2nd chapter

I want to fall in love

Minhyuk, Sungjae and you  started chatting but the music kept becoming louder and louder making impossible to hear anything after a while. For a few minutes the three of them quietly sat while drinking some alcohol. Minhyuk suddenly stood up and offered his hand to you 

“My lady, can I have this dance?” he asked with a slightly greasy smile on his face

“I would love to” you  answered “but what about Sungjae? It is not right leaving him alone”

“No,no, just go” Sungjae said “ you  you worry too much about me” 

Minhyuk and  you  moved towards the dance floor and soon were out of sight, lost in the crowd. Sungjae was alone and kept drinking as he eyes wondered around the club, he was impressed by how many celebrities were there and how much different they looked here than the image he had formed in his head through TV. Just like that he was having fun with his own way and forgot his original purpose of being there; he was suppose to look for someone who would be able to make his heart flutter. Sungjae was lost own on his own word, till his eyes spotted  you  and Minhyuk dancing. From the moment his gaze met the two of them he couldn’t see anything else. What was that thing he felt deep inside his chest? Sungjae drank the rest of his drink and decided to move towards the dance floor when a hand stopped him. He turned in order to see the one grabbing his sleeve. 

“Hello there” a  female’s voice said

“Hey” Sungjae replied

“It is your fist time coming out and play?” she asked

“Excuse me?”

She laughed

“You really are cute” she said

“Thank you” Sungjae said slightly embarrassed and confused

“Come on let’s dance” the mysterious woman said and pulled his hand to guide him towards the dance floor

While Sungjae was being pulled by her, he could clearly see her back which was exposed. The woman was wearing a y black dress, which flattered her slim body. Sungjae thought she was hot, even though he still hadn’t managed to properly see her face and identify her. From the moment they reached the dance floor, she turned to face him and pulled him closer to her body.

“Kahi?!” Sungjae said in amazement

There she was, the idol he admired the most since his was still a trainee, the woman whose poster was hang near his bed. His noona.

She laughed again “You are seriously cute…it is Sungjae right?”

He nodded.

 “Now let’s dance” she said and started to move her body to the beat

Sungjae followed.

After dancing to some songs , Kahi suggested to go to the bar in order to drink something

“The drinks are my treat, since I am the noona, ok sweetie?” Kahi told him and passed him a glass “bottoms up!”

Sungjae looked the alcohol served at him with suspicion

“Oh, come on” Kahi said and added “Noona doesn’t bite”

“It’s not like that… I think I have already drunk too much and I am not really used to alcohol” Sungjae told her. “Besides I wouldn’t mind getting bitten by noona”

Kahi laughed once more “You know, I really like you” and did a thumbs up “but to be honest I was stood up by my boyfriend and besides you are too young for me” she said and patted him on the head. “I am sure you will find someone”

The moment she said the last sentence you  and Minhyuk passed beside them and Sungjae’s eyes followed them. Kahi noticed what drew his attention

“She is cute and also suitable for your age” Kahi commented about  you  “Why don’t you chase her? I find you way better than that Minhyuk guy...”

Sungjae looked at Kahi “I am not sure I am really interested in her and even if I did I wouldn’t stand a chance… Minhyuk really is the best”

Kahi smiled “Oh, you are so adorable I could eat you! It was a pleasure meeting you, my little prince but noona has to go, my boyfriend just walked in” she said, kissed the top of his head and left.

Sungjae was alone once again; he drank some of his drink and looked at his watch

“God damn it! We must leave!”


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nice story ^^
miChell_k #2
Chapter 5: Omo omo omo! Minjae!!!
Chapter 5: I got dumped.... By my ultimate bias.... For Sungjae..... ><

Haha, I'm also watching Master's Sun^_^
Chapter 5: OMG!!!It shocked me!!! hahaha...

I do ship MinJae!!!^^
Chapter 1: Wait a sec.... Is this reffering... To me???
Chapter 3: OMG! even me, as i read my name , felt nervous when you were revealing the ideal type kkkkkk. ^^ and these two guys are my top biases in this group, the situation for me is a bit tough. haha.. but since it's Sungjae, it made me more excited, since he's my UB in BTOB ^^ I'll be waiting for the next chapie authornim~ ^^
Baek_Baek123 #7
Chapter 2: update more