Chapter 5

A tough choice
You you stumbled before opening the door, opened it and while you were looking at the soil said:
 - Hello, I am... - You looked up and saw Ravi-.
 - Ravi?! What do here?
 - My grandmother lives here: why? do I bother you?
 - If and very much.
 - Hello Ravi: how are you? Psa, do not remain there - Said missis Kim-.
Ravi entered, while it was going on ahead from you, it had an enormous winning smile, but you were trying to disintegrate it with the look. You went to the dining room and missis Kim sat down in a side of the table and you to other, along with Ravi. You were not speaking, simply you ate and were looking at the plate, but Ravi said:
 - Grandmother, I am glad to be here. I believe that I it will pass well this time.
On having heard these words, you choked on the meal, drank quickly water and asked:
 - Time? How long are you going to be here?
 - What stays of course in the institute, my parents go away of trip and my grandmother has left a room to me, you are surprised: truth?
 - Do you know each other? - Asked very curious missis Kim-.
 - If, but...
 - If and we take very well - Ravi Said while its arm was happening for your shoulder-.
 - We do not know each other very much, therefore we are not very nearby - You Said while you were separating its arm-.
 - Sure that you will become more nearby in the course of time, I am sure. - He said while he was getting up to take the plate to the kitchen-.
 - I do not believe it...
 - Good... then we have our appointment, you remember it: no?
 - If, I remember it... 
 - Become nice - He said while he was getting up-.
 - I will be beautiful, do not doubt it.
You got up and went to the kitchen with your plate, you were going to clean it, but missis Kim said:
 - No, not, I them clean, you to go to do duty duties or to study.
 - But...
 - No, I take charge, do not worry.
You went to your room and sat down in the bed with a book in the hand, Ravi entered the room without calling and sat down next to you, you looked at it and said:
 - What do you do?
 - We are going to study.
 - Do you study?
 - No, but one gives me very well to do like that I study.
 - Veto.
 - It costs, I go away, but at four o'clock I wait for you below.
 - It costs, but veto already and it closes the door.
 - It closes the door...: what more?
 - It closes the door when you go out...: what more?
 - It closes the door at once - You said while you were throwing a cushion in direction of Ravi. 
Immediately it closed the door and you began in the bed thinking in the day so pernicious that you had had. You suffered in the appointment that you were going to have with Ravi and it was giving you headache, but simultaneously your heart was beating and you did not know why. You got up and searched in the closet for something to put yourself in the appointment, looked and looked and found something perfect, a few pants of sport and a T-shirt. It was already time to go down, so you did a pigtail to yourself in the hair and went down up to the lounge where Ravi was waiting for you. It looked at you of above to down and said to you:
 - You are very nice, we go.
 - What? Are not you going to say to me that anything should change to me not?
 - No: really do you think to yourself that he would cancel the appointment for your clothes? - It approached you - you will not be able with me.
 - I am not going to go out like that, am going to change.
 - He already knew it... - Said Ravi in low kick-.
 - What have you said?
 - Not at all, that you hurry up.
You raised the stairs and put yourself a few jeans and a pink T-shirt. You lowered the stairs and Ravi asked you:
 - Have you already ended?
 - If, if, we go.
You went out of house and you asked:
 - Where do we go?
 - To see a movie.
 - What movie?
 - Not, someone that is well.
 - Do not you know that we are going to see movie?
 - Stop asking so many questions!
 - It costs... but...
 - What?
 - I want to know that we are going to see movie, if it is not important to say the gentleman.
 - Not: do you want to choose it?
 - If!
 - Since not, I pay, I decide.
 - You are one...
 - Incredibly nice boy?, it is not necessary that you say it to me.
 - Idiot!
 - I gave what you should want, your sure heart that he does not think this way. 
You entered the movies and Ravi chose a romantic movie, that seemed strange to you, but you entered. Ravi bought little doves and refreshments, you sat down in the last line. Almost there was nobody, therefore it was more comfortable. It began the movie and to see the romantic scenes along with Ravi, it was uncomfortable, but you were trying to relax. It finished the movie and while you were going out of the room Ravi asked you:
 Do you like the film?
 - It has not been badly: and to you? have you liked?
 - I have seen better...
There was a horrible silence, but he said:
 - Do you want to go to a room of recreational? 
 - Since you want... - you Began to walk next to you with the crossed arms-.
You came up to the room of recreational and began to play at throwing balls to the basket, it was not your favorite sport, since one was giving to you fatally. You were playing against Ravi, but he stopped playing, to become just behind you and to help you to encestar, put its head on your shoulder and put its hands on yours, while you were holding the ball. Your heart was beating very rapidly, you wanted that it was separating, but you were not doing anything for evitas that is there. Encestaste a ball, thanks to him and him you said:
 - Thank you, but... if that you will lose bundles.
 - I feel worse, if I see you losing this way.
 - What? - You thought that for a moment it was very agreeable-.
 - If, it bothers me to see as you play so badly such a good game, you are very bad, seriously, he did not know that there were the so awkward people.
 - What have you said? - Suddenly the boy to agreeable, had been an irritant again-.
 - Do not make me repeat it again...
You met to him on the ball in the arm and very astonished Ravi said:
 - What do you do?
 - To give you what you deserve yourself, you are intolerable.
 - I will be intolerable, but very awkward you.
You took another ball and threw it to him, but with so much bad luck, which finished in its face. You went out running, you were afraid for your life, you went out of the room of recreational and began to run for the street and Ravi was following you close and increasingly close, until finally it took you of the T-shirt and you could not escape. Ravi took you of the hand and said to you:
 - Why grasp me given in the face?
 - Why do you deserve it to yourself, you are an idiot: cannot you be kind?
 - No: what is this? - He Began to laugh-.
 - Do not you realize that you do grace alone to you?
 - What? - Your smile disappeared of its face: is it that I am not graceful?
 - If very much...: no! - You took its hand of yours from Yourself, extracted the language and began to run again-.
Ravi followed you, but it dresses Baro, it was going where it was you who were, still had not seen you, but if it saw you, it would see you with Ravi... you did not know that to do.


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and please talk about your ideas, that costs nothing ◕‿◕.


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Is this story somewhat spanglish lol I can understand it btw great story Buen trabajo :D
Chapter 2: Its really nice, no offence but your English is a bit odd! Keep it up! RAVI <3
Eunhae #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Mais-Taemin #4
I like this idea, update ='3
AdivineScenario #5
Update soon, neh? =}