
How did we fall in love?
As expected the American ice cream and your ad, they spoke of their schools and the careers they wanted to study in the future.
Yong Hwa: I want to study music, is like a desire to feel my heart forever.
Shin Hye: good to me I like the dancing, acting, modeling and singing a little Why not say it?
Yong Hwa: seriously I also like the song do you Shin Shin I can call it that?
Yong Hwa POV
Please I beg you to accept, if she accepted created we would more united, sir please say yes, under the table involuntarily cross your fingers.
Shin Hye POV
Shin call me good to do this I think we are taking another step to deepen our friendship so why not? But of course I'll stay quiet if he can call me Shin only I should also have my own way to call right? Well do not lose anything by asking.
Shin Hye: Of course you can do it why not, but of course with a tiny condition
Shin Hye POV
I just hope they accept my condition or Lord please give me strength, but why love makes me so stupid and fearful?
Yong Hwa POV
That anger I ask hopefully something good.
Yong Hwa: clear just ask
Shin Hye: Well think about it since you have my permission to call me anything else "Shin" I wondered, then why I do not I can only call "Yong"? What do you say?
Shin Hye POV
Please accept.
Yong Hwa POV
Never thought I'd ask'm actually very impressed but happy at the same time in just one hour we have become so close, I guess everybody surprised.
Yong Hwa: and you think that you had to ask?
Shin Hye: How? What do you mean it's a yes or a no?
Yong Hwa: of course is a resounding YES. (Laughter) had an odd expression between worried and surprised before haha ​​...
Shin Hye: seriously because I do not think that's funny, I think it best that I retire.
Yong Hwa: Why? Please do not go
Shin Hye POV
You'll see I'll make you pay for that little joke of yours, who laughs last laughs best. By the time I got up from the table saw he had a heartbreaking expression of sadness and regret and blame me much for my last words.
Yong Hwa POV
I feel like my heart stopped beating when I said I was going, but I know just feel my heart knew her for so long, but when he was leaving I was so sad.
Shin Hye: Yong and I'm not going to go anywhere do not worry, it's just that I also wanted to tease you like you did me.
But gradually without noticing Shin Hye Yong Hwa even know what he was doing gave him a hug that surprised them both.
Yong Hwa: Shin please never do that again okay?????
Shin Hye :Yong sorry if I hurt you, actually that was not my intention at all.
Yong Hwa: I forgive you if you let me walk you home What do you say?
Shin Hye: good. I think we accept the proposal.
After you have finished making their ice cream Yong Hwa Americans paid the bill and went to the house of Shin Hye.
Yong Hwa POV
Actually if this is not the destination does not know what it is, you may be lucky, how my house is the one next to the house of Shin?
Shin Hye POV
I can not help feeling sad but recently I met today such as I feel my heart is shattered to learn that may no longer see him again.
Shin Hye: And here we are, bye hope to see you someday.
Yong Hwa: ya and why you say goodbye, perhaps I already am going or what?
Shin Hye: really do not know what you mean.
Yong Hwa: I did not tell my family to buy a house, which we're moving. Well ..
Shin Hye: do not tell me your family is being moved to the next house?
Yong Hwa: well of course.
Shin Hye: so that means I can see you always?
Yong Hwa: clear
Shin Hye: but then we are good, even I have to go because my parents insurance and they ask for my whereabouts.
Yong Hwa: good bye vecina.-control him a wink and she felt himself blush.
At the Park
Shin Hye: mom and get home.
Mrs. Park: daughter? But I can explain the delay or mishap you had? And why all your clothes seem to be wet?
Shin Hye: Mom's nothing. But Where's Dad and Hong Ki?
Shin Hye POV
This silence seems very rare, because the house is so I do not know why but I have a bad feeling about this terrible silence.
Mrs. Park POV
And now as we'll explain only have six months here and we're going to go, hope you can understand, but better than me and his dad together count it will not know how to react. Poor Shin if only we knew a month in Seoul.
Mrs. Park: Shin already may be happening, is that your dad went to buy groceries and I invite the new neighbors house next door for dinner.
Shin Hye: the residents of the house next door?
Mrs. Park: if it's a problem with that.
Shin Hye: Mom of course not, then I'm going to my room to change and help.
Mrs. Park: yes, but not be too long okay?
Shin Hye: Of course if Mom, I'll be here in five minutes
Shin Hye went to his room and thought I would have to look very pretty for tonight since Yong Hwa and his family come to dinner.
In the house of the Jung
Yong Hwa: mom I'm home.
Mrs. Jung: that well what do you know from your ride today?
Yong Hwa gives a sigh that escapes her mother's ears.
Mrs. Jung POV
It seems that my son has met someone, I just hope that someone matches your feelings and do not suffer. But what happened to your clothes seems to be wet, I do not carry umbrella insurance, there's this guy. Have I had forgotten.
Mrs. Jung Yong change out dry clothes will that it appears that you do not think is too wet?
Yong Hwa: clear step mom so what were all somewhere?
 Yong Hwa POV
It's weird to come home and find in this silence so deep, in a day of moving, should be that I have the weirdest family because when the house is supposed to be full of screams not, but if it was a normal day , everyone would already be fighting, more earthquakes of my brothers, not to say the trio that make my cousin.
Mrs. Jung :was that I was going to say is that everyone went to buy presents to give our neighbors the Park and that will give us a welcome to the neighborhood dinner.
Yong Hwa: listen well? Mom say that neighbors Park we are inviting welcome dinner? - Yong Hwa said a shocked voice.
Mrs. Jung: if that's what I said, so if you please to go change and get ready.
Yong Hwa: okey mom there because angry.
Mrs. Jung: fast or is it that you prefer not to go?
Yong Hwa: what do you say mom? Sure I want to go I'll be here in five minutes.
And so Yong Hwa goes to his room thinking I should say and how it should deliver his presentation Shin's family did not want to admit it but I was very anxious, nervous and worried.
At the Park
Mr. Park: daughter dear, hurry we need help. Your brother went shopping and still not back.
Shin Hye: clear dad will be there in an instant.
Popes Shin Hye looked at with a smile in his eyes knowing that someone had already captured the attention of his young daughter, although they were a bit worried because they had not yet said anything about his trip, really anyone who knew it would realize quickly, Shin was always beautiful but reserved young as he took into account the appearance of clothing, never wore dresses at dinners with neighbors such as mom actually surprised to see Shin dressed like remembering she clearly said that the reason for the silence of the house was just that they had invited the neighbors over for dinner.
Shin Hye: ya but what about those looks like they're seeing a ghost, is what this dress does not give me or what?
Mr. Park: I think we're just surprised to see you dressed if knowing that your mother told you all that was going to happen today was a dinner with the residents of the home side.
Mrs. Park: that's exactly what I was going to say, tell us Shin me and your dad is it that you met a young man I call your attention?
Mr. Park: my girl just that you get if you please present it immediately.
Shin Hye felt the blood rush to his face and it was starting to blush when he thought it best at this time would make them forget their parents about this issue, because for sure the bother until the end of his days .
Shin Hye: and but that is what is wrong with you two? Really neighbors and come and have nothing prepared fast, fast.
Mrs. Park: well I guess you're right but do not forget that we are leaving this unfinished temita insurance and we will continue.
Shin Hye: if I am sure of that, have you two were never forgets anything.
And so Family Park (near complete and missing brother Shin, Hong Ki) continued with the preparation for dinner neighbors, smiled and gave palms of celebration when they realized that they had finished the job.
In the house of the Jung
Mrs. Jung: Yong wanted must go now for dinner, you're ready for?
Yong Hwa heard his mom downstairs, meant that it was time to meet the parents of Shin, got one last look in the mirror before going down to gain confidence.
Yong Hwa: clear mom I'm ready, but returned and others?
Mrs. Jung: Even but you know that they are well, when the four go shopping is that all you can expect to put you on edge with her tardiness.
At the time that Mrs. Jung said that, the door opened and Yong Hwa saw his dad followed his two brothers Lee Jung Shin and Kang Min Hyuk followed by his cousin Lee Jong Hyun.
Yong Hwa: Where were they? Me and mom we've been waiting for long.
Mr. Jung: is that traffic prevented us from arriving early. But what do we Yong your discomfort?
Yong Hwa: nothing, just wanted to get to the neighbors house to give an impression that we are neighbors remember new.
Mr. Jung: Well just wait we change these clothes, so we can go to dinner that is killing the hassle Yong.
Mrs. Jung: okey fondly wait here, Lee Jong Hyun, Lee Jung Shin and Kang Min Hyuk will change you too.
Min Hyuk, Jung Shin and Jong Hyun nodded his head slightly.
After 5 minutes Lee Jong Hyun, Lee Jung Shin and Kang Min Hyuk and Mr. Jung fell changed.
Mr. Jung: Okay, come on.
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Wendy-1977 #1
A little confuse .....yongshin🤔
Riko_waiwai #2
Chapter 13: Thanks for writing this summary. Hope Shinhye and yonghwa can solve their confusion between them ver soon so they can restart their yongshin love again.
Want a poster, request at Bunny3 Co! It's fast, attractive, and more. Here's the link~

Hawaali #4
Chapter 12: Lim confuse her what's happening hmmm anyways thx for update
Hawaali #5
Chapter 11: I'm little confuse here
ananda23 #6
Chapter 6: Yonghwa so cute in here :) thanks 4 update author
pls always tag parkshinhye and jungyonghwa
Vanessa14skilz #8
Chapter 3: So,.. all four boys fell for our Shinhye...
Lyanssinz #9
Hope u will continue writing your yongshin fanfic.
I just found it this morning -in my country time It's 7 o'clock now- and I really like it.
So subscribe! :)

fighting author.............