Chapter 25

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)


Kris felt a little guilty for not dropping Chaerin back early as he promised to Dara, he looked at his watch, 12:20am. He stole a glance at the girl sitting beside him, unconsciously a smile crept up his face, as he cleared his throat to get her attention, which he did.

"You're the first girl to ever sit in my car you know...." he said, shyly as he turned his attention back to the road.

"Aw.... I'm honored Kris. " she beamed as she clasped her hand together dramatically, then let out a small laugh. Kris turned then slowed down the car as he drove into their apartment's driveway.

"I hope I didn't let you down.. I mean... You know, cause you said this wasn't a date.. I-I didn't know what to do, where to take you I..." Kris rambled as he searched for words, which disappeared from his mind as Chaerin gently placed her tiny hands on his and squeezed it lightly to assure him.

"You didn't... I thought you'd screw up! But... you didn't.” she said as she slowly opened the car door.

“Why don’t you come in?” Chaerin asked, she knew it sounded erted in a way, but then again Kris wasn’t that kind of a person.

“Dara Unnie’s alone anyway; she’d like to meet you up-close…. Personally.” She said as she got off and gestured him to do the same. Kris unbuckled his seat belt and turned the engine off, as he climbed out of the car and fixed his jacket.


“Should I call her? Why’s she out so late? What’s she doing?” Jiyong threw numerous questions at Dara, who simply sighed, shaking her head as she flicked through the channels.

“Calm down… she’ll be back so—“the intercom buzzed followed by footsteps. Dara poked Jiyong and made an expression saying I-Told-You-so.  Jiyong fidgeted, and suddenly got up as the duo entered, coming face to face with them.

“Oppa? What’re you doing here?” Chaerin asked, as she took off her shoes and placed it beside the door. Kris followed her movements as he removed his shoes as well.

“Where were you?” Jiyong asked, trying not to sound possessive, not that he had the right to be, he didn’t own her or anything. He glanced at the tall man standing protectively behind her, who slightly bowed as their eyes met.

“I was out… with Kris.” She said as casually pointed at Kris, then turned around and left for the kitchen. The two men stood facing each other not knowing what to say to each other. Dara, notching the awkward environment decided to break the silence

“Kris-sshi, please… make yourself at home.” She said as she tugged Jiyong’s sleeves and motioned him to sit down. Chaerin came back out from the kitchen with a water bottle and a wine glass in her hand; she shoved the bottle to Kris as she placed the glass on the table, mouthing him ‘I’ll be back’ and ran back to her room to change.

“So…. Kris-sshi.” Jiyong trailed off, folding his legs tapping his fingers against the couch. Kris sat up straight turning his gaze back and forth as he poured the water into the glass and took a sip.

“Just call me Kris, G Dragon sunb--“

“Jiyong.” Jiyong said as he pointed at himself.

“Jiyong Hyung..” Kris repeated obediently, earning a weird stare from Dara.

“You’re younger than Jiyong?” she exclaimed suddenly as she put aside the cushion and stared at him without blinking. Kris shifted uncomfortably at his seat and smiled,

“I’m a late 1990-er.”

“Oh…..” the other two said in unison, nodding their heads.

“What’re you guys saying?” Chaerin said as she walked out from her room, wearing a white T- with a grey cardigan, and a pink and black leopard print pajamas. Kris beamed, as he saw her, The baddest female is wearing pink pajamas. He thought and smiled foolishly to himself.

“He’s your oppa!” Dara said as she pulled Chaerin to sit beside.

“Who? Kris?” She asked as she plopped herself on the couch and fixed the cushion as she laid her head on Dara’s lap.

“Yes… he’s a year older than you.” Dara said as she slowly pat Chaerin’s head. Jiyong stood up stretched himself and left for the bathroom. Kris’s phone rang which he quickly rejected and put it back into his pocket.

“I-I…. should get going. They’re worried about me.” He said as he stood up and straightened his shirt. Chaerin followed his movement and got up. Kris quickly bowed facing Dara, and headed for the door.

“I had a good time.” Kris said when they both reached near the door. Chaerin smiled sheepishly and nodded.

“Yeah! Me too. Thank yo--” She shrugged. Suddenly, Kris bent down and kissed her cheek then quickly opened the door and left. Chaerin still didn’t have time to process it as she stood beside the door, still hanging open. What just happened?




Chaerin walked back to the living room, her palm resting on the spot he had kissed her. She didn’t understand why she was feeling so confused. She sat herself on the other couch and got lost in her own thought. It was the first time since her break up with Hyunjoong that someone had shown interest in her.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you?” Jiyong’s voice brought her back into the reality, he sat himself beside her and nudged her playfully. He searched for her eyes and when he caught them, he smiled.

“Do you still hate me?” he whispered into her ear. She shook her head and playfully pushed him away. Jiyong smiled ear to ear seeing that Chaerin was back to normal. Dara noticing the other two, got you and pretended to yawn.

“I’m going to bed. Goodnight my dongsaengs.” She waved as she walked to her room.

“I don’t hate you. I can’t hate you…... Though I want to!” Chaerin exclaimed as she reached for a cushion.

“I’m sorry Chae. I am.” He swallowed, back to his serious mode.

“You know I’m here for you.” He said as he closed the distance between them and pulled her into a warm embraced. Everything was back to okay, until Chaerin pushed him back.

“Now what?” Jiyong exclaimed looking at Chaerin with curious eyes.

“You smoked.” She said as she leaned back on the couch and looked at him disgustedly.

“You promised Oppa… You—“she yelled, throwing the cushion away. “ Who am I fooling? You never keep your promise….” The way she said it punched a hole right into Jiyong’s heart. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

“It was just one, Chae, I didn’t….. I-I” he protested and failed miserably, because he knew he had indeed broken every promise he made to her.

“What? You’re sorry. Is that what you’re going to say? Cause you’ve already said it, and now I’m thinking you don’t even mean it.” She threw her arm up in frustration. Though she really didn’t get why she was reacting this way, maybe it wasn’t about the cigarette, or the fact that he smoked after he promised, the reason she believed she lost it was because he didn’t even make the effort of trying to hide it, he could have at least tried to hide that he had smoked, or he could have done it after he’d left and that he didn’t care about himself as much as she cared about him. She composed herself as she took a few deep breaths.

“It’s late now.. you…should get going.” She said as she walked to her bedroom door. “Take care oppa…. D-Drive safe.”

Jiyong kicked the air in frustration, I tried to quit. I TRIED. He sighed as he made his way to the door. He knew she reacted this way because she cared for him,

I’m such a disappointment.



3 weeks had passed since they had last talked to each other, Chaerin wondered if she had been too tough on him. She sighed as she put down her phone and glanced at the boy sitting next to him.

"Kris?" she nudged him gently, as they were sitting on the staircase of the YG building chomping some nachos. They had gotten so close though it had been just 1 month or so since they met. Chaerin smiled at the thought as she rested her head on his shoulder. Kris stiffened, What's she doing? he swallowed nervously before he answered.

"Hmm?" Kris hummed.

"D-Do you have someone you really care about?" she asked, drawing circles on her thigh.


"I mean... Someone, you really care about, for whom you'd almost do anything." she mumbled,

"Yes..." He said, You.

"But.. what if... that someone keeps letting you down. What... What would you do?"

"I...." he stared at his feet as he spoke, " I would say... don't expect too much. Because that way... you're never disappointed." he smiled gently, she nodded and again drew circles on her thigh.

"I've never met such and amazing person as you Chaerin... I can't think of a reason why anyone would let you down." he added.

"You don't have to be so..... generous." she joked as she stood up and dusted herself.

"I just stating a fact."

"Yes. yes! of course you were...." she laughed as she pulled the tall man up, "Let's go, if anyone sees you here, they'd think things" 

"Now you will come with me." he said as he pulled her down the stairs.


"I have a dance practice for our comeback." he said, not answering her question.

"Your Company building?" she stopped. "Noway.. that's not happening." she folded her arms and tapped her foot.

"Oh yes!" Kris smiled mischiviously, "Yes you are" He said as he swept her off her feet and carried her down the stairs in bridal style.

"Let me down Wu Yifan!" she punched his chest, "If someone sees us they--"

"Will think what they want to think." he smirked, "I'll let you down, if you come with me. My group members want to meet you."


"No? Okay! Then i'll carry you like this all the way to my car. Fine?"

"Okay then! FINE! I'll come." he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her,


"Yes! Serious." He slowly put her down, earning another punch on his arm, which he had to admit, hurt like hell, but pretended like it didn't.

"Happy?" she pouted as she fixed her hair.

"Yep!" I'm always happy..... When I'm with you.



Hello guys. I'm BACK! kekeke
This update is quite long. And just a teeny-tiny Skydragon moment.
I  know some of you are dying for a proper SD moment, but come on guys, Don't you like ChaeKris? (LOL) xP
I watched the R.O.D performance, and I died.... and went to *Skydragon heaven* like... seriously. Haha
I played it non stop, pausing every now and then to watch the SD moments.
(Honestly, I liked CL's version better than Lydia's.. though I love her. #RESPECT)
I want another song from my girls. I miss them T__T''

I almost teared up watching this video.. So beautiful, :'(

PS-I read this fanfic, and noticed there were so many grammatical errors, And I apologize for that. 



    {E N X I E}

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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon