Bonding time

Where we'll be

No one's POV: 

"Why is it that when one of us comes back another person is ready to leave?" Tao asked, watching Chen pack the last of his things away 
"It's not like we'll be gone forever" he began, zipping the suitcase up and carrying it down the hall to the living room 
"We're only going back to China for a week and then we'll be back" he finished, turning to Tao who was stood there pouting. 

"So you're deffinitely coming back?" he asked and Chen nodded 
"We just need you lot to look after the place whilst we're gone" he replied and ruffled Tao's hair before helping Xiumin with his suitcase. 

The two of them had recently contacted a foster home in Beijing, telling them they were interested in fostering a child. Of course they had to go through the processess such as where they lived, what their jobs were, criminal background checks and of course if they had the room and time for a child. When that was sorted, they were asked if they wanted a specific type of child. Chen straight away requested that he wanted a girl before Xiumin could say anything. He didn't care if the girl was one of the healthiest children around or one of the unhealthiest, he just wanted a little girl. 

With that sorted, the two were invited over to Beijing, to meet their potential foster child. The visit was only for a day but they decided to stay for a week so, if the child liked them, they could get most of the stuff sorted before they had to come back to Korea. All that was left now was to see if they could really trust their friends to house sit for them whilst they were away. 


"You're actually being serious about us moving back... right?" Sehun asked and Luhan rolled his eyes 
"For the fifth time today yes, the university who gave me the job has a small apartment set up for us for when we arrive. Once we get settled we can start looking for a bigger appartment to live in" he replied and Sehun nodded, chucking a bunch of clothes over to Luhan who was packing them in boxes ready for the removal men to come take the next morning. 

"And we can't tell anyone about this?" Sehun asked 
"Nope, not until we're back in Korea, everything is unpacked and we get use to being back there again" he replied and Sehun nodded 
"It's going to be weird" he said 
"How so?" Luhan asked whilst Sehun shrugged his shoulders. 

"The group will probably be smaller because somebody is of doing their military service. It'll be different because Joonmyun and Yixing are close to starting their own family now" he replied 
"Well we can do all of that when we get back... and the military service unfortunately" Luhan said, Sehun making a face at the mention of it.

"Don't remind me" he muttered and the two of them fell silent before Luhan chucked a pillow at Sehun's head 
"What was that for?" Sehun whined 
"You're killing the mood" Luhan replied and wen't back to packing with a grin on his face whilst Sehun stood there pouting 


"I'm so nervous" Xiumin muttered whilst Chen took his hand to calm him down 
"We'll be fine" he replied but had to admit, he was nervous himself. The two of them were currently in the foster home. Upon their arrival, they were led to a room and told to sit down and wait whilst a worker went to get the child that was chosen for the two of them. 

Finally, the door opened and the worker returned, a person hiding behind her 
"This is Xifeng" she began, gesturing to the girl behind her 
"She's a bit shy" she added when Xifeng poked her head out to stare at Chen and Xiumin before hiding again. 

Looking over, Chen could tell that Xiumin wasn't going to make the first move himself so, walked over to the girl and crouched down so he was at the same level as her 
"Hello Xifeng" he began with a smile whilst the girl cowered a little 
"My name is Chen" he continued and held out his hand, waiting for Xifeng to reach out and take it before he led her out.

"That's Xiumin" he said and Xifeng waved a little 
"Hello" she managed to say 
"H-hi" Xiumin replied and slowly walked over to her whilst the worker smiled 
"I'll leave the three of you alone" she said and walked out to give the three of them bonding time. 


At first, Xifeng didn't really speak much. She just let Xiumin and Chen take her out for a while. Slowly though did she beging to get more comfortable with them and was able to speak to them without any problems. 

"Do you two live in Beijing?" she asked, taking Xiumin's hand and skipped next to him 
"No we live in Seoul" Xiumin replied, causing Xifeng to frown 
"Where's that?" she asked 
"In Korea" Chen replied whilst Xifeng's eyes widened. 

"You live in a completely different country?" she asked and Xiumin nodded 
"It's just as good as China" he added and Xifeng smiled 
"Take me there one day" she said before pausing and pulling on Xiumin's arm to get his attention. 

"Can we get ice cream?" she asked, making Chen smile 
"What flavour do you have in mind?" he asked 
"Green tea!" she said happily, Chen pulling a face.

"Green tea... really?" he asked 
"There's nothing wrong with that" Xiumin replied 
"But still... green tea? Out of all the flavours out there" Chen said 
"Says the guy who has an unhealthy obsession for caramel ice cream" Xiumin replied whilst Xifeng frowned at the two of them. 


"Looks like someone tired themself out today" a worker said that evening, Xiumin and Chen walking into the home with Chen carrying a sleepy Xifeng with him. 

"Did you have fun?" the worker asked and Xifeng nodded before yawning 
"Come on, let's get you to bed" the worker said, trying to take Xifeng away but she only shook her head and tightened her grip on Chen 
"I don't want them to leave" she whined 
"Xifeng, they need to go now" the worker said but Xifeng shook her head again. 

"They'll leave and never come back" she exclaimed 
"That's not true, of course we'll come back" Xiumin said softly 
"But other people said that before... and I'm still here" she said with tears welling in her eyes. 

"Don't go" she said before she began crying and Xiumin and Chen's eyes widened 
"Don't cry" Chen said, patting her back to try and calm her down 
"Xifeng" Xiumin muttered 
"I don't wan't you to go" Xifeng wailed. 

"We have to go because we're only here for a week" Chen began 
"But we'll come back for you again" he finished 
"R-really?" Xifeng asked 
"Of course, you need a bedroom to sleep in at home and we need to get you a passport for you to travel. Once that's sorted we'll come back for you" Xiumin replied. 

"Promise?" Xifeng asked, holding out her pinky finger whilst Xiumin smiled 
"Promise" he replied and pinky promised her just to show her 
"Now, stop your crying and we'll come put you to bed... how does that sound?" Chen asked, using his thumb to wipe Xifeng's eyes whilst she nodded and the two went with her to her room.


"I miss her already" Xiumin said, he and Chen sat in the airport six days later waiting for their flight to be called. The rest of the week was spent between visiting their parents and visiting Xifeng. When the week was up, even Xiumin got tearful when the three of them had to say goodbye for a while and Xifeng began crying again. 

"We won't be gone for too long, we just need to get everything sorted and then we'll be back for her" Chen replied and Xiumin nodded 
"But her little face when we had to leave" he said 
"I know, but we need to go back" Chen replied and Xiumin sighed as he looked around the airport before frowning, nudging Chen. 

"Is that Sehun and Luhan over there?" he asked, Chen having a look for himself before he frowned 
"What are they doing here?" he asked and that moment Sehun looked over and frowned himself, nudging Luhan who looked to where he was pointing and quickly ran over.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked, Sehun joining him 
"We could ask you that ourselves" Chen replied, Sehun and Luhan looking at each other before they turned back to the other two 
"Surprise?" Sehun said awkwardly before he sighed and just decided to tell Chen and Xiumin what was going on...

Heavily based Xiuchen chapter with Hunhan coming back!! 

And guys, I've decided that this is going to end in about... three chapters time... Probably because everything has almost been covered but I'll also throw in a bonus chapter for Baekyeol and D.O returning!!

Until the next chapter!! 

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Chapter 42: Hghahhsskshdkdk i need mah taoris babies!!! ❤❤❤❤
Jikook_JeonPark #2
Chapter 4: no!!
make a new one like when they
hve babies
ZackeryFrost #3
Chapter 42: I kinda died at the ending...(': It's so sweet *u*
Chapter 1: This is a bit early... ok a lot early... but I'm dying of laughter /sorry chanyeol/ hahahaha
larrenlove #6
Chapter 42: I cried at the end this series is so beautifully written.
Chapter 2: Where's the beginning of the series? I wanna start @ the beginning xD
Chapter 41: thanks for making this awesome series! :D will gonna miss them :')