Chapter 27

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)


"Chae-ah?" Jiyong gently nudged Chaerin, who's head was leaning on the side of the couch uncomfortably.

"Chae-" Chaerin rubbed her eyes and sat up straight, squinting her eyes looking at Jiyong.

"Your neck must be hurting..." Jiyong said, genuinely concerned, it was already 7:45am, and they probably had been sleeping in that position for more than 5 hours. Chaerin rubbed her neck and sighed, stretching her legs.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked as she yawned.

"Yes." he smiled, "Thanks to you.... You make a good pillow." he joked as he pulled her up on her feet and dragged her towards the door holding her wrist.

"Hyung didn't even bother waking us up...." Jiyong complained, scratching his head, then pressing the elevator button.

"You're quiet." he did suddenly, after a few moments of analysing.

"I want to brush first." Chaerin said as she covered and spoke. Jiyong laughed heartily then reached for his pocket and flicked a packet of nicotine chewing gums.

"Chew it. You'll feel fresh." he said as he popped one into his own mouth. Chaerin read the label and smiled.

"I'm trying Chae..... "

"I know..." she said as she scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. " I know."




Chaerin turned the gas into the simmer as she sat down beside Jiyong and glanced at his laptop.

"What're you writing?" she asked, as she looked at him. He was so focused on his work that he didn't hear her speak.

"Oppa?" she called again, this time earning his attention.

"Hmm?" he hummed, It felt natural, being like this with Chaerin, she was cooking for him and he was working. The sides of his lips slightly curved into a smile feeling giddy at his own thoughts.

"What're you working on?" she asked as she placed her chin on his shoulder to get a better look at the screen.

"New song......?" she promoted, he nodded.

"Like it?"

"I wanna hear it."  

"It's not done.... It's raw... It's..." Jiyong tried to find excuses, because Chaerin was his biggest critic, other than his boss.

"Come on.... I wanna hear it." Chaerin insisted.

"Fine." Jiyong accepted defeat, "But, I have to make corrections and..."

"I wont judge you." Chaerin said holding her arms up in the air. "Promise."

"Okay... Here it goes.." Jiyong swallowed then closed his eyes, cleared his throat.

“Leave me alone....I was alone anyway, I have no one, everything is meaningless
Take away the sugar-coated comfort...... Tonight, I’ll be crooked” He suddenly came to an abrupt stop and covered his face with his hands.

“It ….” He laughed, slamming the laptop close.

"That was....." Chaerin closed her eyes, trying to search for the appropriate word. "Amazing."

"You don't have to say that Chae.... "

"I'm serious oppa. I mean the lyrics... Everything." She took a deep breath, “That was you speaking, it wasn’t about love-hate or any particular emotion, it was something… that… that you were feeling.” She smiled, “That song. Was you.

“I’m yet to write the other verse too, but I just can’t… “ Jiyong said, brows joining to form a frown.

“You’ll do it..  I know it.” Chaerin said, trying to comfort him. The lyrics of the song he just sang was too deep, she knew her oppa had been thinking a lot, feeling lonely or hated, she knew the feeling too, every once in a while an idol feels that way, thinking about how to go on when you can’t do this anymore, What if the fans that always supported you turned your back on you? What if they didn’t love you like before? What if there wasn’t any place for you in this industry anymore? Many unanswered questions.

“I might…. Just promise me one thing Chae-ah…. J-Just one thing.” Jiyong stuttered,


“Don’t you leave me… You’re… You’re the only one I have in this world. The only one I truly trust. If you leave me.. or if you ask me to leave.. I won’t be able t-to—“

“I won’t leave you. Ever. I promise.” Chaerin said softly as she wrapped her arm around his arm, something that she did naturally. She realized, she didn’t even think for one second before answering. But then again, she didn’t need to, her bond with Jiyong was unexplainable and indescribable, just like the others, she was confused to, what does she mean to him? What was the most confusing of all was, she didn’t know what he meant to her, he wasn’t her boyfriend, she didn’t consider him a brother like she considers Yanggaeng, Youngbae. Maybe some questions are left to be unanswered she thought quietly as she laid her head down on his shoulder(mainly due to habit), but then again, with Jiyong she could be herself... no pretend, no drama, they didn't even have to communicate verbally to understand each other. She took out a earphone from her pocket and plugged it into her phone, holding out one side of the earphone to Jiyong. Jiyong grabbed her hand instead.

“You’re wearing it…” he gasped, analyzing the ring on her finger. “You…. Chae, you’re wearing it,”

“Well, you gave it to me.. Didn’t you? Of course I’ll wear it.” Chaerin chuckled pulling away her hand as she opened the music player in her phone.

“I didn’t think you’d find it.. let alone wear it.” Jiyong confessed as he placed the earphone in his ear and leaned towards Chaerin.

“You promised to buy it for me…. Years ago.” Chaerin commented as she passed her phone to Jiyong, not knowing what song t listen to.

“At least you kept one promise.” Chaerin teased, nudging him playfully. Jiyong gasped dramatically, then smiled.

“And now it’s your turn to keep yours…”

“Don’t worry……” Chaerin squeezed his arm, “I got you.”


A very short update... But only skydragon.. hahah
I wanted to add a little fluff, but decided.. it's not yet time.
They need more time to realize their feelings for each other.
It took me and my best friend to realize we like each other
about....... 2 years. Hahah
So. I warn you guys.. you'll have to be super patient.
There will be a lot of drama in the following chappies...


Love you all...
Please do comment and upvote( if you want to... xP)


{E N X I E}

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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon