Chapter 7

A tough choice
You entered again the bath and when you finished returned to your room. You were already sleeping, but you woke up on having heard that your door was opened, opened little eyes and you could only see the figure of a man, therefore missis Kim, was not. You closed the eyes hard, noticed that this person was approaching you it was ahead a few seconds, when it begins to walk on the room. You began to hear noises, as if they were registering something, gave yourself little by little the return and saw that it was looking in your rucksack. You lit the light and saw Ravi looking in your rucksack, much anger you said to him:
 - What are you doing? - Ravi looked at you very astonished-.
 -...: what do I do here? ________? What do I do in your room?
 - Do not become the idiot: for what were you looking in my rucksack?
 - Not... the fact is that I am sleepwalking.
 - Sleepwalker?
 - If, from child. Very well, I go away again to the bed.
Ravi was going to go out for the door, you got up and saw that it was taking one of your notebooks under the T-shirt. You took the notebook and said:
 - So that you want this?
 - That? That? I have not taken it.
 - It is true, he did not remember that my notebook had wings.
 - Since this is your thing, I go away.
 - He waits there - you took Him of the T-shirt: where you believe that you go? You do not go away from here if you do not say to me so that you want my notebook.
 - Since...
 - Do not lie to me. - You Left the notebook on the bed-.
 - It costs - It sat down in your bed - Your notebook is damned and I was going to get rid of her, of nothing.
 -... - You Crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow: seriously do you think that I am going to believe that?
 - It costs, he needed your notebook to copy the duties.
 - That I believe it more. Why did not you do them?
 - Not...
 - Do not you know it?
 - It was not wanting: does it cost?
 - It sees it is to do them.
 - Do you leave your notebook to me?
 - No, I am saying to you that you should be going to do them or if they will not punish you.
 What time is it?
 - It is 3 o'clock of the morning.
 -... That punish me, see you tomorrow. - It Went out of the room-.
You went to bed in the bed and fell asleep.
The following morning came, you dressed yourself and went down to have breakfast. You entered the kitchen and saw Ravi sleeping in the table. You woke up it and you had breakfast. You went to the institute, entered class, with 3 difference minutes, so that they were not thinking that you were together and you sat down next to Baro, who greeted you with an enormous smile:
 - Hello _________: how are you?
 - Very well: and you?
 - Very well, thank you. I mean a thing to you.
 - That?
 - A movie has been released not long ago in the movies, she is a romantic, but I feel like seeing it. Do you want to come with me?
 - Certainly: when?
 - On Saturday.
 - It costs, we will go together.
The teacher entered and began to check the duties. The teacher, was looking one for one at the notebooks of the pupils, but on having come to Ravi, it stopped and said:
 - Ravi? - Probably be annoying for not having done the duties: have you done the duties? What fly has it stung to you?
 - What? - You said aloud and they all looked at you - Not... the fact is that it had not understood well the teacher, I feel it-.
You looked in your notebook and there was a note, which he was saying: "Thanks for allowing me to copy your duties". You did not know how it had managed to copy your duties. It finished the class and it dresses that Ravi, went out of class, then you said to Baro:
 - I go to the bath, return at once. 
 - It costs.
You went out of class and followed Ravi, it was going towards the roof, you raised and saw that Ravi sat down in a do the banks with the sly head. You approached him and said to him:
 - How have you done it?
 - What?
 - That I feel, I did it not to disappoint my grandmother - It seemed that it was crying-.
 - But... - you sat down next to you: why have not you said it earlier?
 - Why was I feeling embarrassed - The hard boy, in fact had its heart-.
You spent one of your arms for its shoulder to console it, when he begins to laugh. You separated and he said:
 - You are very ingenuous: did you know it?
 - What? Have you lied to me?
 - It is clear that if.
 - But: how have you done it?
 - Very easy, I explain it to you. Yesterday evening, when you took the notebook to me, I sat down in the bed and you left the notebook on the bed, mints I was lying to you little by little was taking the notebook and as you when you are annoyed sights to all sides, less to me, I was useful to hide it under my T-shirt.
 - And since you returned it to me?
 - When you entered the bath I entered your room and put it again in your rucksack.
 - I am idiotic.
 -. I go away to class, it is done late.
He got up and walked it was doing the door, you pushed it, for sallir first and he said:
 - What do you do?
 - To separate.
 - Apologize to me.
 - No.
 - Do it, or if not... - it Began to to extract the mobile-.
 - Nothing happens, but it is me who happens firstly.
You returned to class and you sat down next to Baro, who said to you:
 - How have you been late so much?
 - There was many tail in the bath.
 - The teacher has not come, as what we have a free hour. He had thought that we should speak to know each other more.
You began it is to ask questions to you and you were looking alike in everything, it was as you, but in man. The more you were speaking, the more things you had in common. While you were speaking, oíste to a boy to say:
 - Baro and this girl, seem that they are equal: do not you believe?
You looked out of the corner of the eye and cost that one was saying it to Ravi, so you were attentive to hear what he was saying:
 - I do not believe it, she likes another person.
 - Who?
 - I am not going to say it to you.
 - Say it to me, avenge.
 - Since...
 - Does he like you?
 - Insurance, but she is not my type... it is much... much...
 - Much: what? Idiot - Said Baro-.
 - Why do you get into our conversation?
 - Why are you speaking about her.
 - Why is it important for you so much?
 - Why...
 - Why do you like?
 -... - it looked at You very astonished-.
 - You do not know that to say: truth? He knew it, you like it, but you are so cowardly that you are not capable of saying it to him: truth?
Baro was direct to Ravi and he took it of the shirt of the uniform, but Ravi was not kept silent:
 - Come, beat me, you are wishing it.
Baro seemed to be very furious, therefore you decided to intervene, you approached Baro and said to him:
 - It leave Baro, he is an idiot who does not know what he says.
 - Not what I say?
 - No, you do not know it. 
 - Segura?
 - It leave Baro, we go. 
Baro released Ravi, you were going of way to your seats, when Ravi said:
 - If what I say and what also one is that we go out yesterday.
 - What? - Asked Baro-.


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and please talk about your ideas, that costs nothing ◕‿◕.
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Is this story somewhat spanglish lol I can understand it btw great story Buen trabajo :D
Chapter 2: Its really nice, no offence but your English is a bit odd! Keep it up! RAVI <3
Eunhae #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Mais-Taemin #4
I like this idea, update ='3
AdivineScenario #5
Update soon, neh? =}