Part 2

What is going on babe?

While you walked home you met your brother Luhan. "Hi bro!" you said and hugged him "Hi! What´s up?" He asked and hugged you back. "I´m on my way home, Xiumin is coming over in one hour. He is going to sleep at my couch while Yongguk is gone, I dont want to be alone." You said and took a step back. He looked at you like you were dum. "What?" you asked and crossed your arms, "So, let me see if I have got it right." he said and pretended to be thinking, "Your boyfriend is gone for four months, you invite your best friend who is a BOY to sleep at your couch?" he said and looked at you with a brother-like look, "Yeah, and? We are friends, nothing is going to happen!" you said and walked away with angry steps. 

When you were home you walked to the kitchen to make lunch, the clock was already 1 pm. Ugh, what were you going to cook? The only thing you had home was meatballs, butter and cheese. You decided to wait for Xiumin and ask him what he wanted to eat. You walked to your bedroom and changed clothes again, your clothes was already dirty. "DingDong!" The doorbell rang and you walked to the door. When you opened the door you heard footsteps in the stairs and the you saw a guy laying on the floor. He had been knocked down, you looked a little closer and you got really chocked. It was Xiumin! "Xiumin!" you screamed and sat down beside him. You cried and looked at his bloodie face. You saw a letter beside him, you took the letter and put it in your pocket. You dragged Xiumin inside and closed the door. His face was covered with blood and his clothes was ripped. You cried and cried, he didn´t say anything. You dragged him to your bed and looked at his scares. You ran to the kitchen and got some paper, ran back to Xiumin and whiped the blood in his face away. You were still crying. You took one of Yongguks shirts that he had left, you changed Xiumin´s shirt and whiped your tears.

It was already 5 pm and Xiumin hadn´t woke up yet, you were very worried about him. You were really hungry because you forgot to make lunch. You made meatballs and potatoes. You heard something in your bedroom. You walked to your bedroom and saw that Xiumin was awake and tried to stand up but he just fell again. "Hey, you want me to help you up?" you said and smiled at him

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