation they were in. They wanted to assume that this all was an elborate joke, something that SM Entertainment had come up with to shoot up their ratings, but they knew they couldn't just blow it off. If the game so happened to be a real one, then it was likely that one of them would die, and everyone was on edge about the fact that the killer was among them. Kai had been the most put out, sitting in his chair, leg shaking as he waited for something to happen, and after five minutes of nothing he had grown quite tired of it. 

He was now storming out of the lobby, sending a glare back at the group, as if daring them to say something. No one said anything, although Kyungsoo jumped up and followed after Kai as he walked away, Luhan following behind. They as well had grown tired of the waiting, and they knew if they followed Kai, that something productive would happen atleast.

"Kai! Wait up!" Kyungsoo panted, jogging after Kai who was quickly storming down the hall, destination in mind. 

"Can't. I gotta get outta that room in there. God knows who the murderer could be." Kai growled, stopping despite his words to let the two catch up to him.

"Yeah, but we don't even know if there is a murderer." Luhan pointed out.

"Yeah, well I'm not taking any chances. I'll allow you two to stay with me though, since I highly doubt any of you could take this on." Kai said lifting his shirt to reveal his great abs, wiggling an eyebrow slightly as he did so.

Luhan and Kyungsoo just rolled there eyes in response, a smirk forming on both their faces as they continued to follow after Kai. They passed many rooms on the way down the hall, but Kai never even glanced at them, his eyes locked on great large metal doors, that stood at the very end. Kai slammed open the door, his eyes darting left and right, before he finally relaxed and entered.

The room was no doubt a kitched, holding several cooking counters, stoves, and any several appliances that were needed for any cook. Luhan hardly even noticed the room, for his eyes were locked on the magnificent fridge that took up more than half of the back wall. He his lips as he walked towards it, his eyes glowing at the prospect of what laid inside. Slowly opening one of the doors, feeling like if he opened it too fast than the grand thing would disappear, his eyes widening as he finally peered inside.

"Um guys. You gotta see this..."


Kris inwardly groaned as he watched Kai, Kyungsoo and Luhan  walk away from the lobby. He had been tempted to call them back, but he knew Kai all to well to think that the younger would actually listen to him. Kris turned to Tao, who was still clutching onto his shirt, and then at the others who were now looking at each other with uneasiness. Kris knew that the longer that they sat there, the more the other members would get anxious, and so gave a deep sigh before standing up, Tao scrambling up with him.

"Okay, there is no use in us staying here while the other three have gone out. We might as well take a look around our surrondings, but make sure to group back together here later. Keep it in groups of threes." He said, looking at each member individually before turning and grabbing Tao and Sehun.

"You two are with me." He said simply, before turning and making his way down the hall, the two youngers following after him diligently.

Sehun glanced back in the direction Luhan had gone, and mentally kicked himself for not following after him when he had, had the chance. He never liked being away from the older when he was actually around, and would have liked to ditch Kris so he could go after the pretty boy. Sehun knew however, that Kris was a very vigilant man, and he wouldn't get very far before the behemoth of a man caught him.

Sighing Sehun looked back towards Kris, who was striding down the opposite hallway an intent look in his eyes.

"So, where exactly do you plan on going?" Sehun asked,  quickening his steps so he would not be to far behind the others.

"Don't know." Kris replied, turning down several hallways before finally stopping  in front of a door.

it stood larger than the others around,  it was a deep brown, with a few small designs covering the the interior, and a gold handle shining in the front.

"K-Kris I don't wanna go in there." Tao whined, his voice reverting back to Chinese, for he was to scared to speak korean, clutching onto the back of Kris's shirt, panda eyes wide. 

Kris peeked down at Tao, and patted the young pandas head in comfort before pushing the door open anyways. What laid beyond the door was a large room. It was well furnished a large bed taking up one side of the wall, and looked to be almost new with its clean silk comforter and pillows. A door laid to the left, and after opening it Lris saw that it was a bathroom, a working one with clean water.

"Well I know what's my room!" Sehun yelled cheerfully, jumping onto the bed with a soft thud.


Suho sat stock still as he watched the others leave the room, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Xiumin going down towards an arch way opposite of where everyone else had gone, Chanyeol, grinning down at the small bacon that was clinging to his arm with wide eyes, Xiumin following behind hesitantly. 

"Well I guess we should go too." Lau said hesitantly, kicking his foot onto the worn out table in front of him.

"I would much rather stay here." Chen muttered under his breathe, although he rose to his feet reluctantly when Suho held out his hand.

"Lays right, we have to check out our surroundings same as everyone else."

" Yeah, but everyone already went down all the entrances." Chen argued, obviously trying to get out of exploring a place were a possible murderer laid in wait to kill him.

"we can just go down the one Chanyeol and his gang went down, there is bound to be more hallways down that way." Lay replied pulling Chen in the direction, Suho waving his hand frantically behind them.

"wait lay you can't just force him." Suho nagged, not stopping the blonde boy.

"oh calm down, he wouldn't come with us either way, and we can't leave him alone either. He could either be killed or be the murderer." Lay said simply, smiling when the hall came to a cross roads, the sound of Chanyeols laughter showing which way his group had gone.

"Guess we go this way." Lay laughed, still dragging the scared younger behind him.

they continued down the hall, checking out the random bedrooms that lined the walls, opening each to not find anything to important when they finally came to a split hallways.

"We should check all these halls..." Suho muttered, looking over to see Chen shaking his head roughly back and for while Lay nodded in agreement.

"NO! We are not splitting up!" Chen yelled, stomping his foot down in anger.

"Well to bad, now listen to your hyungs and go down the middle hallways." Lay said, a devious smile playing on his face as both he and Suho walked down two opposite halls.

"no...." Chen muttered weakly, already making his way down the middle hallway.


Baekhyun stood clutching onto Chanyeols arm as he and Xiumin inspected the new room that appeared to be a large laundry room.

"This crawl space is so small." Xiumin yelled as he slowly pulled out, dust and cobwebs covering his spiked hair, eyes wide with excitement.

"I know this place is so cool!" Chanyeol bellowed, opening and closing allt he cabinets, Baekhyun just giving the both of them a death glare as he trailed the giant.

"I hate this place. I wanna go home." He mumbled, jumping as a scream resonated throughout the house.

The three handsome boys looked at each other with confusion before running down the hall, colliding with both Lay and Chen as they came down opposing hallways.

"What the hell was that!" Chen demanded, looking at the others with wide eyes.

"I have no clue, but it came down this way." Xiumin said already running down the hall towards the scream, seeing all the others standing wide eyes outside the door. 

Tao was crying and clutching onto Kai's shirt, as Kai wrapped an arm around the whimpering Kyungsoo. Luhan was just staring dazed ahead with Sehun muttering words to him.

"W-what happened?" Chen asked, peeking into the room to see a bloody Suho lying on the ground, the same stuffed rabbit sitting on the ground next to him.

*~*Authors notes *~*
finally updated! sorry for the wait.
i also apologize for any spelling or grammar errors.
sadly mother Suho is dead, and I am sad to see him go TT^TT 
dont kill me Suho fans, he's still tech alive, just out of the game remember!
anyways thanks for the subscribes and comments 
please subscribe and comment if you haven't and like the story!


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 3: Kai this is all your fault. I you didn't decide to leave, causing two others to follow you, no one else would have split up. No. If that was me, grab a broom. A chair leg. Something to defend yourself and lets go. TOGETHER!!!! If three left then we go looking for them. That or stay in the room!!!!! If no one moves, no one would die. Example: Suho is sitting in between kai and tao. Suho drops dead. But we didn't see kai or tao move. SO WE KNOW THEY DIDN'T DO IT!!!!!! Have you not payed attention to the horror movies. SPLIT UP???? No, we go to the bathroom altogether. We don't split up for anything. It's kind of hard to kill one o us and we don't see you. We have 9 (thanks a lot kai) pairs of eyes and you mean to tell me not one of them is bound to notice??? The one who tries too hard to point the finger at someone else looks heavily guilty. Baekhyun. Xiumin. Kai needs to take a giant seat. Still love you tho.
SoshiFan313 #2
Chapter 2: Please Update soon. AHHHHH!!!! I <3 <3 <3 this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.<3
Chapter 2: Update please >_<
ChooChooPanda #4
Chapter 1: Update soon c; i really like these types of stories xD I have a box of tissues prepared so I can cry my eyes out when a member dies ;n;
nectardivine #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Para-sungmin #6
I like this idea, update ='3
ShineeBlack #7
Update soon, neh? =}