Chapter 9

EX17E As One
Jasmine slowly walked up the stairs that led up to the house. 
She fumbled around with the keys in her fingers. She was nervous to see everyone again.
As she reached the door, she pushed the key into the slot. 
She turned around to see Cat, Kalena, and Cherie standing there, unfazed.
She let out a breath and twisted the key to open the door.
The girls walked in the house, expecting a mess.
Surprisingly, the house was still neat and everything was in it's place.
The girls looked at each other questioningly and then they heard something made of glass break.
They rushed to the scene and saw Sehun and Luhan standing there with their mouths wide open looking at the glass in front of them.
"Oh my god." Jasmine quietly whispered.
The two boys looked up and widened their eyes.
"GIRLS!" They yelled happily.
Sehun went to go hug Kalena while Luhan hugged Cat and Jasmine at the same time.
"Yah, Sehun. Let go, I can't breath." Kalena huffed out.
Sehun just smiled and hugged her tighter, causing Cherie to giggle a bit.
"CHERIE!" the boys yelled.
They let go of the girls and went to go tackle Cherie with a hug.
"Boys." Jasmine said angrily.
They looked at her with nervous eyes.
"Who did that?" She pointed to the broken glass on the kitchen floor.
"HE DID!" They yelled at the same time and pointed at each other.
"Both you guys, go clean it up." Jasmine commanded.
Luhan pouted and went to go clean it up. 
Sehun slowy got up and when Jasmine was watching Luhan, he escaped and ran upstairs.
The girls laughed while Jasmine rubbed her temples.
"That kid will never learn." Luhan smirked.
Jasmine turned around thinking Sehun would be there but when she saw him get away she got angry.
"Let's go upstairs and find the rest of the boys!" Cat laughed.
"Yeah! Suho Oppa still owes me new crayons for breaking then last time." Kalena chuckled.
"Not as bad as Lay not paying you back 25,000 won from a year ago. That boy can never remember." Cherie smiled.
The girls all headed up the stairs and went down the hallway to the last room on the right.
The room belonged to Kris, Chanyeol, and Kai since they were family. 
When they kept bringing over all their friends, they decided to expand the room for them, now making it the biggest room, fitting 12.
The girls walked in and saw a unbelievable sight.
Candy wrappers, food wrappers, and any other packaging case trash was all over the ground.
There were helium balloons, inflated and deflated, on the ceiling and on the floor.
Cake stains were visible on the walls and on some of the boys' faces.
Tao, Lay, and Xuimin laid in different places on the floor, sleeping.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol were playing video games on one tv.
Suho laid in his bed and watched from another tv.
Kris was peacefully sleeping on his bed.
Sehun was hiding behind Kai, who was playing on his laptop in the corner of the room.
Chen laid sideways on his bed and listened to music from his phone.
D.O sat on the couch and played games on his phone.
The girls stood there with their mouths opened wide.
Luhan happily walked between the girls and stood in front of them.
"AHEM! VISITORS!" Luhan shouted.
The boys looked up from what they were doing and all smiled.
"Hey!" "How are you guys?" "I missed you!" "Where were you?"
The boys started asking the girls tons of questions and Jasmine just ignored them. 
She walked past the boys who were surrounding the girls asking them stuff.
She walked to Kai and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oh, hi Jasmine. What brings you here?" He asked.
"Move Kai." Jasmine grunted.
"Alright sir." Kai saluted and chuckled.
Jasmine smirked when she found Sehun hidden under the desk hiding.
She pulled him out and made him stand up.
"Sehun. What do I say when you disobey me?" Jasmine asked.
"You say, 'Stop being irresponsible blah blah.. I'm too lazy blah blah and I don't want to clean your mess blah blah.'" Sehun mocked.
"Yeah. Something like that." Jasmine mumbled.
She pulled him down to her height and started to gave him a nudgie.
Kai just laughed and pulled Sehun away.
"That's enough Jasmine. Stop messing around with people older than you." Kai smirked.
"Tsk. Whatever." Jasmine walked away.
Kris awoke to the noise of boys talking.
He saw the boys huddled in a circle around Kalena, Cat, and Cherie.
He looked around and saw Jamsine cleaning up the room.
He chuckled and walked towards the group of boys.
"Uh, oppa.. You have some crumbs on your face." Kalena chuckled.
"Yeah, my grades have benn perfect!" Cat smiled.
"Of course we're still fighting!" Cherie laughed.
The girls were trying their hardest to answer all the questions.
Just then, Kris stepped in front of the boys.
"That's enough. Save the questions for later." He said.
"Thank you oppa!" Cat smiled.
He smiled and messed up her hair.
"Now, who's going to go the the market to buy stuff for dinner?" Kris asked.
6 people riased their hands. Kalena, Cat, Cherie, Luhan, Sehun, and Lay.
"Alright. You 6 ask the cooks what you need to buy. Who's cooking?" Kris looked at Jasmine and D.O, who were on the couch talking to each other.
Jasmine huffed and raised her hand, with D.O also raising his hand after.
"Great. You two can because anyone else have a large chance of burning the house down." Kris decided.
"Why ask when you already know?" D.O laughed.
Kris shrugged. Everyone else laughed.
The 6 people headed to the market and waited for Jasmine's text with ingredients.
Jasmine and D.O sat in the kitchen and planned on what to make.
The rest of the boys cleaned the room and set the table.
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WeirdMe0302 #1
Chapter 47: this is ing awesome! i cant wait to see whats ahead!
youknowyouwantme #2
so its exile... ooh can't wait to see what you've come up with!