Chapter 7

EX17E As One
The exile girls followed the girls to class. It was still break so everyone else was out.
The three sisters sat in their desks and took out their books.
Emma huffed and nudged Amanda. Amanda looked up from her new phone and took a glance at Emma.
"Go talk to them." Emma spoke.
"Why can't you?" Amanda retorted.
"Cause i'm the oldest and I tell you guys what to do." Emma shrugged.
"Hmp." Amanda huffed in defeat.
She nervously got up from her seat and walked towards the front.
Fortunatley, no one was in class or else they would've chuckled at her nervousness.
She slowy took her steps in front of Jasmine and Cat's desk since Kalena sat in the row behind them.
The three girls all looked up and was surprised to see someone attempting to talk to them.
"Hi.." Amanda started.
"Hi..." Jasmine whispered.
"So uhm.. My friends and I were wondering if you guys would like to hang out with us today." Amanda smiled.
"With us?" Jamsine asked.
Amanda slowly nodded her head.
"But.. We're nerds." Cat said and tapped her pencil on her chin a couple of times.
"Ah, that doesn't mean we're on bad terms right?" Amanda chuckled.
"Uhm.. I guess." Jasmine mumbled.
"Great! So, After school can you meet us out in front?" Amanda asked.
Jasmine and Cat nodded while Amanda took off happily.
"I feel like she was nervous." Kalena mumbled.
"Why would she be nervous around nerds?" Cat asked.
"I don't know, but her and her friends seem interested in knowing us. That's weird." Kalena stated.
"Brighten up. At least we're not being bullied like the last school we went to." Cat sneered.
"Yeah. Sure." Kalena mumbled.
"Are you sure they're coming?" Minzy asked Amanada.
"Positive. No one can resist my charms. They're coming." Amanda smiled.
"Oh, there they are!" Eli pointed at them.
The three girls walked down the hallway and exited out of school.
Jasmine looked around the field and spotted exile. She smiled and walked towards them.
"Hello." Jasmine bowed.
"You don't have to bow in front of us.." Suesha mumbled.
"Ah, it's just respectful, since you guys are all older." Jasmine smiled to them.
"We're all older than you guys?" Eli asked.
Jasmine nodded. "Not by much, but yes we are."
"Oh.. Well Emma here is the oldest." Amanda pointed at Emma.
"Yeah." Emma smiled. "And as the oldest, I say we go to the cafe down the street to get some drinks."
The girls nodded in agreement. They all started to walk but then Jasmine suddenly stopped.
"Uhm.." The girls all turn their heads towards Jasmine. "Is it okay if I ask someone else to join us?"
The exile girls looked toward Emma to see what she'd say.
Emma knew who it was so she didn't mind it. She actually smiled at Jasmine and nodded.
"The more the merrier right?" Emma laughed.
Jasmine smiled. "Okay. She'll meet us there."
The girls all nodded and started their walk again to the cafe.
Once they walked in, they all went to go sit in the large corner booth. Exile girls on one side, the sisters on the other.
"So.. Who's this person that's coming?" Minzy asked.
"Oh, just our really close friend Cherie. She's from class 12D." Cat said.
"Yeah. She's uhm.. Staying the night so I asked her to join since she has no where to go if we're not home." Jasmine explained.
"Not to be rude or anything, but can't she wait at home?" Eli asked.
"Well.. Uh.." Jasmine mumbled.
"Her parents are out on vacation." Kalena spoke.
The exile girls all nodded in understanding.
Jasmine and Cat nervously looked at Kalena, knowing what she just said, wasn't true.
"Oh, there she is." Suesha pointed out the door.
Cherie walked in the cafe with a guy. Not just any guy though, Doyoon.
They were laughing with each other not noticing that two other boys were walking behind them, wanting to throw up.
Cherie walked towards the table and smiled.
"Hi. I'm Cherie." She bowed. "Sorry i'm a bit late. This guy is really slow." 
Cherie pointed at Doyoon and he just laughed.
The exile girls all dropped their jaws. Did the mean heart breaker at school just laugh?
"Oh.. That's okay." Minzy smiled. 
Cherie turned towards Doyoon and waved good bye. He just smiled and whispered in her ear. Cherie widened her eyes.
"What do you mean stay here? You and the boys have to leave!" Cherie said.
"We don't want to." Hansol spoke and came out from behind Doyoon.
Wonwoo then came out from behind them too. The girls who closed their mouths opened them again.
Oh how Jasmine wanted to get up and hug him. She tried her best to stay seated. Wonwoo just laughed to himself seeing her.
"Oh.. Wonwoo.." Amanda whispered.
Wonwoo looked to his right and saw his cousin looking shocked to see him there.
"Hey Amanda." He spoke with his deep voice.
"Hey girls. You probably know who we are so we'll skip introductions." Doyoon smiled.
"We won't bother you guys unless you bother us." Hansol spoke with an icy tone.
"We're just gonna chill here too. Get some food. You know." Wonwoo shrugged.
The girls nodded and the boys went to sit in the booth next to them. Cherie pushed Kalena over and sat down.
"So, shall we order?" Emma asked.
An hour has passed and the girls haven't realized how much time has gone by.
The boys left about 20 minutes ago saying they'd text the girls after they go watch a action movie.
The girls didn't mind. They were having fun with new friends.
They were getting to know each other and what they were interested in.
Minzy enjoys dancing and told Kalena she'd show her some moves next time because Kalena also enjoyed dancing.
Kalena likes drawing too. She showed some of her drawings compared to her sisters and everyone can say Kalena was really really good.
Cat enjoyed hanging out with her sisters and perfecting her instrument playing. She told the girls that she'd play for them when she could.
Jasmine liked to spend her time singing and obsessing over k-pop. Amanda also really liked k-pop and they decided to meet up one day to go to a concert together.
Amanda also likes to spend her time hanging out with her friends and staying curled up in bed with her phone.
Suesha loved writing during her free time. She could write tragidies, horror, funny, serious, what ever genre, you name it, she can write it.
Eli caused much trouble where ever she goes. She likes the wild side of life and loves to pull pranks and jokes on people.
Cherie enjoys learning different languages and teaching it to others. She gives lessons to little kids that want to take her class.
Emma liked to listen to listen to music all the time and rap to the songs. She enjoyed many things but she rather just stay at home with her music all day.
The girls were telling stories to each other and they were laughing and just enjoying the moment.
"I'm going to go order another drink. Anyone else want something?" Emma asked.
"Bubble tea please!" Amanda smiled.
"Can I get another white chocolate mocha?" Jasmine asked.
"Dooooonut!" Kalena laughed.
"Yup, yup, and yup. Anything else?" Emma looked at the girls.
The rest shook their heads and Emma responded, "Okay."
She quickly turned around and someone purposely bumped into her.
"Hey! Excuse you!" Emma yelled.
The person turned around and smirked.
Emma looked at him and dropped her jaw. There stood a really good looking guy, smirking at her.
The girls looked up to see what was going on and when Jasmine saw who it was, she stood up.
She saw him smirking at her and she walked out from behind the table up to him.
"What are you doing here, Kris?" She hissed.
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WeirdMe0302 #1
Chapter 47: this is ing awesome! i cant wait to see whats ahead!
youknowyouwantme #2
so its exile... ooh can't wait to see what you've come up with!