Oh... you...

Where we'll be

No one's POV: 

"Remind me again why we're up this early in the morning just to go shopping" Chen mumbled as he and Xiumin sat on the train waiting for it to stop at their station 
"Well I have an evening class tonight so there was no way we were going to be able to spend time with each other then" Xiumin replied 
"So you dragged me out of bed this early?" Chen asked and Xiumin nodded
"Think about it, the earlier we get to the city to shop, the more time we have with each other" he replied and Chen paused 
"Clever" he replied before placing his head on Xiumin's shoulder and taking a quick nap. 


"Should we tell Tao that Gucci is holding a sale right now?" Xiumin asked and Chen shook his head 
"No way otherwise poor Kris is going to be bankrupt by the end of it" he replied and Xiumin smiled 
"Yeah I guess" he said before Chen pulled him into a shop 
"We just bought a load of clothes" Xiumin whined as Chen let go of his hand 
"Yeah but this shop has just opened so it wouldn't hurt to look" Chen replied and Xiumin sighed 
"Ten minutes and then we'll grab something to eat" he said and Chen nodded happily as he went to look at some clothes like an excited child at Christmas. 


"Twenty five quid for a jacket... I don't think so" Xiumin muttered as he put the jacket back and walked to another part of the shop to look at what it had to offer... so far everything was to dear! As he looked out the window to see how busy it was becoming, he frowned when he thought he saw Henry... but the last he heard... Henry was attending university back in China... why the heck would he be in Korea?
"Hey" Chen said suddenly causing Xiumin to jump 
"Don't creep up on me like that" he said and nudged Chen who stood there laughing. 

"Come on I'm hungry" he said as he pulled Xiumin towards the entrance of the shop to leave 
"Don't you want to buy anything?" Xiumin asked and Chen stopped walking and leant in 
"Everything is to expensive" he muttered and Xiumin nodded
"Agreed" he replied and pushed Chen out of the shop for food. 


"I am so hungry I could eat a horse" Chen said when their food finally arrived 
"Don't go making a pig of yourself because I won't be around later when you're sick" Xiumin replied 
"Can't promise anything" Chen said and tucked into his meal whilst Xiumin rolled his eyes 
"Pig" he said and smirked when Chen looked up at him 
"I am not a pig" he whined 
"No, you're my Chen Chen who is hungry and should eat before his food goes cold" Xiumin replied and started eating. 

Halfway through their meal, Chen looked up to tell Xiumin something when he looked outside and frowned because like Xiumin before him.. he thought he could see Henry 
"What's wrong?" Xiumin asked when he saw Chen frowning 
"Nothing, I thought I just saw someone I reconised.... but it doesn't matter now" he replied and Xiumin nodded 
"I thought I did to earlier" he said 
"Really? Who?" Chen asked and that was when Xiumin frowned.

"I thought I saw Henry" he replied
"Same here" Chen exclaimed and Xiumin's eyes widened 
"Really?" he asked and Chen nodded
"But he's studying in China" Chen replied and Xiumin nodded
"Exactly what I thought" he said and Chen sighed 
"We're losing our minds". 


"Do we have to go back now?" Chen whined 
"I'm afraid so, I wan't to get back early to avoid anything happening and I'm late for my class" Xiumin replied 
"But we were having fun" Chen whined again... now he was beginning to act like a child!
"And we can have fun like that some other time when I'm not doing evening classes" Xiumin replied and Chen sighed 
"Okay" he said and Xiumin nodded... finally!
"Oh, sorry" he said when he bumped into someone and when they turned around, Xiumin's eyes widened. 

"Xiumin" Henry said happily and when Chen paused and turned around... yep... there he was
"Oh.... you..." he said, causing Henry to frown 
"Hello to you to" he replied
"What are you doing here?" Xiumin asked 
"Well I was shopping with my boyfriend but I've lost him" Henry replied 
"Boyfriend?" both Chen and Xiumin asked at the same time and Henry nodded. 

"Met him at Uni back in China. We have some time of from studies so I bought him here... but now I've lost him" he replied with a pout before he grinned 
"Zhou Mi" he shouted and a few seconds later a guy... a really, really tall guy walked over 
"I thought I lost you" he said with a pout 
"Wow he's tall" Xiumin muttered and Chen nodded
"Zhou Mi these are my friends Xiumin and Chen. Guys, this is Zhou Mi" Henry said and Zhou Mi waved at the other two who awkwardly waved back. 

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" Henry asked when the introductions were over
"Well I have an evening class to go to. Since I couldn't spend tonight with him we decided on a shopping trip" Xiumin replied and Henry nodded
"Don't let us get in the way then, we'll leave you to it" he said and pushed Zhou Mi away who was waving goodbye and the other two continued on their way back to the train station 
"I think he could be taller than Kris" Chen said and Xiumin nodded
"We feel like hobbits compared to them" he replied and Chen laughed 
"I wouldn't go that far"... 

What's this... Xiuchen finally get their own chapter?? :O 

*nods* yes they do aanndd I threw in some Henry for you. Are he and Zhou Mi considered a ship in Super Junior? Who cares it's my story I do what I want *pouts*. Next chapter I'll try to bring back the person/ people who got the highest vote on the pole in the previous chapter. 

In the meantime remember I asked you guys to take a poll in the... third chapter I think it was to pick a desitnation? I'm thinking about scrapping that. Why? Because in South Korea there is a place called Jeongdongjin and they have a hotel, shaped like a cruise ship, on a cliff. 



Ahem... yeah... now that's over *blushes*

Until the next chapter!!

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Chapter 42: Hghahhsskshdkdk i need mah taoris babies!!! ❤❤❤❤
Jikook_JeonPark #2
Chapter 4: no!!
make a new one like when they
hve babies
ZackeryFrost #3
Chapter 42: I kinda died at the ending...(': It's so sweet *u*
Chapter 1: This is a bit early... ok a lot early... but I'm dying of laughter /sorry chanyeol/ hahahaha
larrenlove #6
Chapter 42: I cried at the end this series is so beautifully written.
Chapter 2: Where's the beginning of the series? I wanna start @ the beginning xD
Chapter 41: thanks for making this awesome series! :D will gonna miss them :')