3d Chapter

I want to fall in love

Minhyuk and Sungjae leave the club soon after. At the cab their ears still buzz from the loud music and so they don’t exchange any worlds till the reach the dorm. And when they get there, early in the morning, they sit for a while at the living room, unable to feel sleepy because of the adrenaline.

“It was a good night…” Minhyuk says finally breaking the silence

“With unexpected twists” Sungjae adds

“Wait more of them” Minhyuk says and winks at him “Ma boy, we will conquer the night life and every weekend will be an adventure!”

“And what do you define as an adventure?” Sungjae asks

“It’s too late for this …” Minhyuk complains as he finally felt sleepy “ask me again later” eventually tells him and heads towards the bedroom.

Sungjae, now alone in the living room, goes to the kitchen to make some tea. He hopes his thoughts and feelings will settle down quickly, so he will understand what caused his heart to ache at the club. Was it jealousy? Is you  the one responsible for his condition or he is simply drunk?


 Some hours later the members get up just to find Sungjae sleeping at the armchair

“Oh god, he truly is the maknae, look how adorable he is” Ihoon comments as he sees Sungjae completely relaxed, smiling with his eyes closed

“Wake up sleeping beauty” Minhyuk said as he pushed Sungjae in order to wake him

But Sungjae didn’t react and as calm as ever he continued to sleep.

"He will get cramps if he stays like that” Ihoon says “We should move him to his bed”

“He is heavy” Minhyuk complains but eventually agrees to carry him to the bed “Omo, all this fuss and he still sleeps so peacefully”

Sungjae continues to sleep during the day and as Sunday night is approaching Hyunsik and Peniel return to the dorm. Now all the BtoB’s members are back. Then their manager arrives to announce the group’s program for the following week

“Tomorrow you have a variety show, you must all come it is a special episode” the manager says “And they are going to be some girl groups as well” he adds and grins to the boys

“Is you  going to be there?” Minhyuk asks

“Why the sudden interest? Did something happen yesterday at the club? ”Hyunsik asks

“We just met, no big deal, we didn’t even exchange phone numbers” Minhyuk says and blushes lightly

”Actually yes, her name is on the guest list” manager finally gets the chance to answer Minhyuk “Be ready tomorrow at 8, get it?”

The boys reassure their manager that they are going to be on time and continue with their activities, all of them start watching a movie, except Sungjae that goes straight to the roof. He heart ached again when he heard you 's  name. He had started to hate it.

Peniel noticed Sungjae’s behavior and commented “he has been distant lately, nothing happened?”


The next morning the boys were at the set of the variety show, they were getting ready at their dressing room, when someone knocked at their door

“Come in” Ihoon said and you  walked in

“Hey, just passed by to see you all, before we start shooting” she said “Some girl of the staff said, they are going to be big surprises, so I came to warn you” she added awkwardly

“Oh, yeah Thank you for that, should I introduce you to the others..?” equally awkwardly Minhyuk suggests

After the introduction, they are told to leave the dress room and move towards the setting in 5 minutes.

“Can I ask you a favor?” you  asks

“Sure!” Minhyuk answers excitingly

“I would like a group photo, you know I am a Melody~” you  says cutely

So they pose, all together, smiling, without knowing what is about to happen in a few minutes…

And the shooting begins. Many games follow, as well as interviews, dancing and singing. It is almost the end of the show when the presenter announce the big finale “exposing these girls ideal type game” and explains furthermore “if you lose this game a friend’s video will be shown and say to the whole world your ideal type! The rules are simple; you have to walk with a book at your head which is not allowed to touch it with your hands; if you do so you will lose. When you reach the end of this line, you must toss the ball into this box; if you succeed your secret is safe… Ok ladies, good luck!”

 Minhyuk observes you , she is practicing, with a book at her head, her turn is about to come but she is not very stable. Even though he wants to know what she thinks of him, he would prefer if it could be a more private procedure.

you  ‘s turn has come, she puts the book at the top of her head and starts walking confidently, but few steps after the book has fallen.

“Let’s see then you's  ideal guy, I think many guys will be expecting this!”

The video starts, Aliee, one of reader’s best friend smiles at the huge screen

“ you  hope you wil forgive me” Aliee says and giggles “First let me tell you that the lucky boy is a member of BtoB”

Minhyuk’s heart starts beating faster, but so does Sungjae’s. Both of them trying to control their reaction for the camera, but both longing to hear something

Aliee continues to talk “She likes him since the debuted; when she was still a trainee…he is Sungjae!”

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nice story ^^
miChell_k #2
Chapter 5: Omo omo omo! Minjae!!!
Chapter 5: I got dumped.... By my ultimate bias.... For Sungjae..... ><

Haha, I'm also watching Master's Sun^_^
Chapter 5: OMG!!!It shocked me!!! hahaha...

I do ship MinJae!!!^^
Chapter 1: Wait a sec.... Is this reffering... To me???
Chapter 3: OMG! even me, as i read my name , felt nervous when you were revealing the ideal type kkkkkk. ^^ and these two guys are my top biases in this group, the situation for me is a bit tough. haha.. but since it's Sungjae, it made me more excited, since he's my UB in BTOB ^^ I'll be waiting for the next chapie authornim~ ^^
Baek_Baek123 #7
Chapter 2: update more