4th Chapter

I want to fall in love
Sungjae felt all the eyes turn in order to face him; he swallowed as the camera focused at him. He tried to smile but could feel that his reaction was awkward. But how could it not be? His friend was probably sitting there patiently, waiting to find a chance to escape. He could imagine Minhyuk being devastated while trying to pretend everything was alright for the audience, the camera and you . The seconds passed by and the announcer started talking once again, thank god, Sungjae thought. After a while the show came to an end.
Btob boys didn’t speak in the dressing room neither at the car and they remained silent at their dorm as well. 
Minhyuk could feel they gaze of his teammates and he absolutely hated it, he hated the possibility of them pitying him. He tried to control himself thinking it was because they cared about him, but  his anger was still overflowing.  He punched the wall, in an attempt to realize his anger, but the pain he felt soon after made him feel even more pitiful. His teammates looked towards him once more; Minhyuk couldn’t take it any longer, so he announced he was going for a walk.
Sungjae from the other hand tried to calm himself for the recent sock and clear his thoughts. He knew the situation was no one’s fault, but yet he felt responsible for Minhyuk’s condition. He knew Minhyuk very well, maybe even better than Minhyuk knew himself and could tell that in this case Minhyuk’s pride was more hurt than his feelings. His friend obviously was attracted to you’s appearance and her charming character, but  Minhyuk was one of those people who can love someone only through memories. He needs time to develop the feeling of sympathy to something deeper. Minhyuk definitely didn’t had enough time to love you , Sungjae thought as he left the dorm in order to find his friend. 
Minhyuk had a spot in a park nearby their dorm. He used a big rock to sit and gazed the dozens colorful flowers that were around him. He didn’t want to think for a while and his spot was maybe one of the few places he could truly escape from his thoughts. After a while when he was finally calm, Minhyuk started feeling guilty for his attitude towards his teammates and especially Sungjae. Sungjae, Minhyuk thought, must have felt like his was responsible, when it was nobody’s fault. Minhyuk then noticed a figure coming closer at him, the sun blocked his eyes and couldn’t clearly see the face, but he was certain it was Sungjae. He was after all the only one that knew how special this spot was to him. As Sungjae came even closer Minhyuk studied his face, he was truly beautiful, it was completely reasonable for you to admire him for so many years. 
“Minhyuk, can I sit with you for a while?” Sungjae asked, relieved to see his friend's welcoming face. 
“Sure” Minhyuk replied
“I am here to tell you my thoughts” Sungjae said and added “when you‘s ideal type was reveled I was shocked as well, she truly didn’t seem to favor me in any way and that is way I believe that if you try, if you insist a little more and express your feelings you can be yours. I don’t have a problem with that. I will support you unconditionally with your effort, but only if you truly think you have real feelings for this girl. If your pride is more hurt than your heart you are free to do whatever you like but without my help.”
Minhyuk kept quite. Sungjae was willing to help him win you’s heart, with the condition he had feelings for her. He could understand why his friend doubt about his feelings, Minhyuk wasn’t completely aware of them either. He looked at Sungjae and thought he was the kindest person he has ever met. 
“Thank you” Minhyuk whispered “I will consider what you just told me”
The two of them still haven’t eaten properly, due to the variety show, and the sun, which was now setting reminded them how hungry they were. So, they decided to go eat at a restaurant. Both of them were happy that the friendly atmosphere was back. But Sungjae wouldn’t be completely satisfied if he didn’t see his friend laugh properly. 
“If I was a girl you know, I would definitely pick you and not me” Sungjae said jokingly but as his friend burst into laughter Minhyuk’s phone rang. It was you
“Hey” you’s voice greeted Minhyuk
“Hey” Minhyuk replied with an obvious anxious voice
“I would like to meet you…”you said quietly “there is something I need to tell you”
Minhyuk didn’t really want to see her, but as she didn’t hurt him on purpose he agreed to meet her the same day at a coffee shop. He left in a rush from the restaurant and moved towards the coffee shop you was waiting for him. He spotted her very quickly and  sat at her table. 
“So, what do you want to tell me?” Minhyuk asked her
“I…have a confession to make” said and continued as she noticed Minhyuk was completely focused to her words “I don’t like Sungjae"
“I don’t understand why you are saying me this” Minhyuk replied, even though he had something in mind.
“I was a BtoB’s fan and yes, I found Sungjae attractive, but when I met you, I…I started to like you better oppa. I didn’t like just your appearance, I had the chance to meet your personality as well in some point and I absolutely loved it” you said while her whole face had turned red and added as she avoided his gaze due to the embarrassment  “this is my confession…what do you think?”
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nice story ^^
miChell_k #2
Chapter 5: Omo omo omo! Minjae!!!
Chapter 5: I got dumped.... By my ultimate bias.... For Sungjae..... ><

Haha, I'm also watching Master's Sun^_^
Chapter 5: OMG!!!It shocked me!!! hahaha...

I do ship MinJae!!!^^
Chapter 1: Wait a sec.... Is this reffering... To me???
Chapter 3: OMG! even me, as i read my name , felt nervous when you were revealing the ideal type kkkkkk. ^^ and these two guys are my top biases in this group, the situation for me is a bit tough. haha.. but since it's Sungjae, it made me more excited, since he's my UB in BTOB ^^ I'll be waiting for the next chapie authornim~ ^^
Baek_Baek123 #7
Chapter 2: update more