Chapter 6

A tough choice
Ravi followed you, but it dresses Baro, it was going where it was you who were, still had not seen you, but if it saw you, it would see you with Ravi... you did not know that to do. You thought of hiding, but Baro saw you, you could not already flee. A boy approached him, in this moment Ravi approached you in any moment Baro would stop speaking with this boy, so 2 seconds before Baro was looking at you, you pushed Ravi against the shrubs and went out running towards Baro, very rough you said to him:
 - Hello Baro: what do you do here?
 - Hello, my house is close to here, I went to visit a friend. And you? What do you do somewhere here at these hours?
 - I went to walk.
 - Alone?
 - If, alone: with whom was it going to come?
 - Not, simply it was a question.
 - It costs.
Both you remained in silence and it dresses that Ravi was getting up, then you said to Baro.
 - Good Baro, already it is much late, I go away to house.
 - Do I accompany you?
 - No! - Baro looked at you very astonished - It is much late, I live through fence, do not worry, we meet tomorrow-.
Quickly you crossed the street and put yourself after an arból and saw as Ravi was looking for you, it saw you and it was approaching you little by little but it saw Baro, but he him did not pay attention. It crossed the street, you were surrounded and he said to you:
 - You have pushed me...
 - I know it and...
 - I have fixed a branch to myself... well it is not important, simply I have fixed a branch to myself.
 - Already, but...
 - You will pay them to me.
 - What can I do so that you excuse me and do not say it to Baro?
 - What can you do? Allow me to think already..., admit that you like.
 - What?
 - It admits that you like.
 - The fact is that I do not like.
 - I am going to speak with Baro, it is there. - It was turned, but you took him of the arm to prevent from going away - go you are strong.
 - Ask me for another thing, or that you should want.
 - What he wants? - It Raised an eyebrow-.
 - About what do you think? Are you a ert?
 - No! I want that... you treat me well.
 - It costs. - It Seemed very easy-.
 - When he asks you for something, you must do it, if someone says something of me you will speak well about me and you will always be there when he needs you.
 - expert finished already? 
 - No.
 - What more?
 - Kiss me.
 - What? - You became very nervous-.
 - It is a prank, but on having become so nervous, you have confirmed to me that you like.
 - It is not true - you Began to beat him in the arm-.
 - Ah! And not at all of sticking! - It took You of the arms and lowered them and supported them so that you should not move-. 
 - It costs, but if you will not extract me so much of pivot hole...
 - I do not extract you of pivot hole, simply I you put myself to the test.
 - Let's return to house, it is already late.
 - It costs.
You began to walk, but it dresses the Ravi hand, yours was preparing herself to take, asique you separated and said:
 - Ravi: then will you remain at your grandmother's the whole course?
 - If, I her have said it earlier. Does anything happen to you?
 - No, not... it was only a question.
You kept on walking in silence, you were looking at the sky while you were walking, but then you noticed that Ravi was taking you of the hand. You put yourself so nervous that you could not separate, you came to house and before bringing in Ravi, he said to you:
 - I have spent it to myself very well, although you have pushed me against a few shrubs, but it has been very entertaining. - It kissed You in the cheek and entered house-.
After everything, he was a sweet boy. Ravi was bearing the door while it was entering, like a gentleman, it seemed different. While you were putting yourself the sneakers, Ravi shouted:
 - Grandmother, looks what I have been! Can I it remain? I promise you that I will air it every day - Again it turned the everlasting Ravi, I was calling you a dog-.
 - Idiot... - You Said softly-.
 - What have you said?
 - Not at all, that I am hungry.
You entered at home and missis Kim said:
 - Where were you? - He said while you were sitting down in the table-.
 - Since we were to... - Missis Kim began to drink water-.
 - We had an appointment - Said Ravi-.
Missis Kim was surprised so much that there spat the water that was drinking and said:
 - What have you said? Are you going out?
 - No, not, it is a prank: truth Ravi? - You Looked at Ravi-. ç
 - It is true, we are not going out, it was a simple prank.
 - A prank, but it would be brilliant, that you were going out together, you do a nice couple.
 - No, I do not believe it...
You stopped having dinner and each one you went away to your room. You were point of going to sleep, but you were wanting to go to the bath, so you went out and were direct to the bath. You did not ring at the doorbell and entered, but you saw Ravi, with only a few pants of pajamas and a towel in the neck, it had the wet hair, it seemed that it had just gone out of the shower. You remained paralyzed, you could not allow looking at its sits-up, but you separated the look and it approached you and said to you:
 - What happens to you? Have you ever seen a boy without T-shirt?
 - You have become red, this is one if. I go away to my room, you can already enter. Ah! And the next time calls, or you will see me without clothes.
 -... - Your heart was beating hard-.
 - Do not think very much about it - He said while it was going out of the bath.
 - You are one...! 
You approached where Ravi was and it became just in front of you, there was one centimeter of distance between you and he said:
 - What am I?
 - Not at all - you turned round Yourself and crossed the arms-.
 - It costs, I go away.
You entered again the bath and when you finished returned to your room. You were already sleeping, but you woke up on having heard that your door was opened, opened little eyes and only you could he watches figure of a man...


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and please talk about your ideas, that costs nothing ◕‿◕.
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Is this story somewhat spanglish lol I can understand it btw great story Buen trabajo :D
Chapter 2: Its really nice, no offence but your English is a bit odd! Keep it up! RAVI <3
Eunhae #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Mais-Taemin #4
I like this idea, update ='3
AdivineScenario #5
Update soon, neh? =}